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Justice Democrats’ Dark Truth


MY TURN--Justice Democrats heralds their call to action, not by making an attempt to get trump and his evil band of idiots out of office, but instead, by attacking Democrats that don’t line up with their purity standards.

Let’s be very clear, this organization wasn’t created to bring any kind of “unity,” it was to get rid of the people that “they” don’t like, and the GOP is dancing with glee as they see Justice Democrats doing their bidding.

Justice Democrats have been part of the main anti-Democrat PACs that have had a sole purpose of attacking Democrats and promoting the extremist insurgents in an attempt to take over the party. Some of the more well-known names of the JDs include Bernie Sanders, The Young Turks, Our Revolution, and yes, DSA (Democratic Socialists of America, the same group that refused to endorse Hillary Clinton or any other Democratic candidate in the last 12 years). The Young Turks was co-founded by a Putin puppet, Cenk Uygur and an individual named Saikat Chakrabarti who was responsible for developing technology for the campaign for Bernie Sanders. In 2017, Cenk resigned from TYT over “language deemed sexist or degrading to women.” As of Feb. 2018, there were only two board members of the Justice Democrats and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC) was given one of those positions as Chairperson; the other position is Saikat Chakrabarti who is also listed as being the senior adviser to AOC.

The Democratic Party has always held a great sense of pride in being incredibly diverse. There are members of all genders, ethnicities, and beliefs; from middle to extreme left. The Dem table is large and all are invited, however, NO ONE makes demands that they only get their way or they throw everyone else out.

Apparently, the Justice Democrats and the extreme tea party left don’t see it that way, and Bernie Sanders is the one name that stands out when it comes to instructing the extreme left on how to overthrow and take over the Dem Party.

BS has held meetings every summer that are called “Peoples Summit.” These are typically led by the usual BS talking heads include Nina Turner, the anti-Democrat most well-known for throwing some of the key issues held by Democrats under the bus. The meetings themselves are instructional classes for those that want to learn how to infiltrate local Dem Parties, take them over, and then throw out all members that don’t align themselves with the so-called “fauxgressive” ideologies.

Other meetings that brought by the fauxgressive group included a Nov-Dec. 2018 meeting called “The Gathering.” Officially called “A Gathering of Minds to Envision the World We Want,” the outline of the meeting has all of the hallmark rhetoric that is incredibly appealing:

“The Sanders Institute Gathering will convene 250 leading progressive minds to envision — and to actualize — a better future for our country and the world. Reaching across generations and embracing the inherent synergies across the progressive platform, participants will discuss and debate our nation’s most pressing issues and offer innovative solutions.”

Having meetings is one thing, but these meetings had many of the key speakers that were directly responsible for sharing the Russian IRA (Internet Research Agency), Putin-led fake news against Hillary Clinton, including Susan Sarandon and Cornell West. 

Bernie and Tea Party Left Supported by Russia for Trump to Win

Bernie Sanders has had a long love affair with Russia. Not only did he and his wife Jane honeymoon there, but he has spent many years praising Russia’s healthcare system, while ignoring any of the atrocities. No surprise there, he did the same thing with Castro and Cuba. However, if you look at Bernie’s voting record, you will also note that he has voted pro-Russia every single time, including being against the sanctions.

The Russian IRA devoted millions of dollars in support of Bernie Sandersand Jill Stein during the 2016 Presidential election. This is part of their long game, and they have been locating weak areas in the liberal ideologies and exploiting them for over fifty years. This topic is covered in excellent detail in the three short NY Times videos entitled: Operation Infektion.

Justice Democrats and the DSA are two of the main focus points that the Russian IRA targets. They know that they are vulnerable because of their rabid desire to take over. They also know that Justice Democrats are really elitists hiding behind their banner who don’t care who is hurt in the long run as long as they get their way.

In an NTDaily article entitled Justice Democrats only support unjustified idealism:

“For starters, Uygur and his team have inadvertently created their own Super PAC — the exact kind of organization they plan on banning. By ironically using “The Young Turks” as the coalition’s mouthpiece and main source of revenue, Uygur’s YouTube channel will have to rely on other like-minded organizations to fund their plot to seize control of the Democratic Party. Because logically, any organization needs proper funding to achieve success, and even the Justice Democrats support “strong unions,” which can directly appeal to any candidate’s wallet.

Furthermore, the singular nature of splitting away from a party, just to supersede where it came from, isn’t the recipe for reform in the American system. It only creates more division, and a sure win for Republicans if the Democratic Party were to split.”

It ends with:

“Making the Justice Democrats was certainly a poor choice, but it isn’t too late for them to rearrange their selfish objectives.”

Justice Democrats have no intention of trying to work with Democrats. They want “their way or the highway,” which aligns with the Bernie Sanders ideologies. A mirror image of the tea party right, their heads are filled with the concept that ALL liberals must agree to their way. The problem with “their way” is that they have little or no experience in government operations, have no desire to learn how things work so that they could introduce changes, have no details on the ideas that they have or how to pay for them (just like Sanders), and frankly, act like a bunch of spoiled kids that need to be put in time out. D.C. has its own methodologies. We may not understand them, but savvy people learn first and make friends with those that can escalate their agenda. Not so with Justice Democrats.

Stop Attacking Liberals and Work to Remove trump

In the last few months, several fauxgressives, including AOC, have come forward acting like healthcare for all and protecting the planet is their idea. One has to laugh at them, because Democrats have had these topics on the table for years, pushing them forward. The thing that these fauxgressives DON’T understand is that no matter how much Democrats and liberals have tried to bring these subjects forward as priorities, it is the perception of the people that make them so. Once people began going bankrupt due to high medical bills and couldn’t afford health insurance, suddenly it was on the front burner of conversations.

Justice Democrats have made it perfectly clear that they have no interest in working with Democrats that don’t pass their “purity” litmus tests. By taking this stand they prove that they not only don’t understand people in general, but are setting themselves up for a fall. Talking to any of them is scarily just like talking to trump supporters. Facts, data, and information are of no interest to them. They only want “there way.”

If there was any critical thinking in the group supporting Justice Democrats, they would see that their lack of compromise of ANY sort is exactly what the GOP wants. They extremely happy with this group that is stomping their feet and holding their breath.

The question has arisen as to whether the Democratic Party DOES need to incorporate some change, and the answer is always “yes.” Change is what brings progress, but it doesn’t happen overnight in any part of life.

If the Justice Democrats want to achieve a “win” they need to stop attacking Democrats and work together to unseat trump, his horror of an administration, and the spineless Republicans that are supporting him.


(S. Novi is a journalist who worked in the media and continues to seek out truth and integrity. A liberal and one who is suspicious of cults and empty promises. She is a member of Medium.com and a contributor to CityWatch.)


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