Tue, Oct


Netanyahu Explodes Obama’s Middle East Policy


THE VIEW FROM HERE - We may all be forgiven for thinking that Joe Biden has been calling the shots in his administration.  After all, we had four intervening years of Trump with his successful Israel policies. Obama was “out of sight and hence out of mind.”  Biden may or may not have totally agreed with Obama’s Woke foreign policy in both the Middle East and Ukraine. Biden was also belatedly building upon Trump’s Abraham Accords. When it was obvious that Biden would lose all the swing states to Trump, Obama had to replace Biden in order to rescue his Woke Obama Doctrine .  

Obama’s Role Becomes Evident 

Kamala replaces Biden’s advisors with Obama’s advisors This fact is consistent with Obama’s being the shot-caller, but standing alone, it is not probative.  There are more facts. 

Biden has followed Obama’s woke foreign policy both in Ukraine and the Middle East.  For Obama, it is axiomatic that it will restrain America’s allies from defeating the axis of evil – Russia, Iran, North Korea, and China.  In return, Obama believes he will usher in a worldwide Era of Kumbaya where all disputes are resolved by American led diplomacy.  In addition to the terrible deal Obama made with Iran, there is general talk of his “understanding” with Iran that he will protect Iran and its terrorist proxies from Israel.  Biden has been more or less following Obama’s policies. 

From Oct 8, 2023, Biden urged Israel to make no counter-attack on Hamas, or heaven forbid, on Iran itself.  Any and all offensive actions which Israel takes against Hamas are labeled “disproportionate,” “excessive,” “targeting women and children.”  Meanwhile, Biden ignores all the precautions which Israel has taken to not only warn Gazans of attacks and where to move for safety, but the Dems term such life saving measures as “displacement,”

suggesting that the IDF is engaged in ethnic cleansing of Gaza.  Biden’s non-stop falsehoods against Israel had a pattern: “Israel has a right to protect itself, but Israeli attacks are forbidden.”  As we saw over time, any offensive military action against Hamas and its leadership was unacceptable, causing the White House and the Woke media to promote more  Blood Libels  against Israel and particularly against Netanyahu. From the grapevine we learn how much Obama hates Netanyahu, particularly due to Netanyahu’s consistent opposition to Obama’s pro-Iranian policies.  All Netanyahu’s predictions are coming true.  Together Trump and Israel, however, temporarily halted Iran’s getting the bomb and incapacitated Iran’s terrorist proxies.  Under the Obama Doctrine, Biden re-funded Iran. 

Trump’s pro-Israel policies were those of Jared Kushner and Ambassador Friedman who with other non-Woke Middle East experts brought about the Abraham Accords which were constructing an alliance including Saudi Arabia to halt Iran’s terrorism and to thwart its gaining hegemony in the Middle East. In other words, by summer 2024, Obama’s foreign policy was being shoved off the stage since Trump was leading in all swing states.  Even Joe Biden was advancing the Abraham Accords which would scuttle Obama’s policies and permanently sideline Iran. Hamas’ Oct 7 pogrom was designed to derail the Abraham Accords.  Iran’s success did not come from its raping, pillaging, murdering of children and old people, Jews and non - Jews alike, but from the resurgence of the Obama Doctrine where Israel is perpetually portrayed as the aggressor who denies humanitarian aid to Gazans and waging a war of starvation against Gaza – albeit Israel is not the aggressor and there is no starvation.  Facts show that food shortages are due to Hamas’s stealing the food and then re-selling it to Gazans at exorbitant prices.  Obama’s Woke philosophy mandates this inversion of reality where Whites and Jews are Oppressors and Hamas is Oppressed.  The Woke Narrative has no room for facts; just as the MAGA Narrative has no room for facts; both seek true believers, e.g., Gays for Hamas, the election was stolen. 

Here’s the Nefarious Part of the Obama Doctrine

The so-called cease-fire talks became a ruse to allow Obama to fashion a Day After government for Gaza and the West Bank under Hamas.  Thus, Israel’s policy to eradicate Hamas would preclude Obama’s goal.  Here’s how Netanyahu destroyed Obama’s plan to return Hamas, i.e., return Iran to power.  

The Role Of Ismail Haniyeh 

Due to its perchance to murder all non-Hamas officials, Hamas had no chance to form a unified Gaza West Bank government.  Palestinian support for Hamas, however, has been increasing since Oct 7th, but it had no viable organization.  Due to Obama’s personal antipathy for Israel and Netanyahu, the prospect of Israel’s destroying Hamas was a nightmare. Israel would remain the military force in Gaza, while the Arab world, based on the Abraham Accords, would fashion some civilian control.  Ismail Haniyeh, a Hamas political leader as opposed to a military figure like Yahwar Sinwar, was the only Hamas leader with any West Bank influence, but he needed time to consolidate his West Bank following.  

With Ismail Haniyeh dead, so too is Obama’s plan for a Hamas lead Palestinian government.  Worse yet, the manner in which Israel took out Haniyeh showed that Obama could not protect any Iranian leader.  Since the Obama Doctrine permits Israel’s right to self-defense, any half-way successful Iranian attack on Israel will ruin the Dems chances in November 2024.  More than anything else, Americans hate to lose a war.  The nation still suffers from the Fall of Saigon. The wretched way Biden withdrew from Afghanistan recapitulated our evacuation of the US Vietnam embassy, except Biden was worse because he abandoned virtually all at-risk Afghans. 

Although Obama has had his proxy Kamala Harris virtually installed as the next President, Obama cannot abandon Israel to an Iranian attack.  Such a disaster would mean that Putin will annex all of Ukraine, China will move against Taiwan, and North Korea is likely to invade the Seoul.  Furthermore, Obama cannot guarantee the Ayatollahs and their proxies that they are personally safe in their beds. How does the supreme Ayatollah know that his rooms are not furnished with highly flammable curtains, bed linens, upholstery, and carpeting which can become a raging inferno by spark from a defect lamp?

Yes indeed, Israel’s blowing up Haniyeh in his bedroom blew up Obama’s plan to install Hamas as the Day After government in both Gaza and the West Bank.

(Richard Lee Abrams has been an attorney, a Realtor and community relations consultant as well as a CityWatch contributor.  You may email him at [email protected])

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