Wed, Jan

Changing Parties in the White House won’t Change the Corruption


ONE MAN’S OPINION--The November 2020 election is shaping up to be a re-run of the I Love Lucy episode where Ricky’s nightclub act, like the political conventions, is  carefully choreographed, but ends up in chaos with a pie in his face. 

Unlike a TV show where everything turns out honky-dory, the election will be the opening act in a greater national nightmare.   

No matter which party prevails, we will still live in a crimogenic nation where the rule of law has become a chimera.  While the condition of the judicial systems varies somewhat from state to state, in places like California and Florida, the courts have become vile predators feasting on the carcasses of the poor and helpless.  It was no accident that Jeffrey Epstein’s sweetheart deal was concocted in Florida or that successive Los Angeles District Attorneys allowed Harvey Weinstein and his ilk rape to their hearts’ content.  Meanwhile, the judges were railroading poor Blacks and Mexicans into long prison terms with the use of lying jailhouse informants.  Now, the “queen of lying jailhouse informants” is running for Vice President. 

Let’s not forget how the judicial systems in the Rust Belt victimized blue collar workers after their jobs had been shipped overseas and Obama gave $15 Trillion to domestic and international banks.  Now, Slow Old Joe, who promoted the vicious law and order crackdown on minorities in the 1980's 1990's and was part and parcel of the financial devastation which befell the White voters during the Obama era, claims to be a uniter.  

Religious leaders claim there can be no forgiveness without contrition.  Where is the Dems’ acknowledgment of their role in the de-Unionization of America or in the rise of the Opioid Pandemic or the gargantuan increase in urban homelessness so that 1% could construct fancy high-rise projects to launder money for foreign oligarchs and narco-drug traffickers?  Where’s the apology for demonizing poor whites as “Deplorables”? 

When one looks at the crimogenic courts in Los Angeles, one sees that a plethora of them are Republican appointments, but that for 12 years Governors Brown and Newsom have turned a blind eye to the destruction of the legal system except as it benefits the wealthy. No longer do attorneys owe any duties of faithfulness to their clients.  In fact, attorneys’ defrauding their clients via corrupt mediation is now judicially protected.  Attorney who do not go along with the theft of their clients’ property in probate-conservatorship courts are summarily excluded.  Judges make orders but refuse to allow the litigants see them.  Judges condone their buddies’ forging litigants’ names in order to steal their retirement benefits. Attorneys no longer have to inform their clients of anything and may take positions in court to which their clients are 100% opposed and which will significantly harm the client. The Commission on Judicial Performance and the State Bar are dominate by a Chief Justice who may best be described as a cross between Imelda Marcos and Leona Helmsley.  

Judicial Corruption Pops up Where One May Least Expect it 

Why are the poorer LAUSD students, whom the Dems claim to love so dearly, having so much trouble with remote learning? Look to Mayor Garcetti and Judge Mitchell Beckloff.  When HELP sued the city to consider Virtual Presence, e.g. a generic term for Zoom, Portal +, Skype, TelePresence, telecommuting,  etc as a form of transportation, Garcetti refused to even study the matter and Beckloff likewise saw no need to expand bandwidth so that the city would have a modern Wi-Fi network for the entire city, especially the poor.

Why were Garcetti and Judge Beckloff opposed the city’s expanding and modernizing telecommunications for everyone? Virtual Presence reduces the hundreds of billions of dollars going into unnecessary subways and light rail transit.  It was 100% corruptionism with zero concern about people’s quality of life.  Suppose Garcetti had not opposed an expanded network in 2015 when he issued his 2020 Mobility Plan.  Today, we certainly would not find so many minority students greatly disadvantaged at remote learning.  

The death rate among the homeless was already at a pandemic level years before Covid-19.  Since Covid-19, homelessness is increasing more rapidly which means more children are homeless.  Just how will they remote learn living in tents?  KABC7 Signs of Homelessness in Los Angeles Growing Worse During Coronavirus Pandemic by Rob Hayes. 

The Homeless Are Shoved into a Catch-22 Situation. 

Garcetti along with federal Judge David Carter wants to get the homeless off the streets and stuffed into shelters!  Yep, at the same time they require businesses to move outdoors to be Covid-19 safe, they insist that the homeless should be forced indoors.  Why?  Out of sight, out of mind!  Hordes of homeless children are bad optics for the Dems. 

Counterbalancing the Crimogenic Nature of Dem Cities Is the Madman in the White House. 

Since February 27, 2017, this column has been publishing that Donald Trump is mentally ill.    The Dems did not want to admit it for a couple reasons; (1) they feared that phytology could become a political weapon, (2) they feared that if the public understood that Trump suffered from a debilitating mental disorder, he would be removed from office.  With Trump replaced by quiet, non-tweeting Mike Pence, the Dems thought it would be harder for them to regain power. 

One has to comment on the similar way that Nancy Pelosi and other Dems reacted to Trump’s mental illness and the way Donald Trump reacted to Covid-19.  Both ignored reality and as a result we are all suffering. 

Who poses the greater danger to the nation: Crimogenic Dems with their Identity Politics or the mentally ill Donald Trump where Covid-19 pandemic and the crashed economy are prelude to greater national disasters?  Unlike Lucy’s putting a pie in Ricky’s face, this is no laughing matter.


(Richard Lee Abrams is a Los Angeles attorney and a CityWatch contributor. He can be reached at: [email protected]. Abrams views are his own and do not necessarily reflect the views of CityWatch.)
