Sat, Sep

Gelfand's World

Here’s to 2022, May It Bring 2023

GELFAND’s WORLD - For all of us, I offer the following New Year's toast: "To 2022, may it bring 2023." It's not supposed to be clever or sarcastic, it's just a hopeful bit I developed for myself back when we were always in danger of being blown to bits by a nuclear holocaust. Anyway, that will be my toast. For most of us, it will be true. 

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Future Facts or Fiction?

GELFAND’S WORLD - It's curious that the actions by the government of the City of Los Angeles in 2021 led to the violent 2025 border clashes between the San Fernando Valley Neighborhood Council Alliance and the Coalition of East Hollywood Neighborhoods.

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Miracles Happen on the LA Opera Stage

GELFAND’S WORLD - I told the publisher of CityWatch that I wouldn't be doing a column for Thursday because I was going to the LA Opera to hear Wagner's Tannhauser, and it wouldn't be over until 11:30 at night. So unless Tannhauser was that good, you wouldn't be hearing from me. 

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Stupidity Cannot Be Cured

GELFAND’S WORLD - It's suddenly become the most common cliche on television or the internet. We are presented with a sick -- most likely dying -- man in a hospital bed or perhaps a wheelchair, and some sonorous announcer asks him if he regrets not getting the Covid-19 vaccine.

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