Tue, Oct

Netanyahu, Leader of the Free World


THE VIEW FROM HERE - The destruction of the United States foreign policy has been years in making.  95% of Americans are unaware that Obama dramatically changed the US foreign policy where deterrence was a crucial element to the effete, cowardly, and defeatist Obama Doctrine where appeasement replaced deterrence. 

The Obama Doctrine parallels America’s domestic racist and anti-Jewish Woke DEI which Nancy Pelosi brought upon the US.   The Danger of Pelosism   Along with Obama-Geithner’s regressive Pro-Wall Street economic policies, Pelosi’s Identity Politics gave rise the 2010 Tea Bagger Congressional wins.  Identity Politics became Wokeism and Tea Baggers were basis of MAGA.  Polarization is always a threat. It led to the Crusades, the Inquisition, Europe’s religion wars, the rise of Nazism and Communism, and among Muslims to the Sunni Shia split.  Countries with single unifying culture, however, are the happiest.  According to the 2024 World Happiness Index the ranking are: Finland #1, Denmark #2, Iceland #3, Sweden #4, Norway #7, while under the Wokeism, America at #23 does not make even the top 20.  The most Woke segment of the US population, i.e., the young, is extremely unhappy. For people under 30 years old, the US is #62 in Happiness. 

Wokeism is Polarization 

US Wokeism divides the world into two groups: The Oppressors (Whites and Jews) and the Oppressed (all minorities). Individual rights like Liberty are evil because people are not judged based on individual character, but rather on the skin color.  Look at skin color to determine a person’s merit; the person with the lighter skin hue is always the Oppressor; the darker skinned is always the Oppressed.  If a Black person commits a crime or Muslim terrorists murder 1,200 people, the villain is not the criminal, but the White-Jewish person who was so oppressive that the minority had no choice but to become a thief or in the case of Hamas mass murders.  Wokeism like other ideologies based on group identification builds group cohesion by Hatred of the Other

Pelosi targeted the extreme right wing and threatened White Supremacists that when minorities were the majority of the voters, the minorities would replace the Whites.  Then, she promoted White Privilege, White Fragility, the 1619 Project which extended the group of evil White people from the far right wing paranoid extreme to all White people, who by virtue of the skin color were responsible for all the ills of minorities, especially Blacks.  That’s why California proposed paying its Blacks billions of dollars in slavery reparations even though California never had slavery and provided refuge for Southern Blacks.  Mexicans, on the other hand, many of whom are White and who had $2 Trillion of land stolen from them get the privilege to bear the cost of Black reparations. 

When a nation is divided into groups which hate each other, it cannot be a happy nation.  The two extremes are constantly shouting about the other’s perfidy.  While Pelosi’s Wokeism re-awoke the US’s intergroup hatreds, she was no match for the mentally ill Donald Trump who has used the polarization to create a social movement, based on lies, fear and hate, just as Wokeism is based on lies, fear, and hate.  The reason Joe Biden had tanked in the Spring 2024 polls was his unrelenting support for leftist Wokeism.  Anyone who mentioned his fact was immediately attacked as a racist, and if possible, culture cancelled. The universe gave the Dems’ a reprieve in Biden’s befuddled performance in the debate. (In coming years, historians will speculate whether the Dems drugged Biden so as to replace him with Harris.) 

As Abe Lincoln warned, a nation divided against itself cannot long endure. As the plummeting in the Happiness rating to #62 for the most Woke portion of our society portends, the polarization which Pelosi so diligently pursued has devastated America. Their extreme unhappiness shows itself with lunacy like Gays for Hamas. Wokeism has resulted in two political parties which are controlled by their most extreme element: MAGA and WOKER.  Both the GOP and the Dem have become a lethal threat to the nation’s existence.

Wokeism in Foreign Policy Is Destroying the Western World 

The Obama Doctrine adopts the idea that America as a White nation suffers from original sin, and thus, in repentance for our evil history, US foreign policy may not use force, i.e., deterrence.  Rather the US and its allies must always negotiate.  When terrorists like Hamas and Hezbollah attack Israel during a Cease-fire as happened on Oct 7th and Oct 8th, the response is to negotiate. (Yes, both terrorist groups broke a cease-fire to attack Israel; a fact Woke Biden and Harris will not mention when claiming that a Cease-fire will bring peace.) Under US Wokeism, the most Israel may do is fight off attacks; it may not use force against Hamas, Hezbollah, the Houthis and Iran.  When Biden-Harris say, “Israel has the right to defend itself,” they mean no offensive action.  Israel’s fighting back has driven Joe Biden into a rage against Netanyahu. In Biden’s warped Woke ideology, Netanyahu is the sole problem because he did allow Hamas to continue its attacks.  

Ninety-Nine percent (99%) of Americans do not know that the Oct 7th attack did not end on Oct 7th, but continued each day after that.  Daily, Hamas used rockets and drones while promising worse ground assaults to murder all the Jews from the River to the Sea.  Meanwhile, Hezbollah attacked Israel daily making the north of Israel unliveable.  Under Woke ideology, we Jews are responsible for Hamas and Hezbollah based on a non-ending parade of lies, such as Israel’s occupation of Gaza left Hamas no choice. Whatever offensive action Israel undertook, Biden launched a barrage of anti-Jewish Blood Libels  . 

Biden Has Forfeited the Title of Leader of the Free World 

Biden has followed the Woke Obama Doctrine with his back stabbing of Zelenskyy in Ukraine, and unknown to Americans, he is following a similar woke defeatist policy with respect to our ally the Philippines vis a vis China’s maritime aggression.  Ukraine and Israel are rejecting the Obama Doctrine’s effete, cowardly and defeatist Wokeism. Contrary to Biden’s lies, the vast majority of Israelis support Netanyahu and Bibi’s critics come from the right claiming he is too lenient, while the Israeli left is defunct, except in Biden’s delusions.

If anyone in the West knows what Israel will do under Netanyahu’s leadership, they are staying quiet.  People are already noting that Netanyahu follows Winston Churchill while Biden is Neville Chamberlain’s reincarnation. 

For Whom Should Americans Vote? 

As I wrote in CityWatch in December 2016 and many times thereafter, Donald Trump suffers from two DSM-5 Personality Disorders: Histrionic and Narcissistic with paranoid features. Under the guidance of Jared Kushner and Amb. David Friedman, a brilliant Middle East policy was fashioned. The US embassy was moved to Jerusalem; there was rapprochement with the Saudis despite the murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi. Most vital were the strong sanctions against Iran, turning it into a pauper nation unable to fund its terrorist proxies, while Obama had encouraged the mullahs.  With the help of Israel, Trump set back Iran’s nuclear program.  As we should all recognize, Joe Biden has been indirectly funding Iran and its terrorist proxies. Many believe that re-electing Trump is the best option to stop Iran from getting the bomb.  Maybe not. 

Trump’s Mental Decompensation 

After losing the 2020 election, Trump has seriously decompensated, and the Trump of 2024 is not the Trump of 2016.  During his first term, Trump’s Histrionic Disorder was in charge, but more importantly, he was surrounded by a plethora of experts who thought they could reign him in.  These generals and civilian leaders made the same mistake German leaders made when they allowed Hitler to be Chancellor; they believed that they could control him.  Maybe to some extent, his 2017-2019 advisors did temper Trump’s impulsivity, but those days are long gone. 

Trump is now surrounding himself with the worst of the worst.  JD Vance has already announced that he is game for domestic treason. Unlike Mike Pence, Vance would have decertified the 2020 election results. He refuses to say that Trump lost the election.  Vance is 100% onboard for another insurrection if Trump loses. If Trump wins, he will pardon himself and arrest anyone who displeases him. The Supreme Court has paved the way for Trump to take whatever action he desires, no matter how criminal. Trump has fallen into such a persuasive series of Narcissistic Rages that he seems to have become delusional, and his grandiose sense of entitlement has convinced him that whatever he does is good and holy. Remember, paranoia is a delusion of grandeur and/or persecution, usually both.  

Is it Good for the Jews? 

When I was young, the constant question was “Is it good for the Jews?”  My mother’s response was “If it is good for America, it is good for the Jews.”   Trump MAGA and Dem Wokeism are definitely bad for America, and hence, bad for the Jews.  Bibi Netanyahu may still rescue us from both MAGA and Wokeism by doing what needs to be done –neutralize Iran now. Netanyahu is the only viable candidate to assume the mantle of Leader of the Free World.

(Richard Lee Abrams has been an attorney, a Realtor and community relations consultant as well as a CityWatch contributor.  You may email him at [email protected])