Wed, Jan

Me Sad. Country Dead


CITYWATCH TODAY--Ah, another week at the circus, with the usual accretion of train-wreck follies: Another rally of delusions and lies, the disclosure our befuddled Dear Leader doesn't know the name of his Defense Secretary while he makes up facts as he goes along, and the admission out loud by repeatedly clueless minion Mick Mulvaney that Trump's "stunningly corrupt" move to give himself G7 business was understandable because, c'mon, he's really "in the hospitality business" and this whole spurious presidenting thing is just a side hustle, so not to worry, say what?!?

If you're worried anyway, we offer hope, advice and possibly joy from The New Yorker's Andy Borowitz, whose take on our current predicament mirrors that of Dan Savage's popular clothing line   exhorting ITMFA - Impeach the Motherfucker Already - but with more jokes.

Citing the Marie-Kondo-inspired, "life-changing magic" by which millions of Americans have "ascended to a higher plane of fulfillment by tidying up their homes," he proclaims it's now time to "tidy up a residence that belongs to all of us: the White House."

While "many useless things have already been hauled away" - Bannon, Bolton, Sessions, Manafort, Spicer, Sanders et al - he insists much more culling is called for: "We must look at Donald Trump and ask ourselves, 'Does this spark joy?'" And we all know the answer. "Once that garish orange thing (has) been removed from the Oval Office, you’ll be amazed what you’ll find underneath," he writes. "Things you forgot you even had, like democracy."

And, God willing, joy.

(CityWatch guest columnist, Abby Zimet, writes for Common Dreams where this perspective was first posted.)
