California Monkeypox Response is Bumpy, But Builds on Some Lessons From COVID
HEALTH WATCH - Hundreds waiting hours for a monkeypox vaccine only to be turned away.
Our mission is to promote and facilitate civic engagement and neighborhood empowerment, and to hold area government and its politicians accountable.
HEALTH WATCH - Hundreds waiting hours for a monkeypox vaccine only to be turned away.
ACCORDING TO LIZ - “There were only two people working in patient registration… I saw a lady sitting across from me crying, and she was sitting in a puddle of her own blood. She miscarried in the waiting room.”
HEALTH EMERGENCY - In early May, Massachusetts General Hospital confirmed that it was treating a patient with monkeypox – the first case of the rare virus in the United States in 2022.
HEALTH WATCH - The study of epidemics has routinely centered around what medical historian Charles Rosenberg calls a “dramaturgic structure”:
WELLNESS - Mental health workers at Kaiser Permanente announced plans Tuesday for an open-ended strike that could lead as many as 2,000 Northern California mental health workers to curtail appointments beginning on Aug. 15.
HEALTH WATCH - When Susan Whitney was a therapist at Kaiser Permanente, her colleagues missed working in prison.
WELLNESS - For years, the private insurance company lobby has falsely claimed that California can’t afford quality and universal healthcare.
HEALTH WATCH - Premiums for health insurance plans sold through the state marketplace will increase an average of 6% next year, Covered California officials announced today.
SUPREME INJUSTICE - A good friend who heads a leading law firm once explained that when a lawyer’s case is weak, he argues precedent.
MENTAL HEALTH - In early March, Gov. Gavin Newsom unveiled a controversial proposal to compel people with serious mental health issues into care and housing.
THE DOCTOR IS IN - The first baby I ever helped deliver as a third-year medical student at Galveston, Texas was from a 17-year-old petite 5' 0" black female, who walked into the OB-Gyn delivery suite with an unforgettable, blank, and defeated look in her eyes.
WELLNESS - In the near future, Black men in Compton may be able to get a haircut, have their blood pressure checked and maybe even get their COVID shots all in one place: the barbershop.
THE DOCTOR IS IN - This is 2022, and not 2020. There WAS an Operation Warp Speed that got us two mRNA vaccines (Moderna and Pfizer) for us to use in 2021,
MEDICAL WATCH - By now, everyone has heard about monkeypox, which is now in numerous countries.
HEALTH & WELLNESS - My son JJ has cerebral palsy. He’s unable to speak or use his arms and legs.
MENTAL HEALTH RESOURCES - A young man with a history of mental illness has been sitting in San Francisco County Jail for nearly a year.
BABY FORMULA CRISIS - My 8-month-old daughter, Jayde, was born with a growth restriction.
WELLNESS - A leaked draft of a United States Supreme Court (SCOTUS) opinion that would overturn Roe v Wade, a landmark 1973 decision that gave women the constitutional right to abortion, recently put abortion rights once again on the global agenda.
COVID WATCH - Dr. Anthony Fauci, the nation’s top infectious disease specialist, told The Root today that cases of the deadly Covid-19 virus are slowly rising again across the country and warned that Black Americans could be particularly at risk in the event a more aggressive variant should appear.
WELLNESS - Anyone holding a high-deductible health plan understands the dynamic:
COVID ANALYSIS - As our country approaches 1 million deaths from COVID-19, it can feel impossible to wrap our heads around such a devastating figure.
WELLNESS--You may be familiar with the term “Sound Bath” as it has become more and more popular, especially within the spiritual, yoga, and meditation communities. Although it has nothing to do with getting wet, many would liken it to being cleansed from the inside out.
WELLNESS--Over the past few months I have been using an FDA approved, homeopathic, transdermal, Human Growth Hormone (HGH) gel. Like many people, I am always on the lookout for the next breakthrough product that will help me remain healthy, young, and vital.
WELLNESS--I’ve been taking a social media vacation. I needed a break. The more people I speak with, it seems that I am not alone.
WELLNESS--Have you ever noticed that even when you’re doing well, life seems to test you?
WELLNESS--We have been having record breaking heat in Southern California and with the planet continuing to warm up, there’s a good chance we have not seen the end of it.
This past week Los Angeles and San Diego have felt more like Arizona with temperatures reaching 117 in some places. Heat records all over southern California were toppled and at one point in Los Angeles alone there were over 32,000 residents without power.
WELLNESS--For starters, the all or nothing attitude towards exercise is not the mindset we want to hold.
WELLNESS--Last week two high profile celebrities Kate Spade and Anthony Bourdain took their own lives.
WELLNESS--There is a drug that has taken the psychiatric world by storm and it’s called Ketamine.
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