Sun, Feb

Are Your Midnight Munchies Mangling Your Memory?

WELLNESS--We have known for a long time that late night eating has a negative effect on our blood sugar and has even been linked to diabetes and other diseases, but this study clearly puts late night eating and brain memory impairment in the spotlight.  

The research indicates that those munchies just might be wreaking havoc on your mind.  "We believe that late-night snacking may affect our learning capabilities by affecting the parts of the brain responsible for learning and memory, specifically, the hippocampus," Dr. Dawn Loh, a scientist at the University and lead author of the study said.  

The hippocampus is one of the key anatomical parts of the brain responsible for memory, and while this study has not been confirmed on humans but only on mice, there is surprising evidence that this part of the brain that supports memory is adversely affected by late night eating. 

In the experiment they used two groups of mice. One group of fed during the day when they were most active and the other was fed late at night during normal sleeping hours. While both groups received the same amount of calories and the same amount of sleep, they found that the group of mice that were fed in the middle of the night had less of a chance of remembering to avoid a chamber in their cage that provided a mild electric current when they walked into it. The ones that ate during normal hours had no problem remembering and avoided that chamber.  

The other test they did was to introduce a novel object to the mice and then remove it from the cage and repeat at a later hour. The mice that ate while they should have been sleeping forgot that they had already been exposed to that object while the ones on the normal eating schedule had no problem recollecting the object.  

"By consuming food at the 'wrong' time of day, we induce misalignment between the various clocks in the brain and body," Loh said. "This is known to affect physiological processes like metabolism. We demonstrate for the first time that this food-induced misalignment leads to profound impairment of hippocampal-dependent memory as well." 

One great solution to late night eating is to simply pick a time in the evening and don’t eat past that hour.  Many people complain that they work late hours and don’t get home until 8 or 9pm.  While this is a challenging situation, if you know that you are not to eat past 7 pm or even 8pm, you can have the opportunity to bring lunch and dinner to work with you and eat before you leave the office to head home.  Ideally, we start work a little earlier and get home at a more reasonable hour, but for those of you where that is impossible, maybe bringing a health and delicious dinner to work is the answer! 


(Christian Cristiano is an acupuncturist in LA, TV host of Wellness for Realists and writes on wellness regularly for CityWatch. Christian can be reached at 323.935.3420. twitter: @CristianoWFR)





Vol 14 Issue 4

Pub: Jan 12, 2016

View Reports Linking Red and Processed Meat to Cancer with a Skeptical Eye

WELLNESS-If you have been watching the news lately you may have seen the recent reports stating that red meat and processed meats have been linked to cancer.  

Before we get into the risk associated with eating animal products and getting cancer let's look a little deeper at the reporting. First, comparing red meat and processed meats is like comparing water to sugary drinks. Processing any food always changes the composition of the food into something different than before it was a whole food; hence the importance of eating whole foods. A cut of unprocessed meat that was obtained from a healthy animal that was fed a non-GMO diet to a slice of processed bologna is erroneous and irresponsible.  

You will also notice that these reports often use the words "linked to." Just because there is a link between a condition and an external element does not mean that there is causation. Saying red meat is linked to cancer is not saying that red meat causes cancer.  

Responsibly farmed red meat consumed in moderation has many benefits. For example, there is heme and non-heme iron, and the iron obtained from meat, poultry and fish is about 40% heme which is easily absorbed by the body. The heme iron in red meat supplies vitamin B12, which helps make DNA and keeps nerve and red blood cells healthy. It also contains zinc, which keeps the immune system working properly. Besides iron, Red meat also provides protein, which helps build bones and muscles. 

Many studies show that iron derived from heme sources make up two-thirds of the average person’s total iron stores despite only constituting one-third of the iron that is actually ingested. This likely explains why vegetarians are more prone to iron deficiency than those who regularly consume red meat. There is a reason that 1.6 billion people on our planet deal with anemia (low iron) and not having access to animal products is the reason.  

Not all meat is created equal. Too many of our animals are locked up in the equivalent of concentration camps for animals. They are fed GMO corn and other foods not natural to their normal dietary needs.  They are also kept in small spaces locked up where they are fed antibiotics so they don't get each other sick.  Adding insult to injury many of these animals are not offered room to graze properly on land making them fat and unhealthy.  

Taking time to find out where your meat comes from in order to purchase meat that has been raises responsibly and fed a healthy non-GMO diet of grass is crucial. This meat tends to be more expensive but eating small amounts of meat 2 or 3 times a week at most is plenty.  If we eat less red meat and purchase the meat eat from responsible cattle farmers, the animals will be treated better and we will be consuming an animal with less GMO's, antibiotics, and fat.   

(Christian Cristiano is an acupuncturist in LA, TV host of Wellness for Realists and writes on wellness regularly for CityWatch. Christian can be reached at 323.935.3420. twitter: @CristianoWFR)





Vol 13 Issue 87

Pub: Oct 27, 2015

Campbell’s Soup to Remove MSG … at Long Last!

WELLNESS-You can’t get more American than Campbell’s soup. This company has been gracing our grocery shelves since 1859. With iconic artists like Andy Warhol using the soup can designs to create art that now sells for 15 million dollars, there may not be one American unfamiliar with Campbell’s.   

When the CEO of Campbell’s recently announced in a board meeting that they would be changing the ingredients of Campbell’s soup, it caused quite a stir. Turns out Campbell’s has been using Monosodium Glutamate for decades along with many other canned and package food companies. The problem is, study after study shows that MSG just might be killing you.  

While the FDA still claims that consuming MSG is harmless, there are many experts that disagree, the most well known of these being Dr. Russell Blaylock.  He is a board certified neurosurgeon and author of “Excitotoxin: The Taste That Kills.”  In his research he discovered that flavorings like MSG actually excite the cells in our brains to the point of damage or death causing brain damage in varying degrees. This could also mean that by consuming foods with MSG we may be contributing to learning disabilities, Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, Lou Gehrig’s disease and more. 

Campbell’s had already stopped using preservatives and also is known for using real vegetables in their soups. Campbell’s acknowledged that the next big step is to cut out the use of chemicals used for flavoring and coloring. High Fructose Corn Syrup will also be removed from their soups , which has recently been linked to liver damage. Campbell’s is also aware that General Mills is on the same track to remove these items from its products, and they don’t want to be left out.  

Make no mistake here people, Campbell’s soup is yet another example of a company that is responding to pressure from the community at large. If their products were flying off the shelves like they used to there is a good chance they would not be cutting these dangerous ingredients. 

The fact of the matter is sales of Campbells have been down, and they know if they want to stay relevant, they need to meet the new needs of consumers that are waking up to the importance of good health and chemical free ingredients. Thanks to the consumer, Campbell’s will now bending to pressure and make their soups healthier. There are plenty of other companies that make packaged and frozen foods with this chemical inside, and they are more likely to follow suit of a behemoth company like Campbell’s. 


(Christian Cristiano is an acupuncturist in LA, TV host of Wellness for Realists and writes on wellness regularly for CityWatch. Christian can be reached at 323.935.3420. twitter: @CristianoWFR)





Vol 13 Issue 69

Pub: Aug 25, 2015

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Whoa! Is That Salmon Safe to Eat?

WELLNESS-Up until recently, Costco was sourcing 90 percent of the salmon it purchased from Chilean salmon farms. Every week that added up to roughly 600,000 pounds of salmon. The problem is that these Chilean fish farms have been upping their use of antibiotics by 25 percent in response to Piscirickettsiosis (or SRS) bacteria. Since 2013 there has been a surge in SRS bacteria found in the coastal waters off Chile causing a spike in disease-laden fish. American consumers are ever increasingly concerned about drug resistant superbugs, which has put the squeeze on Costco to source from the lesser drug doling Norwegian farms instead.    

SRS was first reported in 1989 and since then scientists have developed a better understanding of this bug. This particular bacterium affects a variety of cells in salmon and causes inflammation in the fish’s organs and brain. Initial diagnoses can be obtained by spotting lesions on the fish and erratic swimming patterns due to the bacteria attacking the brain.  

While the use of antibiotics can control the bacteria in the short term, it is proving to be a losing battle against SRS causing fish farmers to administer more and more drugs. The Salmon farmers in Chile have had to boost their antibiotic use, and in 2014 they used over 1 million pounds of antibiotics to produce 895,000 pounds of fish. The FDA said it has "concerns about the improper use of medically important antibiotics in food products derived from animals, as this practice is one factor that can contribute to antimicrobial resistance in humans." 

In response to this epidemic, Costco has begun to source 60 percent of its salmon from Norway and has dropped down to only 40 percent from Chile in 2014. This has cost the Chilean farmers tens of millions of dollars. Brazil on the other hand imports 3.6 million kilograms of salmon each year from Chile. With concern for cost superseding the real threat of a superbug epidemic, Brazil has no plans of curbing their appetite for affordable Salmon purchased from nearby Chilean providers. Costco on the other hand is moving forward with deep cuts in Chilean Salmon and huge increases in Norwegian purchased salmon.    

To battle Piscirickettsiosis (or SRS) bacteria, which causes hemorrhaging, swollen kidneys and spleens, and ultimately death in infected fish, Chilean farmers are using ever increasing amount of antibiotics to try and keep their fish stock healthy. Concerns about drug-resistant superbugs have led many American consumers to seek out antibiotic-free products. 

With an estimated 2 million people being infected with superbugs a year in the US alone and 23,000 of them dying, drug resistant superbugs are a grave concern. In spite of the fact that there are many more people dying of cancer each year in the US, some experts speculate that death by drug resistant superbugs could overtake the cancer statistics in the next 10 years. 


(Christian Cristiano is an acupuncturist in LA, TV host of Wellness for Realists and writes on wellness regularly for CityWatch. Christian can be reached at 323.935.3420. twitter: @CristianoWFR)






Vol 13 Issue 62

Pub: Jul 29, 2015

Shocker: Our Lakes and Rivers are Loaded with Artificial Sweeteners

WELLNESS-The quest for low calorie sweeteners has led to the creation of chemicals that sweeten drinks and foods but that simply don’t break down in our bodies which is why these chemicals don’t fatten the people up that are consuming them. The problem is that much of these compounds go right through the consumer and into our water supply.  

The world’s rivers and lakes are loaded with artificial sweeteners such as Splenda, Sweet’N Low and Aspartame in a converted form. These sweeteners are a dangerous problem facing our environment today for two main reasons. First we are drinking this water as it comes around for a second time through the water cycle and second, the fish are living in these chemicals and there is evidence that they are taking these chemicals into their tissues.  

The Canadian Journal Plus One published the study proving that these 4 sweeteners cyclamate, saccharin, sucralose, and acesulfame not only pass through humans without being properly broken down, but also through advanced wastewater systems that are designed to remove chemicals from our water. After this sewage is treated, much of it is released back into our water supply through rivers and tributaries. It turns out that this fresh water is now anything but.  

In the study, researchers collected water from homes near the Grand river, which empties into Lake Erie and found all of the above mentioned sweeteners coming out of the tap. We have all heard about antidepressants in our water supply and how that is affecting the fish’s ability to reproduce. In regards to sweeteners in the water scientists still don’t know the full impact in regards to the health of the fish. Nor do they know exactly how damaging it will be to humans to eat these fish that are contaminated with chemicals used to sweeten foods.   

The idea of our water supply being contaminated with the chemicals and sweeteners that we consume should not surprise us. We live in a delicate ecosystem and everything we eat and drink will eventually become a part of that system. 

While it is tempting to compartmentalize everything and think we can keep certain parts separate from others, it doesn’t work that way in nature, nor in our bodies. If someone gets an infection in their toe for example, rest assured that over time it would infect their entire body. 

The earth is the same way. We can’t pollute and destroy certain parts of the world and think it will stay isolated to that part. Earth is a big ecosystem with the entire planet being interconnected through an intricate web of waterways and jet streams in the air and the ocean. Science is helping us grasp this idea of an interconnected earth.


 (Christian Cristiano is an acupuncturist in LA, TV host of Wellness for Realists and writes on wellness regularly for CityWatch. Christian can be reached at 323.935.3420. twitter: @CristianoWFR)




Vol 13 Issue 59

Pub: Jul 21, 2015

Can Procrastination Give You a Heart Attack?

WELLNESS-A study posted in the journal of behavioral medicine linked procrastination with hypertension and cardiovascular disease. Specifically people of older age, lower education levels, and higher procrastination scores were more likely to experience HT and CVD than their more accomplished and task minded counterparts.   

While the study focused more on the link between heart disease and procrastination and less on the why; it can be surmised that people who tend to put things off until the last minute would also tend to have a more stressful life. The affects of stress and inflammation in the body are widely known, and if someone is procrastinating daily, they just may be causing unnecessary inflammation. In addition to inflammation, these individual is also more likely to put off important check ups and physicals. 

Procrastinators also tend to put off going to sleep.  When we sleep our body repairs itself through a cascade of crucial healing processes. The brain secretes human growth hormone when we sleep which heals our organs and rejuvenates our bodies.  Recent research has also proven that the brain actually removes dangerous toxins during sleep and just may help prevent diseases like Alzheimer’s and dementia.  

Any behavior can be changed, but in some cases the behaviors that make up our personality are genetic. While psychologists and scientists are not saying that procrastination is genetic, they do agree that our genes influence procrastination.  

The good news is that our genes influence all of our other personality traits as well, and we can get help and exercise our will to change those along with our tendency to procrastinate.  

One crucial step that most experts agree needs to be accomplished in order to stop procrastination is to get organized. An unorganized desk or home is a sure fire way to avoid accomplishing tasks. 

Creating a to do list the night before helps people who tend to procrastinate. Studies also show that the higher someone’s stress level, the more likely they are to procrastinate. By taking steps to reduce stress in ones life, they will be more likely to attack a project head on. Finally, setting up some type of reward system upon accomplishing tasks also helps to stave off procrastination. 


 (Christian Cristiano is an acupuncturist in LA, TV host of Wellness for Realists and writes on wellness regularly for CityWatch. Christian can be reached at 323.935.3420. twitter: @CristianoWFR)






Vol 13 Issue 52

Pub: Jun 26, 2015

Exercise Can Help Anxiety … Here’s How

WELLNESS-Statistics show that over 3 million American adults suffer from anxiety and there is no evidence that number will be declining any time soon.  With big cities becoming more and more populated and news of climate change and drought and war, there is a good chance that anxiety is on the rise. Besides getting help from doctors and other health care providers like acupuncturists, there are other things you can do to help stave off anxiety.  

Exercise.  Studies show that through regular exercise we aid the brain in releasing endorphins, which help to reduce the perception of pain. Endorphins don’t only affect the brain. They also affect the body.  Many people who exercise report a feeling of euphoria during or shortly after their workout.  This is often referred to as runners high.  Endorphins also have a sedating affect on the body, which help to pull us out of fight or flight and into a more relaxed state.  

Besides the chemical affects, exercise is also a way for people to get a break from their normal way of thinking.  Many report exercise as feeling like a form of meditation.  At the very least, it is a break from our usual cycle of thoughts.  When exercising vigorously it is required to think about the physical body and pay attention to the breath.  Both of these behaviors are normally acted upon when one is in meditation, and meditation is another highly affective way to combat anxiety.  

If one exercises outside, they are also getting a change of environment, which has the ability to drop anxiety levels. Throw in some fresh air and exercise and it often works as a quick way to take the edge off. If it’s not an outdoor park but rather a gym, this will still be helpful.  Simply changing your surroundings and getting out of the potentially stress producing space you are in, whether it’s your home or work, can help to decrease anxiety levels.  

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Part of feeling anxious is also feeling a lack of control in ones life.  Exercise is another way to feel like you have control. Going to the gym or the park and working out is something you are doing for you and only you.  Your partner or boss or family has very little to do with your exercise regimen therefore giving you a stronger sense of control in your life.  

It has been well documents that people who exercise more experience lower levels of anxiety.  This does not have to mean spending a fortune on a gym membership or personal trainer.  It can be as easy as picking a time every day and going for a brisk walk or jog outside. 

The important thing is that you get your heart rate up and hopefully break a sweat. The sweating helps us to eliminate toxins from our body and the elevated heart rate will strengthen your heart and allow for the brain to release endorphins.  

A morning workout is recommended because those great chemicals you get will help to carry you through your day feeling less anxious and more confident.


(Christian Cristiano is an acupuncturist in LA, TV host of Wellness for Realists and writes on wellness regularly for CityWatch. Christian can be reached at 323.935.3420. twitter: @CristianoWFR)






Vol 13 Issue 39

Pub: May 12, 2015

Government Finally Lowers Legal Level for Flouride In Our Water

WELLNESS-It only took 50 years of research indicating that fluoride is unhealthy, but the US government finally responded by demanding a lowering of fluoride levels in our drinking water. Currently almost all of Western Europe drinks non-flouridated water with at least half of the countries listed NEVER allowing fluoride in their water.  These places include: Denmark, Norway, Austria, Portugal, Sweden, Scotland, Netherlands, Italy, Switzerland, Luxembourg, and almost all of the UK and Spain.  Water fluoridation also stopped completely in Japan, Isreal, and even the soviet union over 25 years ago.  

For those of us that grew up in the 60’s and 70’s we have been getting fluoride in the tap since childhood. The department of Health and Human Services announced in 1962 that tap water be fluoridated with between 0.7 and 1.2 milligrams of fluoride per liter of water. The new recommendation that they are making will not allow fluoride to exceed 0.7.  

Back in the 60’s and even as recently as the 80’s and 90’s most of us were drinking tap water and getting those high doses of flouride. These days more people are drinking bottled water but statistics show that 61% of Americans still drink tap water. Facts provided by the USDA indicate that the biggest consumers of tap water is the poor.  This comes as no surprise.  

 The CDC used to tout fluoride in the water as the reason the US has less teeth decay than other countries, but recent studies show that teeth decay is decreasing at the same rate in western European countries as well pointing to better health care as the reason as opposed to fluoride. 

There is a reason the fluoride controversy has gone on as long as it has.  The Flouride Action Network states that “Fluoride is a highly toxic substance that can cause a range of adverse health effects. Certain members of the public are at particularly high risk of harm.” Their site goes on to list all the potential nasty effects of consuming fluoride included but not limited to arthritis, bone fracture, brain effects, cancer, diabetes, endocrine disruption, hypersensitivity, pineal gland, flourosis, thyroid disease and others.  

The department of health and human services issued a statement on April 27th saying that “While additional sources of fluoride are more widely used than they were in 1962, the need for community water fluoridation still continues,” said U.S. Deputy Surgeon General Rear Admiral Boris D. Lushniak, M.D., M.P.H. “Community water fluoridation continues to reduce tooth decay in children and adults beyond that provided by using only toothpaste and other fluoride-containing products.” 

There is no mention of any types of danger or disease risk by the use of Flouride in the water, but at least the reduction in the fluoride levels in tap will expose our poorest Americans to this potentially dangerous chemical a little bit less. In time with more pushing, fluoride will probably be removed all together from our water supply confirming once again that what is often deemed “safe” by our own government agencies isn’t always the case.  


 (Christian Cristiano is an acupuncturist in LA, TV host of Wellness for Realists and writes on wellness regularly for CityWatch. Christian can be reached at 323.935.3420. twitter: @CristianoWFR)





Vol 13 Issue 36

Pub: May 1, 2015

Pepsi Dropped Aspartame. So Should You.

WELLNESS-Last week Pepsi announced that it was removing the sweetener Aspartame from Diet Pepsi. I wish I could say that this corporation was discontinuing the use of this chemical because of the numerous studies showing potential links it to diabetes and cancer, but the real reason is declining sales of their diet Pepsi line. Volumes fell over 5% last year motivating the company to look at why 

What they found is that consumers are becoming more health conscious and savvy to what is and isn’t good for them. An Italian study put on by the European Ramazzini Foundation on aspartame was published in the European Journal of Oncology in June of 2005 titled “Aspartame induces lymphomas and leukemias in rats.” In 2007 the FDA discredited the study and then in 2013 they completed a full review of aspartame and ruled out any risk of cancer.  

As far back as 1980 there was an FDA inquiry that comprised of three independent scientists. Each one found that Aspartame “might induce brain tumors.” Previous to these studies the FDA had banned Aspartame only to have it legalized again in 1983 after some potentially nefarious political restructuring.  In 1987 a renowned neuroscientist named Dr. John Olney (the same guy that helped ban monosodium glutamate) pleaded with the FDA in an open letter to ban Aspartame. His attempts fell on deaf ears. 

Any search you conduct on the history of this chemical indicates that it is unhealthy at best and outright dangerous at worst. There are studies showing that Aspartame damages the brain and others pointing to an Aspartame and Leukemia link. More information continues to flow in and none of it is good. Consumers of this chemical also report myriad conditions potentially related to Aspartame, and the addictive quality keeps people coming back for more.  

By now we realize that each time we spend money on food or beverages we are voting.  Voting for what we want on the shelves at our supermarkets.  It would be naïve to think that the powerful corporations that are controlling so much of our food and beverage content are solely concerned with our health. Equally or more important to many of these companies is the bottom line financially. If we are to stay healthy and ensure that only healthy compounds are included in our foods, we need to “vote” carefully. 

Pay attention to what’s in the food you are purchasing.  If there is any question about the healthfulness of a food or chemical, do your own research. While many people make fun of “the university of google,” there is much information to be gleaned from the internet and your local library. Be your own primary care provider. If there is any question about something in your diet talk to your health and medical providers, but also realize that we are all products of our education.  Do your own research for no one will care for your body as well as you do.  

 (Christian Cristiano is an acupuncturist in LA, TV host of Wellness for Realists and writes on wellness regularly for CityWatch. Christian can be reached at 323.935.3420. twitter: @CristianoWFR)



Vol 13 Issue 35

Pub: Apr 28, 2015


Shooting in my neighborhood

Last night someone got shot in my neighborhood.  I don’t think they were killed but it was still very disturbing to hear a gunshot right outside my building.  I was hopeful that it was just a firework, but I knew it wasn’t  When I heard the police show up and heard people crying outside I knew that I was not mistaken about what I heard.  I never saw an ambulance so I don’t know if the upset people were just scared or if someone was actually hurt.

The whole thing is sad and horrible and makes Hollywood feel like a war-zone.  I walk my dog all the time and it was a reminder that anyone living in a big city or anywhere else is not ever totally safe from harm.  We can make choices to reduce the danger as much as possible, but beyond that we need to continue on our path as gracefully as we can.  

It would be easy to get down on the city or on all the guns and violence, but instead I will make a point today to let the people I care about know. Staying positive in the face of violence is not easy, but I choose to take this as a reminder of how precious life can be and will do my very best to choose my focus wisely.

How To Stay Healthy During The Changing Seasons

When the wind is up and the air is cooling down, we are more likely to contract upper respiratory infections. For those of you familiar with Acupuncture, you may already know that the points around the neck and throat are susceptible to wind moving in and contributing to colds. One way to protect ourselves from catching a cold is to protect our necks and throats with scarves and to bundle up properly.

In addition to dressing properly, eating warming foods like soups and stews is another way to keep our bodies strong during the fall and winter.  Foods that are very cooling such as too many raw veggies or cold drinks should be substituted with foods like hot soup and stew. Our bodies are already working hard to stay warm, so adding cold food just gives our systems more work to do in an already challenging season.

Bundle up and stay warm, and let me know if you have any questions regarding a healthy diet during the fall.

How Procrastination is Hurting You and How to Get On With It!

Recently, I have made many big changes in my life including moving to a new city, buying a new car, and moving my Acupuncture practice to a new location. All of these changes gave me a good reason to put certain projects in my life on hold. The challenge began when the dust finally settled and I still wasn’t engaging in accomplishing my goals. At that point, the “break” turned into good old fashioned procrastination.

In doing some research on the subject I have discovered that procrastination is not only inconvenient, its also damaging to our health and well being causing elevated levels of stress and anxiety. Needless to say, that was all I needed to read to get off my heinie and implement a plan!

In at article from the Association for Psychological Science, http://bit.ly/1stefbl one of the most effective ways to move past procrastination is to begin with forgiving yourself for whatever it is that you have been putting off. Nine times out of ten, stress and fear are the underlying emotions of procrastination with the fear of “maybe I won’t do it right” usually the leading reason people procrastinate.

I invite all of you to implement a simple reward system for yourselves. In order to get things done, I am now using desktop calendars to help me accomplish goals in different areas of my life. I have a list of things I get a star for, and when I accomplish a goal, I write it on the calendar and put a star sticker next to that accomplishment. I aim for a certain number of stars a week, and if I get them I allow myself a healthy reward of my choosing. If I don’t reach my goal, I forgive myself and move on.

Let me know if you have any questions about this system or if you have a system you use that may help other people, please share!

Stay Healthy!


Crazy over Ebola?

There is so much information out there today about Ebola, and most news outlets seem to be choosing to hype it up and instill fear.  

On the other hand, there are people saying that there are many other things to worry about more and that Ebola is a minor problem. The truth falls somewhere in the middle.  

It would be unfair and inhumane to minimize the Ebola Epidemic especially considering how many people have lost loved ones to this awful disease.  

At the same time, focusing too much attention on this problem and obsessively watching the news for updates doesn't do anyone any good at all and can arguably be bad for your health.  

For me, I decided to find a way to donate money to the cause and refocus my attention right here at home where I can make a bigger difference in the day to day lives of my patients and the people around me. There is a way to stay informed without allowing the news to dominate our thoughts.  

What we put our attention on grows, so let's choose to be part of the solution instead of part of the problem.  

If you are interested in donating money, I used Unicef as it is a tried and trusted charity. 

Christian Cristiano

Christian Cristiano covers Wellness for CityWatch. He received his Masters of Science in Traditional Chinese Medicine from the Pacific College of Oriental Medicine and his B.S. in Business Administration and Marketing.  He is a licensed acupuncturist and wellness expert who personally works with patients to help them achieve their healing objectives.  [email protected]

Staying healthy during the changing seasons

In Chinese Medicine we learn that the environment has a direct impact on our health and often can be the culprit in making us sick.  If it is cold and damp and windy outside, it is very important to dress properly and especially to cover up the neck with a scarf.  The neck is where many of the "wind points" in acupuncture are located, and because of this, the neck is an especially sensitive area of the body that can be attacked by the elements making us vulnerable to colds and flu.

In the winter we need to be sure to take advantage of the early sunsets and get extra rest.  Curl up with a blanket and movie more often and keep warm.  Enjoy the longer nights and the chance to spend more time indoors with loved ones.  It's nice to follow the lead of mother nature and slow down.  Stay warm and stay well this winter season!

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