Fri, Oct


The Myth Of The Good War 

COMMENTARY -  Love thy enemy? I get a chance to do so on a regular basis, thanks to the email (or nasty-mail) I sometimes get in response to my column, e.g.:

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New Report Reveals Kroger Grocery Workers Struggle to Afford Healthy Food

WORKERS STRUGGLE - An analysis released this week shows that many of the employees of the nation’s largest grocery chain, Kroger, workers who manage and sell food, are themselves scrambling to get enough to eat, struggling with bills because of part-time and unpredictable schedules and contending, as front-line workers do, with the COVID threat

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January 6.  A Year Later

THE CAPITOL - In retrospect, the attempted insurrection at the Capitol was about a great deal more than an angry expression of disappointment by the populist side of gun culture America.

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How to Fight the Next Coup

DEMOCRACY WATCH - As we approach the first anniversary of the attack on the United States congress, it is imperative to understand that the threat to democracy is not over.

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