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The USA Used to Be a Republic


THE VIEW FROM HERE - Although the US Constitution established a republic, people myopically insisted that America was a democracy.  Joe Biden constantly referred to the “democracy,” and the Dems’ biggest campaign theme was to save Democracy from Trump.  In Democracy all power rests latest vote of the people.  Voters, expressing their will at an election and not constitutions, authorize what is legal. 

“In democratic institutions, power stems from the regular and open authorization of the people, primarily through elections. . .. Elections thus form the cornerstone of a modern civil society.” See FN#1 

If the voters’ opinions are the cornerstone, there is no role for a republic or for a constitution.  Both are cast aside as the tools of dead elites whose ideas cannot bind the current crop of voters. Those familiar with the Catechism of Wokeism know this already. The Alt Right also hates inalienable rights. In 2022 under Dobbs v. Jackson Women's Health Organization, 597 U.S. 215, women have no federal constitutional rights to life, liberty or pursuit of happiness.  Rather, women’s rights are whatever the voters of each individual state may decide from election to election.  One state may have abortion on demand, while another mandates abortion after the first child.  In a true democracy, there is no law higher than whatever the voters approve. Power mad politicos, however, shorten the process and dispense with any particular law being approved, but instead the winner declares a mandate by virtue of winning so that he has a mandate to do whatever he desires.   

Note: Dobbs is based on Dred Scott v. Sandford, 60 U.S. (19 How.) 393 (1857) where Blacks had no federal right to liberty which resulted in the Civil War.  Americans will use violence to protect their inalienable rights from Wokeism, just as we revolted against Dred Scott’s denial of inalienable rights. 

Years of both the Dems’ and the GOP’s trashing the Republic and US Constitution and lying to Americans that we are a "democracy" have resulted in both Woke DEI and the Trumpists doing whatever they want.  That, folks, is the nature of a democracy -- whoever wins an election gets to re-set the laws and ignore laws from prior administrations.  The Republic was based on rule of law with the US Constitution’s being the Supreme Law of the Land which elections could not overturn.  Democracies, as the voters were warned but refused to listen, have no fixed rule of law, but rather the voters' whims become the law after each election.  Prior enactments and even Constitutions do not matter in true democracies since the voice of the people is the supreme law.  This is why Nancy Pelosi and her unconstitutional Woke DEI made her the most Dangerous Person on the Planet  Under the control of Pelosi and Obama, the Dems became besotted with delusion that America could be based on group rights and that when the minorities became the majority of voters, they would replace the Whites and Jews whom Wokers classified as Oppressors of everyone else. 

The Declaration had rejected group rights based on a person’s ascriptive status in favor of individual inalienable rights. In rejecting a democracy, US Constitution Convention knew a democracies quickly turn into theocracies, dictatorships, and similar totalitarians governments.  The current Dems foolishly believed that they would be The Party, making the USA into a uni-party nation like California.  When one party, which is controlled by an extreme faction like MAGA or Wokers, wins the House, the Senate, the Presidency, and controls the courts, that party may ignore the Republic and the Constitution by simply ignoring them.  What can Dems do when Sen. Majority Leader John Thune betrays his constitutional oath and refuses to follow the Constitution’s checks and balances on the President’s nominees?  

Under the Senate’s duty to advise and consent (or reject) the President’s nominees, the President may not personally threaten Senators.  If threatened, both the targeted Senator and the Majority Leader have the nondelegable duty to reject such threats.  After Senator Joni Ernst expressed reservations about Pig Hegseth as Secretary of Defense, the GOP attacked her.  “The American people spoke,” said Bob Vander Plaats, president and CEO of the Family Leader and a conservative activist in Ernst’s home state.” . . .  “If the king [Trump] wants a different senator from Iowa, we’ll have one. If he doesn’t, we won’t,” said Iowa talk show host Steve Deace,” PBS News De 12, 2024.  Sen. Ernst surrendered and voted for Hegseth, placing her personal career ahead of her constitutional oath.  Likewise, GOP Majority Leader Sen. John Thune turned coward and betrayed the American people by allowing Trump to personally threaten Ernst and all other Senators to approve all his nominees. Why?  Trump won the election, and thus, whatever Trump wanted Thune would do.  When one realizes that Rep. Adam Schiff behaved similarly when Pelosi told him to violate his constitutional duty by stopping the collection of evidence during the first Trump impeachment , the world saw that Schiff, the traitor, was rewarded by becoming a US Senator, but Liz Cheney was hounded out of office for protecting the Constitution and our Republic. Why should MAGA GOP follow the Constitution after Pelosi and the Wokers spent over a decade ignoring it? What’s good for the goose is good for the gander. 

That is why Nancy Pelosi was termed the most "dangerous person on the planet." Pelosi and her Identity Politics, aka Woke DEI, was/is based on the premise that when the minorities were/are the majority of the voters, they will vote for themselves whatever they want.  Under Wokeism, both the Declaration and the Republic are obsolete as vestiges of racist elites. In their place, Wokeism requires that life’s goodies are doled out according to the group to which one belongs.  Asians are be denied entrance to Harvard and other universities since they studied hard, worked hard, and prepared themselves for college – all racist values of the white elite.  For Wokers, people’s success is proof of their racism. Nationally, Woke DEI has been purging universities of Jews and of most non-Woker professors.  However, Americans hate Wokeism and elected not only Trump but also elected GOP control of the House and the Senate in addition to already owning the Supreme Court.  The Dems hoisted themselves on their own petard are wailing like crybabies.  See Chuckie Schumer

(Richard Lee Abrams has been an attorney, a Realtor and community relations consultant as well as a CityWatch contributor.  You may email him at [email protected])

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