Sun, Mar

When Morals Collide: Have Liberals Left the Building?   


DECENCY ? - My line throughout this exhausting election cycle has been, and continues to be, "This isn't about Politics, this is about Human Decency." That said, MAGA has voted and won the election. Isn't it interesting that the "Libtards," the "Tree Huggers," and the "Snowflakes" have not whined, claimed the election was stolen, or violently stormed the Capitol to stop the Democratic process? Nope, the Left is just horrified, and for very good reason.....and it will be reflected in HOW the Left chooses to spend its money, and also WHERE the Left now chooses to socialize.

Now that the verbal and voting war is over, the emotional wounds are deep, not because Harris didn't win, but because Trump and MAGA have been such a relentless, demeaning force of hatred and division--- especially for those whose basic human rights have been threatened: Gays, Lesbians, Immigrants (legal and otherwise), Women, People of Color, Muslims, Jews, Atheists, etc.

The MAGA Right, under Trump's direction, worked overtime to name call, vilify, and encourage extreme (even violent) actions against those who differ or are deemed the "Dangerous Liberal Left." This is unprecedented in America, and the Left is struggling to figure out WHAT to do with that, how to react, WHO to keep in our Inner Circle, and WHO to let go of.....

It is indeed an emotional dilemma that many are facing, including me. The Lines of Decency were drawn a long time ago, or should have been, with Trump's videotaped "Grab 'em by the pussy" incident, or the horrific mocking of the disabled, or the 2015 remarks about John McCain ("He's not a war hero. He was captured. I like people who weren't captured.") 

The Maya Angelou quote: "When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time," really resonates when we ask ourselves the question: Why did so many Americans continue to support and embrace Trump, in the face of such character-less expressions of Disrespect?

The America we ALL grew up with would have NEVER tolerated such remarks from a political candidate (of either Party), but half of the country did this time, and continues to, perhaps unaware of the fallout, or even worse, not caring about the fallout. Essentially, those of us who believe in having a respectful, honorable President are shell-shocked, and as the post-election smoke clears, we are emotionally left wondering what to do with the Trump supporters that are still in our lives. 

The answers vary, from "We have agreed not to talk about it," to "I unfriended all of them on Facebook," to "I never want to see them again," to "They are out of my Life forever." 

We humans like to be around people who get us, understand us, empower us, speak nicely to us, collaborate with us, respect our rights, treat us as equals no matter what, and are a positive addition to our lives both in dialogue and actions. Healthy people seek out intelligent friends, compassionate friends, creative friends, those we can mutually love and learn from, and who share a similar Moral Compass. If these basic social needs and commonalities aren't being met, it might be time to honor yourself, take a deep loving breath, and let go of those who aren't onboard with YOU. I offer the above as a checklist, a barometer of sorts to help you steer your Beautiful Ship (Metaphor on the loose....) into clearer happier waters, and away from muddy, cloudy, unfulfilling, and perhaps, dangerous waters.

On social media, I have unfriended many friends and family members, not because I hate them (I don't), not because I don't wish them well (I do), but, here's the biggie: I NO LONGER FIND THEM INTERESTING.

Like a drunken mindless Frat Party that always ends up the same, puking and fighting until the Party is broken up by the House Mother or the Police, MAGA folks are swimming in eye-rolling-ly predictable, crass, uninspiring, unintelligent, humorless, one-dimensional, relentless, angry, tiresome jabs that don't play out well socially. I mean, let's face it, Gays, Jews, Muslims, Blacks, Latinos, Artists, Dancers, Authors, and Scientists are a HELLUVA lot more fun and INTERESTING than a room full of White, entitled, phony religious, Science-denying, book-banning BOORS.

There, I've said it. MAGA may have "won" the election but America lost so much in the seething hate-filled process, including connections with family and friends that may never recover.

Time will tell if MAGA control will result in the Trump-promised Mass Deportations, Violence, and Incarceration of those who differ or didn't support him. It is tough to "be friends" with people who voted for such a despicable President and such a disrespectful, potentially violent America. Like Elvis, it may be time to "leave the building," and let MAGA gatherings consist of "just them," cannibalizing themselves when there is no one left to pick on, which is exactly what they voted for and what they sadly deserve. 

(Scott Cole is a writer, speaker, and wellness lecturer in over 30 countries. A former National Aerobic Champion and star of the iconic Abs of Steel videos, Scott created and stars in the over 1-million selling Discover Tai Chi series. You may have seen Scott throughout the years on The Doctors, LIVE with Regis and Kelly, The View, The Early Show, CNN Headline News, HGTV, The Food Network, and more. Featured on the cover of The Wall Street Journal for his “unique blending of the martial and healing arts,” Scott has also contributed to GQ, SHAPE, Men’s Fitness, Family Circle, USA Today, The LA Times, Newsday, WebMD, AARP, and more. He recently completed 5 years in Clinical Pain Management to help people MOVE THROUGH and out of pain, stress, and grief.)

He is available for lectures, classes, clinical work, and online trainings. Sign up on his homepage of ScottCole.com to be part of his worldwide healthy happy family!!! 

Join Scott December 7-13th, 2024 for his CHI week, at the famed Rancho La Puerta in Tecate Mexico


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