Mon, Mar

The Folly of Mandates


THE VIEW FROM HERE - A mandate means that an overwhelming number of voters strongly support the winning party’s policies and the ways in which they will be implemented.  As House Speaker Mitch Gingrich (G-Georgia) foolishly thought after the 1992 election and his Contract With America, believing one has a mandate leads to disaster. The result was the re-election of Bill Clinton and sparked Nancy Pelosi’s racist Identity Politics. See Pelosism is Dead  

The one quote, which The Trump Administration should heed, is from Ritchie Torres (D-NY): 

"Donald Trump has no greater friend than the far left, which has managed to alienate historic numbers of Latinos, Blacks, Asians, and Jews from the Democratic Party with absurdities like 'Defund the Police' or 'From the River to the Sea' or 'Latinx.'" 

There are vital lessons for Trump, if he wants to have a successful administration and be liked (as a Histrionic, he craves being liked).

1.  Nancy Pelosi and her Wokers LOST the Election

Despite some wise tactics, Trump did not win the election. Due to the Wokers’ mania for cancel culture, the Dem pollsters would not even ask voters about Wokeism in fear of being fired.  Now that people feel safe, many are pointing to the disaster which Wokeism brought upon the Dems.  (Los Angeles GOP has yet to learn this lesson as they persist in being anti-Gay, anti-Mexican, and far right wing fundamentalists.)

2.   But for Nancy Pelosi’s Vile Identity Politics, aka Wokeism, Kamala Harris Could Have Won

One can tie Kamala’s loss to Pelosi, The Obamas’, Joe Biden’s extreme Wokeism with its anti-White racism and especially its anti-Semitism.  For example, Joe Biden’s constant Blood Libels against Netanyahu, Israel, and by implication American Jews who supported Israel was too far left of center to appeal to anyone outside the 15% of Wokers.

Although Rep. Ritchie Torres (Dem-NY) had publicly supported Israel and lobbied for the safety of American Jews, he was a notable exception similar to Sen. John Fetterman (Dem-PA); neither are Jewish.  Meanwhile, VP Candidate Tim Walz, who began great, destroyed his value by alienating Centrist voters, when he said the Pro-Hamas demonstrators calling for Death to Israel and Death to America did so “for all the right reasons.”  In case that was not sufficiently pro-Hamas, Kamala Harris accused American Jews of genocide in Gaza, by saying the genocide was “real.”  Since the majority of American Jews support Israel (except for kapos like Sen. Chuckie Schumer), she was not only indirectly accusing us Jews of committing genocide, but she was also making it unsafe for American Jews to walk the streets.  Non-Jewish American Centrists heard and saw what Biden, Harris and Walz were saying, and it certainly did not endear the Woke Dems to them.

3.  Note to Wokers:

Supporting people who chant “Death to America” and falsely accusing Americans Jews of supporting genocide are not prudent political strategies.  As of this morning (11-10-24), Hamas Joe Biden has not learned his lesson as he is spewing more anti-Jewish Blood Libels about Israel and threatening to cut aid.

4. Note to Trump:

Rejection of the vile Woke politics is not a mandate to do whatever Trump wants.  It matters naught that Trump may say he is doing something to carry out a campaign promise for which he believes he has a mandate.  The speed with which the Mexican community will turn against Trump will amaze people if he invades Mexican communities and tears apart families.  When the Mexican communities opposed Defund the Police, they are not asking to return to the days of brutal ICE raids and constant police harassment. Like Anglos, they want the criminal element to be removed from their communities.  Stopping Biden’s parole (release) of criminals into the country is not a call for brutalization of Mexicans.  (BTW, sanctuary cities make removal of the criminal illegals much easier, but that is for another article.)

Trump’s advisors recognize the danger of a mandate for mass deportations since they are on the Sunday morning Talking Heads shows saying that they are targeting criminals and drug dealers.  Businesses do not want their workers rounded up and thrown out of the country. Deporting workers will increase the costs of production which will increase inflation. Will Trump agree with selective deportation is unknown at this time.

5. Stop with Transgender Nonsense

Whether a child or an adult believes that he or she is transgender is a private, family matter. Trump should not replicate the Woke pro-transgender mania with a MAGA anti-Transgender crusade.  Apply basic American values to this issue. Each individual has inalienable rights, and self-identification is the most basic aspect of Liberty.  See Self-Identification  The Trump Administration should follow the Martin Luther King principle: judge a person by character and not by skin color or other ascriptive characteristics, ethnicity, gender, religion, political party, sexual identification.

The Dems should not have perverted respect for a person’s self-identification and turned it into sword to attack others and force them to adopt preferred pronouns.  Rather, like race, religion, ethnicity, etc. the inherent right of self-identification is a shield against discrimination.

6. Stop the Obama’s Woke Foreign Policy Doctrine

Although it was not mentioned by name during the election cycle, the most important task for Trump is to reverse the effete, cowardly, and defeatist Obama-Biden foreign policy of appeasement, appeasement, appeasement. Trump also has to set aside his Narcissistic Rage against Zelenskyy because he did not violate US law and open an investigation into Hunter Biden.  In fact, had Zelenskyy done what Trump wanted, it could have changed the dynamics of the first impeachment and could have resulted in Trump’s being convicted. 

However, unless Trump strongly supports Ukraine, the entire world will see Trump as weak and fearful of Putin.  No matter his reason to follow in Biden’s Woke footsteps in betraying Ukraine, Trump will rue the day when world leaders see him as Putin boy-toy.


While there are some things which most Americans desire such as an improved economy and the end of Wokeism both domestically and in foreign policy, the vast 85% of the American Center does not want more rancor and attacks on other Americans.  After New Gingrich claimed a mandate, the result was the Dems winning the White House again.  .

(Richard Lee Abrams has been an attorney, a Realtor and community relations consultant as well as a CityWatch contributor.  You may email him at [email protected])

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