Fri, Oct


What Can a Weak Jewish Community Do to Protect Itself from Wokeism?


THE VIEW FROM HERE - Contrary to the belief of Barrack Obama, Joe Biden, and Kamala Harris, we Jews are not the problem, and we are not too powerful.  Instead, we have become an effete, divided community where the traditional leadership has sold us out.  

Obama Doctrine 

This has been discussed in CityWatch previously . In brief, as to Israel the Obama Doctrine holds that the sole problem in the Middle East is that the Jews are too powerful and the only way to counterbalance the power of the Jews is to help Iran get the nuclear bomb.  Re-enforcing this anti-Semitic premise is Dem’s domestic Woke Ideology that America as A White country is inherently sinful and it must repent by giving up using power as a deterrent to stop aggression from other countries.  It is safe to say that no nation which entered into a security agreement with the USA thought that it was also agreeing not to use any sort of offensive action when attacked. The world has seen the Obama Doctrine in Ukraine from the outset as Biden slow walked the promised military aid. 

Under the Woke Obama Doctrine, use of force is a sign of racist Whites’ and Jews’ imposing their predatory ways on the Oppressed peoples of the world.  What strange mental aberration allowed Biden to see Russia as oppressed by Ukraine has no name.  Instead of using power to deter aggression, the Obama Doctrine calls for negotiations, Cease-fires, and truces, especially when Ukraine or Israel is winning. 

From Oct 8, 2023, Biden has been stabbing Israel in the back.  Biden’s first demand was that Israel not militarily respond to the Oct 7th massacre, but instead negotiate with Hamas.  Hamas’s position has been crystal clear from the beginning. Its goal is not to help the Gazans, but to exterminate all the Jews from the River to the Sea.  For decades, the well-known Palestinian position is that the purpose of any cease-fire is to gain more military supplies and a larger terrorist army to murder all the Jews. As soon as they think they can accomplish the objective, they launch another war of genocide against Israel.  When calling for a ceasefire, Biden never mentions that there were two ceasefires in place on Oct 7: one with Hamas and the other with Hezbollah.  Neither Cease-fire protected a single Jewish life.  Nor does he mention the constant attacks on Israel by Hamas and Hezbollah. Biden always cast the situation of the Jews attacking the poor innocent Palestinians.  Over 98% of Americans who listen to Biden and the Woke US media had no idea that the terrorists have continuously shelling Israel since Oct 7th. 

Under the Obama Doctrine, a US ally may only fend off direct attacks, but it may carry the fighting to the enemy. Ukraine stopped telling Biden what they were planning and counter attacked Russia.  This Biden furious because he did not think Putin would negotiate if Zelenskyy had any cojones. 

The Biden Administration and everyone else in the world, who knows about the Arab-Israel conflict, know that the key component of each attack on Israel is to use any offense by Israel to root out the terrorists will be used a Publicity Campaign that Israel is murdering innocent civilians.  Thus, the terrorists in the West Bank would hide behind children and fire at IDF forces.  When a kid got killed, then the world media would show the grieving mother holding her dead child. No one would ask, “Why was your 12-year-old outside in the midst of a fire fight between terrorists and the IDF?”  Jews protect their children, but the Arabs place their children in harm’s way in order to use photos of maimed and dead children in their PR campaign so that the Western World will pressure Israel to give-up.  For Biden, “cease-fire” means “Israel gives up.” 

The leader of Hamas’ use of civilian shields publicity campaign has been Joe Biden with his non-stop anti-Jewish Blood Libels.  Now, Kamala Harris has adopted the Blood Libel that Jews are committing genocide in Gaza.    

Sell Out of American Jews 

After more than a year of Biden’s woke treachery against Jews, the traditional American Jewish leadership has been silent.  Worse than that, agencies like the Anti-Defamation League (ADL), the American Jewish Committee (AJC), many Jewish Federation Councils (JFEDs), and Jewish politicians have remained silent in face of Biden’s constant backstabbing, but they have been getting millions of dollars via the efforts of the Dem Party to support the Administration’s anti-Jewish agenda at home and broad.  (There have been other Jewish voices like JNS’ Jonathan Tobin who have addressed the danger which Dem Wokeism holds for the nation as a whole and Jews in particular.) 

One example how woke Dems have purchased the silence of the traditional Jewish community in Los Angeles, e.g. AJC, ADL, JFED, reform rabbis, is the April 2024, Golden State Plan to Counter Anti-Semitism. It sounds nice until you know the tradeoff. The agencies have to promote and not criticize the Woke DEI programs, especially those on college campuses.  The Woke DEI programs are the reason that we see pro Hamas supporters calling for Death to the Jews and then Tim Walz praising them for acting for “all the right reasons.”  The UCLA pro-Hamas encampment is a local example how the woke Jewish community, the woke UCLA administration and the woke Karen Bass Administration allowed the anti-Jewish protesters to harass, intimidate and attack Jewish students, long after USC had peacefully had its anti-Jewish encampment dismantled. 

UCLA, The Bass Administration, protected the anti-Jewish behavior by falsely characterizing it as Free Speech.  After the uproar over the three college presidents’ inability to state that calling for the destruction of the Jewish people did not violate their campus rules on speech (but using the wrong pronoun was not free speech), The ADL defended Harvard’s President Claudine Gay.  While the ADL will issue lengthy statements’ condemning anti-Semitism and seeking more donations, no one notices that the ADL ignores the racist Woke DEI programs which have caused the anti-Semitism.  Instead in weasel words which 99% of Jews miss, the ADL calls for more Woke DEI as the solution. See ADL Open Letter   In its last paragraph, The ADL calls for more enforcement of DEI codes, which is similar to telling German universities in the 1930's that their anti-Jewish policies should be more rigorously enforced. (The ADL does not use the word DEI, but it is referring to DEI with circumlocutions.) 

The ADL, the AJC, and many JFEDs embrace the basic premise of domestic and foreign policy DEI – the world is divided into to parts: The Oppressors (Whites and Jews) and the Oppressed, (Blacks, Hamas, Iranians). The sole cause of anything wrong in the world is due to the Oppression of minorities by Whites and Jews, and thus, Whites and Jews must not be allowed to have power.  

ADL Support for Woke DEI 

Before Oct 7th, The ADL insisted that White House’s DEI program officially take notice of Jews as a separate group.  Did this help the Jews? Of course not. Under the DEI mandate of proportional representation, Jews are overrepresented in faculty and the student body.  DEI proportional representation requires that Jewish percentage on campus be reduced by 2/3 rds.  Under DEI, individual merit counts for nothing; the controlling factor is group membership.  The ADL has made it possible for DEI programs to now reduce the number of Jews on campus and allow the anti-white and anti-Jewish DEI programs to thrive. 

Fighting Anti-Semitism is Not Fighting the Racist DEI 

These traditional Jewish agencies make millions of dollars fighting anti-Semitism.  For many decades they were nonpartisan, but since these agencies have sold out to the Dem Party, they have assiduously avoided any criticism of the underlying reason that Leftist America is awash in virulent anti-Semitism. America has never had an Administration as anti-Jewish as the Biden Administration. Yet, the effete Jewish organizations do not even push back against the Woke DEI when it results in Kamala Harris’s Blood Libel that Jews are committing genocide.  Instead, the AJC acts as if she misspoke and she should correct the record. AJC’s Ted Deutch will not even admit that Harris actually said that Jewish genocide of Gazans is “real.”   He ignores Harris’ voluntary statement and instead says that she should have more forcefully rejected his statement.  What ferkata narishkeit! She agreed with the blood libel; she did not reject it.  The fact her campaign later used weasel words only shows how atrocious Harris is for Israel, for Jews, and for the world.  She takes US Jews for granted that no matter how outrageous she behaves, she knows that she will not lose the support of the organized Jewish Community like ADL and AJC. She is accusing the US’s #1 ally in the Middle East of genocide! What country will want the US as an ally when Kamala Harris turns against its allies and promotes the propaganda of the world’s worst terrorist organization? 

What Can California Jews do? 

(1) Speak out to combat Biden’s and Harris’s vicious false narrative against Netanyahu, Israel and Jews in general 

(2) Vote for the Orange Fascist.  I do not know if Trump is a fascist, but even if all California Jews voted for him, he would not get one more Electoral College vote, but we Jews could at least stop thanking the Dems for kicking us in the teeth.  Hillel’s first question is: “If we Jews will not be for ourselves, who will be for us?”  When we are too effete, cowardly, and defeatist to tell the truth about ourselves, why should anyone else bother?

(Richard Lee Abrams has been an attorney, a Realtor and community relations consultant as well as a CityWatch contributor.  You may email him at [email protected]