Mon, Oct


Metro: Cowardice and Incompetence


MY THOTS - Cowardice and incompetence are not qualities that public agencies should have at the top of their agendas---but Metro suffers from an abundance of both. To be clear, in my opinion, Metro's alleged CEO--Stephanie Wiggins--unfortunately exemplifies both. Otherwise, why would she be working so hard to keep the public from knowing the truth and having the agency be both open and transparent. Everything Metro does is furtive--from actual community outreach--more like Kobuki Theater---to preventing the bidders from having any actual open and direct content with the public it's impacting. There is another hearing in November on our motions to obtain relevant information--which Metro is still stonewalling--the real question is here--is what exactly is Metro afraid of?--and why does the Board allow this behavior to continue (does someone have pictures?--and yes inquiring minds want to know). The Governance of Metro, unfortunately, did not set up a Board of businesspeople to oversee its activities---just politicians--which is a significant part of the problem--they all have day jobs--which has led to the lack of accountability and the squandering of billions of dollars. One of Metro's nitwits actually said at a meeting--"we don't look at price because it could affect our decision"----so there is no reason or mandate to find the most efficient and effective solution--and that person on making that comment should have been immediately shown the tunnel exit. I would like to point out that Ms. Wiggins has a photographer on Metro's payroll whose sole purpose is to follow her around and take her picture at events---while, in my opinion, as I have said before,  she has little executive or leadership qualities other than managing the Board--I'm sure she does take a nice picture--if anyone would like one for their wallet or their wall please send me a note and I will send you her email address---another ridiculous waste of money. The Board can vote for all kinds of actions but those actions must still be acted upon--and asking the present group of executives to execute those directives after ineptness and squandering billions of dollars is like asking a wide receiver who has good hands and excellent reflexes to perform an appendectomy---neither makes any sense. When she hired a "Trust Coach" to work with the executive team--eye roll--its proof that she has little leadership qualities--you lead by example and from the front--which is why I made the comment that she's a coward---because she has no idea how to do that and all she has to solve problems are excuses--none of this is meant to be taken lightly--and how much longer can it be ignored??? 

Because Metro refuses to be honest with the public, there are serious misconceptions about what it can accomplish for the '28 Olympics. One panelist at yesterday's VICA conference said that the City is using existing infrastructure and enhancing it. One example is Metro's Sepulveda Transit Corridor Project which is planned to connect the San Fernando Valley and the Westside. That gave me my first good laugh this morning--and I thought--whatever he's smoking, please pass me some. That project will not begin until 2030 at the earliest--after all the ensuing litigation--and will have actually zero impact for the Olympics--another Metro myth for the public to consume--notwithstanding the Environmental Report is 3 years late--and no tunnel can be dug for less than $2.1Billion a mile--which with the normal delays and overruns (and that's without the litigation) will cost north of $40B and  actually will never happen....the cost will sink it.  In New York, Uber recently started a van route from Midtown to LaGuardia Airport----solar and one passenger cars are coming and who knows what over the next 20 years. These tunnel digging clowns are so lost in the past--and impervious to daylight-- that they have no imagination for the future--which is why some of their solutions was developed in the 19th century and this project started 10 years ago in 2014--and the ridership they project will never happen---like all their previous ridership estimates over the last 20 years (buses do not apply) have been wrong. 

Recently, an independent panel called for new leadership at the Secret Service--it said the agency had become "bureaucratic, complacent and static." If we add a few other adjectives to that quote, you have the current situation at Metro. As I've said many times, it’s time for an independent review of Metro performed by an independent outside organization--leaving the status quo, won't make anything better--the rumbling, bumbling, stumbling numbskulls there have no ability to do what needs to be done. Change needs to take place--not if--when!! 

One last note---KNX News last night--"LA in Serious financial trouble due in part, to costly legal settlements"----Bob Blumenfeld--LA Council member and budget committee chair---"We are in a very deep financial problem situation here in the City of Los Angeles"--Should we be surprised?-----businesses leaving--people with incomes leaving--downtown turned into a homeless encampment---people feeling crime is out of control---when are our elected politicians going to wake up. Putting a leash and a review of Metro would be a good start----its just enough--and can't be allowed to continue. 

I'm Just Saying--I went to a Dodger game recently and saw that Forrest Lawn was a sponsor on their billboards---which got me to thinking----instead of baseball, they should be sponsoring golf--"For the Ultimate Hole in One---Forest Lawn". Just a thought!! 

One last point---since these emails seem to have a wider circulation than I thought----I also occasionally write articles for CityWatchLA--articles not about Metro---if anyone is interested--my latest one is entitled " LA-Woke, Broke and the Punchline of too Many Jokes" 

(Fredric D. Rosen is a retired Businessman who has served on multiple corporate (both public and private) and charitable boards. He was Ticketmaster's CEO for 16 years and was responsible for making it the leading ticket company in the world.)

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