Tue, Oct

How Did America Get in This Mess?


THE VIEW FROM HERE - Perhaps, the only thing on which Dems and GOP agree is that the nation is in a mess.  Neither side, however, will admit the reason and both sides attack any analysis which would show their role.  That is the nature of a polarized nation: one side is all holy and pure and the other side is all evil and perverse.  To a sad extent, both the Dems and the GOP are correct – the other side exemplify secular evil and engage in dirty tactics with zero concern for the Republic. 

One way to rephrase the question is How did America become so confused as to think that a mentally ill cult leader could be its savior?  

Another way to state the situation is: How did Americans become so confused as to support a leader who meets with supporters of terrorists such as Hamas and Hezbollah and promises to give their views representation once she is elected? 

Although the Woke Dems know that catering to supporters of Hamas and Hezbollah like Dearborn’s Osama Siblani, the publisher of the Arab American News,” encourages violence, they’ve been doing it since Oct 7th.  Most recently, Kamala Harris met with Siblani in an effort to obtain his political support, just as Joe Biden has been doing since Oct 7th. On September 25, 2024, Siblani was rallying American Arabs with praises of Hassan Nasrallah, head of Hezbollah, a group which the United States has designated as a terrorist organization.  A few days later, an IDF air strike in Beirut killed Nasrallah. 

On September 25, 2024 speaking in Arabic, Siblani shouted praise for Hassan Nasrallah.  According to Siblani’s newspaper’s translation of the speech, he said, “They want us to be afraid of praising our leaders and martyrs, but today we say to them that our martyrs are heroes and our leaders are great, especially the great Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah.”  For the vast majority of Americans who have forgotten who Nasrallah is: He was responsible for the 1982 bombing in Lebanon which killed about 300 Americans and the US had placed a $7 Million bounty on his head and for the deaths of tens of thousands Syrian Arabs to help Syria’s Assad in his civil war where Assad used poison gas on his own people.  

Nonetheless, Kamala Harris has shown her support of Siblani by meeting with him in the last few days to ask for his help to get elected.  Rather than speaking out against supporters of violent terrorists, Kamala is crawling to them to beg for their help.  Kamala’s path to Siblani was paved by Harris’ campaign manager Julie Chávez Rodriguez in August 2024, when she privately met with Siblani telling him that the [Israeli] killing has to stop in Gaza, but with no mention of Hezbollah’s non-stop missile attacks on Northern Israel, forcing over 60,000 Israelis to abandon their homes. Nor was there mention that since Oct 7, Hamas had still be firing missiles at Israel.  Although Harris’ recent meeting with Siblani and his ilk was not public, Harris did not condemn Hamas, Hezbollah, or attacks on Jewish Americans by supporters of the terrorists.  Instead, she promised that if elected the White House would listen to Siblani’s concerns, which boil down to the extermination of Jews. 

By not condemning those who support the eradication of us Jews, Harris has betrayed the essence of America - each individual's inalienable right to life, liberty and pursuit of happiness.  There are no Jewish rallies with signs saying "Death to America," only Arabs openly march calling for America’s demise.  If Harris cared about American values, she would condemn those protestors and she would not mollify their leaders or solicit their help. 

Oh Yes, One Has to Mention the Obvious 

Suppose Donald Trump had met with supporters of the American Nazi Party as they praised Hitler and continued to call for the extermination of Jews.  In fact, years after Donald Trump unequivocally condemned Nazis and White Supremacists at the Charlottesville August 2017 rally, Kamala falsely claimed that Trump had said Nazis were “very fine people.”   Even David Muir of ABC News supported her debunked false story by his silence when Harris repeated it.  In the same vein, Tim Walz has said that Arab protestors calling Death for Israel and Death to America did so “for all the right reasons.” The press has never asked Walz to state those “right reasons. ” See Harris Walz Support Terrorists     

Why Does Kamala Harris Not Support Core American Values? 

At the DNC, it looked as if Kamala was breaking with the anti-White racist Wokeism which vilified Whites and Jews as the cause of all the world’s ills.  The Obama Doctrine which Joe Biden strongly supports is Wokeism in American foreign policy.  While Obama-Biden made deals with Iran’s ayatollahs, none of those behind-the-scenes agreements including the motives in Biden’s funding Iran and its terrorist proxies were ratified by the US Senate.  Yet, Biden withhold arms from Israel which both houses of Congress approved. Looking at Obama’s and Biden’s actions, these sub rosa deals entail the US supporting Iran’s nuclear ambitions, allowing it to have access to billions of dollars to fund worldwide terrorism, and protecting Iran from Israel.  After the DNC, there was hope that Harris was breaking away from Wokeism.  See Harris Breaks from Wokeism?     

Sad to say, it was not to be.  Had Kamala continued to support and expand on her support for individual inalienable rights including Liberty, which is the sole basis for Roe vs Wade, Harris would be far ahead in the polls.  Centrist American voters hate Wokeism.  Biden was losing the election due to his Wokeism, and the Dems blew their chance to rectify Biden’s support for Group Rights where people get “goodies,” not based on merit or even upon bona fide need, but based on skin color or gender.  Long before Biden selected his running mate in 2020, he declared that it would be a Black female.  That means Biden was limiting his selection to about 7% of Americans and he was excluding 93% of all Americans based on race and gender. That would be similar to Trump’s declaring that his running mate would have to be a straight-line male descendant from the Mayflower.   

Look how different it was with Barrack Obama – he was chosen by a large majority of Americans of all hues.  While the Dems tried to have Woke Hilary Clinton get the nomination, the country chose Obama, while racists like Trump insisted that Obama was not born in the United States.  In 2016, Hilary incessantly played the Woke Female Card. 

What Happened Between 2008 and 2020 - 2024? 

For decades, Nancy Pelosi has been working to polarize America between the  Whites and Jews versus the minorities, primarily the Blacks. Her delusional theory is that when the majority of voters are minorities, they will use the ballot dox to appropriate the rights and properties of the Whites and Jews.  In fact, Nancy Pelosi’s forcing Woke DEI programs on colleges, universities, businesses and government is the reason so many American college students and their professors are openly and proudly anti-Semitic.  Pelosi’s Identity Politics – Wokeism requires polarization as she sees America as fundamentally sinful.  She supports racist concepts like the 1916 Project, White Fragility, and White Privilege to support proportional representation where Jews and Asians are removed from college campuses so that more Blacks are admitted. 

As law enforcement warned Pelosi for years, her existential threats against Whites was dangerous as the far right wing, like Timothy McVeigh, are paranoid and violent, but they were a police matter and not a social movement.  By her expanding “evil Whites” to include anyone with light skin hue as owing restitution to Blacks, Pelosi enabled far right agitators to create the MAGA GOP (formerly known as Tea Baggers) with Donald Trump, as its cult leader.  But for Dem Wokeism, there would be no MAGA because Hilary Clinton would not have called the suffering Whites in the Rust Belt States, “Deplorables.”  There would have been no Obama Doctrine as Hilary was not a Woker in foreign policy.  Whether a theoretical President Hilary Clinton would have sidelined Pelosism and halted the polarization of America will never be known.  What we do know that domestic Wokeism has resulted in a polarized America where anti-Semitism has never been greater and America consistently stabs its allies in the back.  Biden’s anti-Ukraine and anti-Israel Wokeism that America is too sinful to allow its allies to win a war is being repeated against our allies, the Philippines, whose ships are being attacked by China.  There is no America ally who can count on our support if attacked by the likes of Putin or Iran. 

Polarization is destroying America – as Abe Lincoln said, “A house divided against itself cannot long stand.” It’s hard to imagine any thing more divisive than Kamala Harris’ seeking the support from Arab Americans who call for Death to Israel and Death to America, while Joe Biden engages in non-stop Blood Libels against Israel and his current telling Iran’s ayatollahs not to worry as he won’t let Israel harm any of its important infrastructure such as its nuclear program or its oil fields.  Biden also betrays the Iranian dissidents who want to topple the mullahs. 

Wokeism’s virulent Anti-Americanism is as much a threat to America as is Trumpism.

(Richard Lee Abrams has been an attorney, a Realtor and community relations consultant as well as a CityWatch contributor.  You may email him at [email protected])