Thu, Oct

Zombie Walking into Our Own Demise


MY THOTS - Where art thou, Walter Cronkite, Huntley and Brinkley, Edward R. Murrow? Dead, As are the journalistic standards they stood for. We are living in the information age. Yet, gasp, there seems to be too much information ricocheting about that is proving pesky to the powers that be, especially scions of that once bastion of free speech, liberalism, tolerance, and inclusion formally known as the Democratic Party.

As they say, the greatest trick the devil ever pulled off was convincing people he didn't exist. Therefore, our current rulers are often consternated and angry about disinformation and misinformation. They find it hard to convince citizens that their view is the correct one, the one that must be adhered to. Hence, in their mind, industrial-strength censorship needs to be implemented.

 It has been revealed almost daily that the information emanating from government spokesmen from virtually every governmental agency and department and the legacy media should be viewed as possible propaganda and with healthy skepticism. This is due to the army of citizen journalists, doctors, and truth seekers currently inhabiting Twitter now X and other alternative platforms, exposing the lies, falsehoods, and stories the mainstream media won't publish or are lying about. A few examples of the sea of disinformation we are swimming in are that Ukraine is running the war, the COVID-19 vaccine is safe, effective, and blocks transmission, Joe Biden is as sharp as a tack, and the border is safe and secure.

Now we see luminaries like John Kerry, another good hair deep state puppet, as well as the New York Times and Harvard professors calling for an overhaul of the constitution, not only the Second Amendment but now the First Amendment is also in the crosshairs. That is because too many embarrassing alternative narratives are coming out. Therefore, it would be much easier to control the discourse, the politics, and the policies if there was only a one-way dialogue and you only heard what the ruling party wanted you to hear. Do you know of any country that outlawed free speech, and then things got better?

"War, huh, yeah

What is it good for?

Absolutely nothing" – Edwin Starr

Underreported and suddenly ignored, the war in Ukraine could be the war to end all wars. This war would have been preventable had the Minsk Accords been implemented. Minsk would have guaranteed security arrangements with Russia and Ukrainian neutrality. Instead, the Biden-Harris administration, along with much of Europe and, of course, the Ukrainian government, are oblivious to the potential consequences of provoking Putin and Russia into a potentially catastrophic war with NATO.

US policymakers are continuously blinded by their preternatural hatred of Russia, and they treat the war in Ukraine as merely a proxy war. The Russians do not see this as a proxy war. They see that over $200 billion are coming from Europe and the United States, including weapons and intelligence that are being used to make war against Russia. Russia has continually let it be known that there are red lines that shall never be crossed without the direst consequences, so much so that Russia has now changed its nuclear doctrine.

Russia's change in its nuclear doctrine was brought about by the Ukrainian request to use Storm-Shadow Missiles to attack deep inside Russian territory. The Prime Minister of England and Justin Trudeau, the Canadian Prime Minister, blessed this request. Both have very little skin in the game but a tremendous amount to lose. Surprisingly, the Pentagon and the CIA, sources say, nixed that idea due to the probable hellacious consequences and the fact that even if storm shadow missiles were launched against military targets deep inside Russia, it would not change what is happening on the battlefield inside Ukraine.

Rarely mentioned is the fact that Russia has the largest arsenal of nuclear weapons in the world; their hypersonic missile that travels at over 5000 mph is not stoppable. This means our anti-missile defense cannot stop nukes from raining down on North America. In Washington, DC, the think tanks that help make "defense" policy have come to believe that nuclear war is survivable and we could win a nuclear exchange because our capabilities are so much superior to Russia. This is thinking that only Stanley Kubrick's character, Doctor Strangelove, could love. The encirclement of Russia by NATO positioning offensive and defensive weapons on Russia's doorstep has been considered by the Russians an existential threat. Now, they are acting to counterbalance that perceived threat.

The policies espoused by Biden, Harris, Blinken, Garland, Nuland, Graham, and McConnell et al brand of Democrats and Rinos are genocidal and anti-human. Let's start with the Ukraine. NATO and the USA have poured in almost $200 Billion, with another $100 Billion pledged. While putting sanctions after sanctions in Russia and hoping to militarily cripple Russia and sow discontent with Putin, as our strategic planning experts espoused, it has backfired spectacularly. Russia's GDP is expanding at a 4% rate, and its military is stronger than ever.

We are the only country in the world that squanders its riches outside of its own country to the detriment of its citizens. We are also the only country that's stupid enough to pay for our own border invasion. Of note, "President" Zelensky Received an additional $8 billion from the Biden-Harris administration. Israel gets Billions, and now, FEMA will hand out $750.00 as emergency needs money to folks who lost everything. Relief like this will convince ravaged survivors to believe they do not matter and are being sacrificed because they might vote for the wrong Presidential Candidate. I am sure they feel it is obscene to give  $100 of billions to Taiwan, Israel, and Ukraine to find out the Federal Emergency Management Agency does not have enough funding to make it through the hurricane season.

We have been slow-walking our way with the professional help of think tanks, incompetent bureaucrats, and the rabid leaders of Ukraine and Israel. Our intelligence community, like a crazed girlfriend, has set up two deadly games of you and him fight. What is wrong with this picture is that both Netanyahu and Zelensky know they can't win without the US and NATO coming into the war with massive military resources. The war in the Middle East can also spiral out of control as Russia and China would have to go to Iran's aid. China needs Iran's hydrocarbons. Both countries have an unprecedented amount of military cooperation and economic alliances.

Our lust for National self-immolation seemingly knows no bounds. Any sane country has secure borders. They also have a keen interest in who's coming into their country. But that's not the United States under President Biden, Vice President Harris, and Secretary of Homeland Security Alexandra Mayorkas.

In a shocking letter from US Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) administrator Patrick J Lechleiner, Deputy Director and Senior Official performing the duties of the Director, ICE let 435,719 convicted criminals and 226,847 people with pending criminal charges in their home countries into the US Of those cleared by ICE, to enter the country 13,099 have convictions for homicide, and another 1,845 were facing criminal charges. Some 9,461 have convictions for sex offenses (not including assault or commercialized sex), and 2,659 face pending charges. The convictions include other crimes such as assault (62,231), robbery (10,031), sexual assault (15,811), weapons offenses (13,423), and dangerous drugs (56,533).

Our so-called government, as it stands now, hates America and seemingly hates the average American. This malice goes beyond facile explanations, such as Hanlon's razor. We, the meager citizens of the USA, are expendable and merely tax-paying batteries for an agenda that is the furthest thing from beneficence to its citizens. In September, Harris and Biden sent $567 million to Taiwan, $8.7 billion to Israel, and $8 billion to Ukraine to continue poking Russia. Meanwhile, we can't even make a reasonable effort to rescue our citizens whose lives and homes have been destroyed due to a natural disaster. How this does not approach the threshold for impeachment for high crimes and misdemeanors is a mystery to me. Therefore, deeply consider who you're voting for because everything you cherish might depend on it.

(Eliot Cohen has been on the Neighborhood Council, serves on the Van Nuys Airport Citizens Advisory Council, and is on the Board of Homeowners of Encino and was the president of HOME for over seven years. Eliot retired after a 35-year career on Wall Street. Eliot is a critic of the stinking thinking of the bureaucrats and politicians that run the County, the State, and the City. Eliot and his wife divide their time between L.A. and Baja Norte, Mexico.)