Mon, Mar

Paging Hezbollah, Paging Hezbollah...Oh, Wait...


ALPERN AT LARGE - First it was right out of a James Bond movie...the pagers, and then the walkie-talkies, and then all sorts of gadgets are suddenly blowing up and killing and wounding terrorists.

Except that we have innocent civilians, and even children, dying when they’re right next to the exploding devices.

So as a Jew, it’s easy to fall into the trap of “Don’t Mess with the Jews” or “Don’t Mess with the Israelis”...but a good Jew does NOT fall into that trap.

Good Jews, as we enter the High Holy Days, do NOT forget the families of the terrorist, or even the terrorists themselves...who once were sweet, innocent boys and girls drawn into the making of war, when the making of families and money is so much better and more fulfilling. 

Hence, we should, as Jews entering the High Holy Days of 2024 (Jewish Year 5784, soon to be 5785) avoid being idiots, vidiots, and “yidiots”.

Idiots are those who are being played for votes or for forces (military/industrial establishment, political establishment, etc.) that play them for fools, and actually hurt them in the long (or even short) run.

Vidiots are those who take in propaganda (the Palestinian/Iranian/Hezbollah usual suspects are very good at this) and take it as “real”. There is no critical thinking among Vidiots—which is necessary when observing ALL sides, left and right, Israeli and non-Israeli, Jew vs. Gentle, in reaching an open-minded, cautious conclusion.

And then there are the “Yidiots” (probably something a Jew can get away with saying more easily than a non-Jew, but to my way of thinking the truth is the truth), who are trying to prove to the rest of the world, or to certain forces who really mean them harm, that they’re “the good Jews” who deserve mercy more than those “mean Israelis”.

And it’s the Idiots, Vidiots, and Yidiots who are going to get many of us killed--and that especially means Jews in this nation and around the planet.

Too much of our nation has empowered those who want to kill Jews both here and in Israel, not realizing that “they’re next”. We’re ALL next if we don’t slam the door and not tolerate ANY garbage from Hamas, Hezbollah, the Houthis, and any other Iranian proxies. 

They want us to suffer and die. 

Peace is NOT on their agenda...unless it means peace without us being around.

If we try to be “nice” and “balanced” we perpetuate the problem, not fix it.

Neither Jews nor Muslims, neither Americans nor Arabs, are supposed to suffer and die in some neverending war or other sort of conflict. 

To the Idiots, Vidiots, and Yidiots: you’re going to get us all killed. 

And you’re going to get a whole lot of Arabs killed to boot.

Stop feeding into war, and let’s get back to cellphones and pagers that don’t blow up.


(Kenneth S. Alpern, M.D, is a dermatologist who has served in clinics in Los Angeles, Orange, and Riverside Counties, and is a proud husband and father. He was active for 20 years on the Mar Vista Community Council (MVCC) as a Board Member focused on Planning and Transportation, and helped lead the grassroots efforts of the Expo Line as well as connecting LAX to MetroRail. His latest project is his fictional online book entitled The Unforgotten Tales of Middle-Earth, and can be reached at [email protected]. The views expressed in this article are solely those of Dr. Alpern.)

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