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Biden’s Catering to Anti-Semitic, Anti-American Islamic Extremism Will Destroy America


THE VIEW FROM HERE - The amount of anti-Semitic propaganda spewing forth from the White House and the Democrat Party would make Joseph Goebbels (October 29, 1897 – May 1, 1945) green with envy.  But first we need to look how America became such fertile ground for hate. 

(1) The Advent of Cable Media 

Once upon a time in our distant past, there was an America where there were only three networks who all chased after the same demographics – Centrist America.  Whether it was Madison Avenue selling cars by which one had the largest tail fins or politicians promising the good life, straying too far from what Middle America wanted doomed one to ratings disaster. When cable media came along, niche markets based on total bull crap became financial cash cows.  No longer did political parties or the three TV networks have to make their pitch to the rational center; rather they chose a base and ignored everything else.  Extremism made more money; so screw the truth; monetization of hate and fear made more money.  See Hate Money Stalks American  As Kellyanne Conway unabashedly announced, we live in the era of “Alternate Facts.” 

(2) The Imposition of Woke Extremism on American Education 

The difference between Donald Trump’s Alternate Facts and Dem’s perversion of America is that Trump’s falsehoods were loud, bold, and absolutely absurd.  Trump showed a doctored photo of his inauguration crowd on national television and over hundred million people, who saw that the photo had been cropped, nonetheless believed Trump that his inauguration had the largest crowds.  The Dems, however, had chosen a more sinister route of indoctrinating our youth with extraordinarily anti-American ideas that our country was a fountain of evil and the best way to prove one’s virtue was to trash our founding fathers because of their skin color and reject America’s core values of individual inalienable rights and a government based on mutual cooperation.  See Polarization of America

Today, the Dems are Gaslighting all America with endless false memes to the extent that we cannot keep track of them all.  The saying that a lie told a thousand times becomes the truth is being proved every day with the Biden Administration endless stream of nonsense.  Americans got a glimpse of what had happened to American education with the December Congressional testimony of the Woke presidents of Harvard, MIT and the University of Pennsylvania.  All believed that calling for the genocide of Jews was OK provided it was within the “proper context.” 

The Take-Over of College Campuses and Goebbels’ Size Lies 

(1) Free Palestine 

This two word meme is so accepted that virtually everyone forgets vital facts. 

There is not now and never has been in all of history the country of Palestine.  Here’s reality. There are two territories with two different governments: (a) The West Bank which formerly was part of the Ottoman empire, the under the British Mandate, then governed by Jordan.  (b) Gaza which likewise was part of the Ottoman Empire and the British Mandate and then governed by Egypt.  Despite never being a country, both territories are referred to as Palestine. 

There is no modern country of Palestine because the Arabs rejected the 1947 Partition of the land between the Jews and Arabs – the original Two State Solution. Because the Arabs rejected the Two State Solution and attempted to exterminate all the Jews in order to create the 23rd Arab state of Palestine with no Jews, the Arabs attacked Israel. When the Arabs lost the war, Israel’s acceptance of the two state solution resulted in the State of Israel. There was no state of Palestine because the Arabs continued to reject statehood.  Instead, Jordan took control of the West Bank and Egypt did the same with Gaza.  

After the Arabs again attacked Israel in 1967, Jordan and Egypt lost control of the West Bank and Gaza, which remained as stateless territories, which Israel occupied.  Israel offered to return Gaza to Egypt but it refused to take it and Jordan was already expelling the Palestine Authority from Jordan into Lebanon and Jordan likewise refused to resume control of the West Bank. 

Until 2005, Israel’s military had to occupy both The West Bank and Gaza since the territories were launching pads for incessant terrorist attacks inside Israel.  Because the brain-dead West bought the lie that the IDF’s was the cause, rather than the response to, the terrorism, Ariel Sharon, Israel’s then Prime Minister, forced Israel and every single Jew to leave Gaza. If the occupation had been the motive for Gaza terrorism, then terrorism would stop when the occupation stopped. The terrorism did not stop but increased. 

Finally, We Ge to The Pertinent Fact - Since 2005 Gaza Has Been Totally Free  

What did the Gazans do with their freedom? Gazans freely elected Hamas and then freely murdered members of the Palestinian Authority. Gazans freely helped Hamas build the terror tunnels, Gazans freely allowed Hamas to have all hospitals house military command centers, Gazans freely allowed Hamas to construct no air raid shelters for the coming war against Israel knowing full well that the lack of shelters was to maximize Gazan deaths, and Gazans freely taught their children to hate all Jews and that Islam required them to murder all Jews. Over 70 % of current Gazans and West Bankers still support Hamas  They freely support Hamas and the Oct 7th Pogrom – a fact the Biden Administration and the Anti-Semitic Wokers refused to admit. 

Thus, the meme Free Palestine is total garbage.  Gaza has been totally free and it freely chose to pursue a genocidal war against Jews.  Yet, Biden has yet to challenge the absurd lie that Gaza needs to be free. 

Why Is the IDF in the West Bank?

When Israel withdrew from Gaza in 2005, it said that it would also withdraw from the West Bank if the terrorism stopped. Instead, the terrorism steadily increased. Had the IDF withdrawn from the West Bank, the October 7th Pogrom would have happened years earlier. Biden never mentions that the sole reason that a genocidal raid on Israel has not come from the West Bank is the presence of the IDF. 

(2) From River to the Sea, Palestine Shall Be Free 

As every literate person should know, this phrase comes for the Hamas charters (1988 and 2017) to exterminate all Jews from the Jordan River and The Mediterranean Sea. Don’t tell me that someone with an Ivy League education does not know this fact! Oops, I’m wrong.  Due to Woke indoctrination, they chant it without knowing which river, which sea, or free from what? Oh, they are certain it means to be free from Jews – the world’s grand oppressors. 

According the Nancy Pelosi’s Identity Politics, aka Wokeism, the world is divided into Oppressors (Jews and Whites, Jews are deemed the worst of the oppressors), and the Oppressed (all minorities). Under Wokeism, no one is judged by his character but rather by the group to which the Woke classify him.  Since the evil oppressors must be destroyed, US wokers support the extermination of Jews.  Most Wokers deny that Oct 7th happened, and if it did happen, it was “The Jews’ fault.” 

(3) The Two State Solution 

Here, Joe Biden is at his Woker best, screaming for a Two State Solution and his constant big lie that Israel rejected the Two State Solution when each and every time, a Two State Solution has been possible, the Arabs have rejected it and Israel has accepted it.  All Netanyahu has done is after 75 years accepted the reality, that the Palestinians do not want a Two State Solution. Biden’s constant lie about who has rejected the Two State Solution rivals Trump’s claim that he won the 2020 election. 

(4) Gazans Are Trapped in Rafah

Joe Biden has trapped Gazans in Rafah in order to appease a handful of Islamic voters in Michigan and the Congressional Anti-Semitic Wokers.  See How Biden Trapped Gazans in Rafah   Briefly, the original plan was to evacuate Gazans from the north southward so that the IDF could root out Hamas, thereby reducing civilian casualties.   Everyone knew that once in Rafah, which borders Egypt, the civilians would have to be evacuated into the empty Sinai.  After over one million Gazans were corralled into Rafah, Joe Biden betrayed Gazans, Israel, America, and the entire world and stopped backing the plan.  Instead, Biden became the cheerleader for Hamas, with his constant falsehoods about how IDF was intentionally murdering Gazans.  All independent miliary experts agree that no nation has taken more care to protect civilians than Israel; yet, Biden had been fomenting increasing anti-Semitism by his lies about Israel’s being “indiscriminate” in killing Gazans. 

The longer Biden can keep Gazans in Rafah and out of the safe zone in the Sinai, the longer Hamas has to regroup in its tunnels and reposition its remaining troops to the North.    

(5) Starving Gazans 

Biden knows that the sole and only cause of any food shortage is that Hamas was stealing the humanitarian aid.  If Gazans were lucky, Hamas would sell the same food at high prices.  Air drops were made for one reason – so that Gazan civilians could get to the aid packages before Hamas.  When the aid came via truck routes, Hamas knew where to attack.  Biden also covers up that the NGO’s, who provide aid, have to cooperate with Hamas or they are dead. 

(6) The Divestment Scam 

The calls to divest from Israel show that the campus protestors are not trying to help Gazans, but rather are simply anti-Semitic.  If they actually cared about peace, which they clearly do not, they would demand that Hamas stop its actual war crimes of hostage taking and its use of human shields, which is the sole reason so many Gazans have died.  Instead, they would demand that Hamas surrender so that the IDF could end then terrorist regime the way the Allied Forced required the total unequivocal surrender of Nazi Germany. 

(7) Israel Is an Apartheid State 

This claim highlights the unbelievable level of ignorance on college campuses.  Israelis are 20% Arab with full civil rights and the majority of Jews are non-Ashkenazi, mostly Sephardic and Mizrahi, with other smaller groups such as Christians and Bedouins, all who have full rights as Israeli citizens.  

(8) Jews and Bedouins are the Indigenous people 

Jews and Bedouins are the only surviving indigenous people “from the river to the sea.”  All the other groups about which we read in the Bible have vanished. Claiming that Jews are foreign colonizers is like claiming Egyptians are colonizers of Egypt and then calling for their extermination.  All one has to do is realize that Jesus was born in Bethlehem, which is in the West Bank, and that there are no Palestinians in the Christmas story.  Not only has Jerusalem has been the capital of Israel since 1,000 B.C. E., but Mohammad never set foot in Israel. The closest Mohammad came was a dream that he was in Jerusalem. 

(9) Origin of Today’s Anti-Semitism 

Just as today’s Oldsmobile is not your grandfather’s Oldsmobile, today’s anti-Semitism is not yesterday’s anti-Semitism.   Today’s vile anti-Semitism began with Nancy Pelosi’s Identity Politics which is now the mind-rotting ideology of the Democrat Party, known as Wokeism. Under the cloak of making America open its opportunity structure to all, a viciously polarizing political system arose.  Wokeism has polarized American politics between the Evil Oppressors and the Good Oppressed.  It has banished from Ivy League campuses Martin Luther King’s I Have A Dream Speech’s value to judge each person by content of character and not by skin color.  Rather, the opposite is the prevailing orthodoxy – to judge a person by ascriptive status, race, ethnicity, religion, etc.  If one is white or Jewish, one is an evil Oppressor and must be exterminated. If one is a minority, like Hamas, one is Oppressed, and none of their barbaric, criminal actions are too extreme not to be deemed virtuous. 

Biden’s absurd delusion that he has to reject our founding values in order to cater to the hideous Woker ideology has no equal in American history. While Trump is mentally ill and would be king dictator, he has no ideology which will survive his death.  Biden’s craven kowtowing to the Woker Left has installed a racist ideology in place of Truth, Justice and the American Way. 

(Richard Lee Abrams has been an attorney, a Realtor and community relations consultant as well as a CityWatch contributor.  Opinions expressed by Mr. Abrams are not necessarily those of CityWatch.  You may email him at [email protected].)


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