Tue, Feb

MAGA and Wokeism Pose Existential Threats to America


THE VIEW FROM HERE - Polarized extremism always results in a free society’s destruction. The reason is simple: Consent of the governed can only be the product of centrist agreement.  Extremists like MAGA and Wokeism can only govern by force including terrorism.  When the American center, which includes GOP and DEM, remains passive, the nation becomes ungovernable since the two extremes devote their time and energy to vanquishing “The Other,” and betray the vital needs of the nation. 

A Quick Review: 

MAGA is a right wing cult whose leader Donald Trump suffers from two serious personality disorders: (1) Histrionic (See HPD) and (2) Narcissistic (See NPD) with paranoid features.  The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-TR-5) represents an evolving consensus among mental health professionals as to which behaviors are sufficiently similar to be classified together. The DSM is our best effort to classify behaviors so that professionals have a way to discuss human behavior.  Most DSM diagnoses require personal interviews and/or testing.  When, however, the diagnostic features are constantly on public display, some diagnoses can be made from afar.  Donald Trump is a prime example.  See Trump and DSM  When the cult leader disappears, the cult dies. 

WOKEISM has become an insidious rejection of basic American values of individual inalienable rights with a government based on the consent of the governed in favor of a totalitarian ideology that individual rights are a vestige of White racism.  Instead, Wokeism preaches that the group to which a person belongs is conclusive of a person’s worth.  Wokeism has two categories: The Oppressors (all Whites and Jews) and the Oppressed (all minorities.)  The cause of any social problem is always the same: White racism.  The Woke tenet is so strong that Black academics who disagree and present contrary data will be expelled from universities such as Harvard.  One could say that prior be being named Harvard’s President, Claudine Gay’s main role was to ferret out and excise from Harvard any minority faculty members who disputed Woke DEI. See Firing of Prof. Roland G. Fryer   Other than Nancy Pelosi, there is no single person whose demise might slow the Woke juggernaut through America’s universities, businesses and government. 

MAGA and Wokeism Both Commit Treason 

Trump’s position on Ukraine may be classified as treason since one purpose to create the federal government was to “provide for the common defense.”  Abandoning the Ukraine and telling Putin he can attack NATO strikes at the heart of America’s defense.  Betrayal of an ally like Ukraine will destroy America’s international standing and no nation will be so foolish as to depend upon America in times of crisis.  Serious international commitments, such as the US has made to Ukraine and to NATO, have to span multiple presidencies. The maximum amount of time America can have the same President is eight years and many international threats last decades. All of Europe will immediately make dire concessions to Putin. China will see that America’s alliance with Taiwan is ephemeral and China may move against all of Southeast Asia as it desires.  

Wokeism’s Treason Is Similar to Trump’s, but Is Far More Deadly 

While the Wokers are somewhat split, the divide between Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) and less strident Wokers is the degree to which they support Hamas and its on-going attempts to exterminate al the Jews “between the River and the Sea.” Almost all Wokers close their eyes to the reality of Hamas’ Charters.  See Hamas 1998 Charter and also  Hamas 2017 Charter   Hamas’ doctrine and actions are far worse than German Nazis during WW II.  Not only do the Hamas 1988 and 2017 Charters call for extermination of Jews, but Hamas main strategic war plan is to maim and murder as many Gazans as possible so that the world rescues Hamas.  Please read, Strategy of Atrocity   Even the German Nazis did not hide behind German civilians and no part of Nazi war plan entailed the intentional deaths of millions of Aryan Germans as a war tactic. German military deaths were between 5.3 Million and 4.3 Million and German civilian deaths were between 500,000 and 2 Million. (Many of the 6 Millions Jews murdered in the Death Camp were from non-German countries such as Poland.)  Overall between 75 million and 80 million people died during WW II.  The Nazis did not, however, bar unarmed Aryan German women and children from air raid shelters or the underground (subway) systems so that the Nazis could show the world photographs of maimed and dead German children in a ploy to save the Third Reich. 

Americans seem unable to comprehend the radical difference between Western Culture including even genocidal Nazism on the one hand, and on the other hand, Hamas. Along with other Muslims, Hamas preaches love of death and Palestinian Authority financially rewards families whose children become suicide bombers.  (In contrast, America has begun to convict parents of school shooters of manslaughter for not taking action to prevent their son’s murders.) Hamas’ death dogma should not be equated to someone heroically throwing himself on the top of a hand grenade to save buddies.  Hamas intentionally employs the tactic to make certain as many Gazans are killed by being forced to die Israeli bombings by not allowing civilians to flee or to have any safe refuge, such as in the Hamas tunnels where the Hamas soldiers are hiding.  The Woke media, however, seldom mentions this fact and virtually never mentions that Hamas is still shelling Israel. Hamas’ shelling originates from where it clusters Gazan civilians so that when the IDF strikes at the Hamas’s launch sites, Gazan civilians die. 

The Hamas Psychotic Perfidy Is Unmatched in Western Culture – Beyond Even the German Nazis at Their Worse 

Yet, Wokeism, especially the DSA, supports Hamas because Wokeism classifies Jews as Oppressors and Hamas as the Oppressed.  Thus, Jews are solely at fault for all Hamas’ atrocities on the theory that White Racism is the sole and only cause of the world’s troubles.  The rest of the world sees how readily the Biden Administration capitulates to this evil Woke ideology because Biden thinks that allowing for the extermination of the Jews from the River to the Sea will help him win the November 2024 election.  Biden is silent about all the non-stop lies from the US Wokers and the Woke US media calling for the destruction of Israel and by extension of American Jews.  These US propagandists use words of deception.  Just as the far right refers to Jews as “Hollywood,” or “Globalists,” the US Woke use “permanent cease fire” and “Two State Solution” to mean “Let Hamas Win.”  By now everyone should know that “From the River to the Sea, Palestine shall be free” means “exterminate the Jews.” What rational nation will trust America when it surrenders it entire morality and endangers its own citizens to win an election? Just as NATO will have to appease Putin in the face of Trump’s treason, all Arab states will have to appease the non-Arab nation of Iran. 

The world sees that neither the MAGA Right nor the Woke Left have any use for individual inalienable rights, rule of constitutional law, or any other Western value for life.  Both MAGA and Wokeism will adopt a treasonous strategy if it suits their myopic, petty personal goals.  Meanwhile, the huge American center acts as if it were watching a movie so that when it leaves the theater and emerges into the daylight, all that evil is behind them.  No! The passivity of American Center is doing nothing to stop either the MAGA or the Woke extremists who pose lethal threats to truth, justice and the American way. 

(Richard Lee Abrams has been an attorney, a Realtor and community relations consultant as well as a CityWatch contributor.  You may email him at [email protected].)