Tue, Mar

Dark Days Ahead


ONE MAN’S OPINION - For quite some time now I have felt like we were heading towards dark days.  After waking up on the morning of 10/7, I realized we were already in them. What has been seen cannot be unseen. What has been heard cannot be unheard. What has been said cannot be unsaid. The horrific videos showing the slaughter of the innocents on October 7th cannot be unseen. The audio recordings of terrorist bragging to their parents about the atrocities they committed cannot be unheard. The disgusting language and displays of antisemitism happening in major capitals and cities all over the world cannot be unheard or unseen.

There can be no accommodation with Hamas and anyone who supports them. “From the river to the sea” calls for genocide, the slaughter of every Jew in Israel. If you or your relatives support this, shame on you. Stop talking about Israel occupying Gaza and getting your history from Tick Tok. Learn the history of the middle east at least from the beginning of the 20th century. You will find out that it has a very complicated history and that the Israelis have returned time and again to the peace process only to suffer attack after attack after attack.

The United Nations approved a plan to partition Palestine into a Jewish and Arab state in 1947, but the Arabs rejected it. Then in May 1948, Israel was officially declared an independent state. Following that announcement five Arab nations—Egypt, Jordan, Iraq, Syria, and Lebanon—immediately invaded the region in what became known as the 1948 Arab-Israeli War. A cease-fire agreement was reached in 1949. As part of the temporary armistice agreement, the West Bank became part of Jordan, and the Gaza Strip became Egyptian territory. If you want the rest of the story, try this link to Israel. At any point there could have been a peace deal made but terrorists rejected peace time and time again.

We need to wake up people. We know from 9/11 what a few terrorists can do, and today we are letting in millions of unvetted people from over 160 countries into America. Hamas used bulldozers to knock down walls in order to kill Jews. We don't have any walls that work. Hamas flew paragliding deep into the settlements to kill Jews. We bus and fly immigrants all over our country and we don’t know who they are or where they end up. If you are a Jew and sleep well at night knowing that there is nothing more to say. If your loved one is a Jew, and you ignore what is happening G-d help you. The same goes for our friends. Also remember Hitler did not stop with the Jews, he started with them.

What is happening in the middle east is the existential threat of our time. Everything pales in comparison and that is saying a lot. With millions of young, fighting aged men pouring over our southern border we could be facing an extinction scenario within a generation or two.

We have lots of work ahead if we are to protect ourselves and our loved ones. We must also remember the lessons of the past. Just because someone doesn’t look like us doesn’t mean they are a threat. All Irish were not members of the Irish Republican Party. All Italians were not members of the Mafia. Likewise, all Muslims are not Hamas or Hezbollah.  Stereotypes are always wrong but what you say and do does inform us of your intentions. That we need to pay full attention to.

(James O’Sullivan is the retired ex-president (25 years) and current ex-officio of the Miracle Mile Residential Association. He is Vice President of Fix The City Inc., currently in court with the City over their adoption of the Hollywood Community Plan and pushing the City to be more transparent with RSO units.)

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