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Hamas’ Charter Adopts the Nazis’ Final Solution for Jews


THE VIEW FROM HERE - During World War II, The Nazi "Final Solution to the Jewish question" was the official code name for the murder of all Jews within reach. Wiki  The Hamas Charter of 1988 adopts the genocide of Jews as its main objective. “Our struggle against the Jews is very great and very serious....¶ The Day of Judgement will not come about until Moslems fight the Jews (killing the Jews), when the Jew will hide behind stones and trees. The stones and trees will say O Moslems, O Abdulla, there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him.” Hamas 1988 Charter, Art 7.  In 2017 Hamas re-worded its charter but continued its platform of genocide.  “Hamas rejects any alternative to the full and complete liberation of Palestine, from the river to the sea.”   “From the [Jordan] river the [Mediterranean] Sea” are Hamas code words for the murder of all Jews within reach.

Both the Nazi’s Final Solution and Hamas’s Charter are based on the gigantic lie that the Jews are the oppressors, and the Germans/Palestinians are the oppressed and neither can be free until all Jews are exterminated.  Neither the Nazis nor Hamas distinguishes between the military and civilians, but rather all Jews as Jews were to be killed.  There can be no rational dispute that Hamas targets Jews as Jews and not Israeli military installations when Hamas attacked Jews at a music festival, slaughtering hundreds and kidnapping untold numbers as hostages.  There is no denying, except by Hamas and its supporters, that Jewish babies, elderly women were murdered.  October 7th was the genocide of all Jews within reach.

Hamas and its Supporters – Jews Are the Oppressors

The “Jews are oppressors” is a tenet of American Woker Left, and outrageous lies are Wokers most potent weapon.  Historically, American anti-Jewish hatred was found in the far right, paranoid factions with significant overlap with hatred of Gays. A significant portion extremists like Timothy McVeigh and some militias saw the US government as the threat to their liberties.  There were no campus rallies in support of the Unabomber, Theodore John Kaczynski, nor were students cheering for the Oklahoma Bomber, Timothy McVeigh. The behavior of the murderous extremists was a criminal matter, but it did pose a political threat until Identity Politics and the rise of Wokeism.  The core doctrine of both Nancy Pelosi’s Identity Politics and Wokeism is that all the world is divided into Oppressors vs Oppressed.  Race was the major dividing line between the evil oppressors and their innocent victims.  In a reversal of the Nazi doctrine that Aryans are the victims of Jews, under Identity Politics White men and especially Jews were the oppressors, and all minorities were the oppressed.  As Pelosi stated, when the minorities became the majority of voters, they would vanquish the Whites.  Pelosi’s version of The Replacement Theory preceded the far right, wing publication of Renaud Camus’ 2011 French book Le Grand Remplacement, but the book served to psychologically terrorize the American White Supremacists. 

As law enforcement agencies and experts on domestic extremism advised Pelosi, – do not target the violent White nationalists who are a criminal problem; publicity will only increase their numbers.  Pelosi, however, had other ideas – the more violent the ultra-right, the more it would politically benefit Democrats.  As law enforcement warned Pelosi, the demonization of White people as White people with the Dem policy positions such as White Fragility, White Privilege, and the 1619 Project would only draw more Whites towards the White nationalists. As the nation saw, but failed to heed, the 2016 Presidential election was lost by Hillary Clinton’s referring to blue collar and poor whites as a “basket of deplorables.”  That one word, “Deplorables,” was enough to prompt hundreds of thousands of Whites to vote for Trump in retaliation.  Until recently, the Dems have been in total denial how the Woker Identity Politics tossed the election to Trump – a certifiably mentally ill, impulsive man-child.  In the recent The New Yorker article, Will the U.A.W. Strike Turn the Rust Belt Green?, the Dems have tip-toed up to the line of admission, but have been too fearful of the Wokers to admit the crucial role of the Wokers in bringing both Trump and his MAGA legion to power.

In 2016, exit polls showed that Trump won two-thirds of voters who believe trade with foreign countries takes away American jobs; this helped him flip Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania, which he carried by fewer than eighty thousand total votes. 

By promoting polarization, Pelosi calculated that the extreme right-wing GOP would govern so poorly that it would drive voters into the Dem party.  The flaw in Pelosi’s policy was that the minorities would not become the majority of voters until after 2040 and her Woker Identity Politics would alienate an increasing number of Whites. The more it became clear that center America was repulsed by the Woker Anti-White Cancel Culture, the more the Dems let itself be dominated by the extreme left.  October 29, 2018, New York Times, We Can Replacement Them, by Michelle Goldberg  That is the nature of polarization – both sides lose any sense of right and wrong. Values become trash.  Instead, both sides resort to outlandish lies.

Thanks to the Dems, Trump Now Controls the House of Representatives

The Dems removed our last chance for a centrist House by voting to remove Kevin McCarthy as Speaker.  https://bit.ly/46Z9eD8 People Are the Problem with Self-Government As a result, Dem members of Congress now support the genocide of the Jewish People by their support of Hamas.  The Squad’s distinction between Israeli’s and Jews is garbage.  The Hamas Charter expressly says “Jews” and it has never repudiated that its targets are Jews. It has only substituted the term “From the River to the Sea,” the Arab code words to exterminate the Jews.

Nothing herein lauds the behavior of the GOP, but the reality is that the Woke extremists are why Rep Mike Johnson is Speaker of the House. As a result, America faces two international existential threats. (1) The defeat of Ukraine because the petulant man-child’s bitch fight with Zelenskyy for his refusal to interfere with the American Presidential election in 2016. (2) The ascendancy of Hamas and Iran; the Wokers forced Biden to ignore the Abraham Accords which had been advancing towards an Israel Saudi Peace treaty under Trump.  Due to pressure by anti-Semitic Wokers, Biden has been conciliatory towards Iran despite its often repeated intention to exterminate all Jews between the River and the Sea.

Hamas War Crimes are Ignored, While Jewish War Crimes are Invented

Americans, except the left wing Woke, agree that slaughter of civilian women, children and men who are not part of any military force is a war crime.  Wokers deny this proposition based on the Nazi lie that all Jews are oppressors.  Hamas planned its attack and aftermath on a series of Hamas follow-up War Crimes, confident that the Woke media would be silent about Hamas War Crimes of taking and holding hostages and its use of human shields.  From the outset, it has been Hamas’ game plan to have as many dead Palestinian women and children as possible in order to turn world opinion against Israel.  Hamas set up its military installation in civilian homes, schools, hospitals and mosques. 

When a Gazan child is killed, the Woke immediately call the Jews the murderers and the media ignores that fact that after weeks of evacuations, there should be no children and women in Northern Gaza. The Woke media ignores the fact that when it cannot find any dead children from an Israeli raid, it shows old footage.  The Woke media ignores the fact that any children in Northern Gaza should be in the tunnels and not in the structures which Israel warns are about to be bombed. The Woke call for a cease fire not only so that Hamas can regroup, but so that the IDF does not reach the stage when it can drastically reduce the effectiveness of human shields. According to the Woke, Hamas bears no responsibility for not protecting its children, while the terrorists hide in the tunnels. When the IDF has to bomb from the air, it has no way to protect innocent children. When, however, the IDF is on the ground, it can see who is who, and thus, it can more effectively avoid civilian casualties.  November 5, 2023, Unethical Gaza Reporting Cuts Crucial Context, by Noah Beck

Wokers will not admit that the IDF ground invasion of northern Gazan will drastically reduce civilian casualties.  Already, the IDF has cleared new routes south for Gazans who want to evacuate, but they come under fire of Hamas. No Woker will admit that Israel is working to remove Gazans from harm’s way, while Hamas fights to hold its human shields captive. Let’s be perfectly clear, the purpose of cease fire calls is to prevent the IDF reaching the stage when it can protect the children from Hamas. There is a difference between the Nazis and Hamas – the Nazis did not use their own children as human shields.

(Richard Lee Abrams has been an attorney, a Realtor and community relations consultant as well as a CityWatch contributor.  The Opinions expressed are those of Richard Abrams and not necessarily those of CityWatchLA.com. You may email him at [email protected].)


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