Thu, Mar

“Bidenomics”, “Buy-Me Nomics”, “Bite Me Nomics”…So What the Heck Is It?


ALPERN AT LARGE - Enter the 2024 election cycle. Inasmuch as the nation would do best to have two OTHER people running for President than Joe Biden and Donald Trump (Amy Klobuchar and Tim Scott, maybe?), we’re likely to see all sorts of real and faux paradigms rammed down our throat.

In particular, we’re now going to be gaslighted that “Bidenomics” is a “thing”, and that all the bizarre, hidden forces behind the scenes trying to divert the inflation crisis, the border crisis, the interest rate crisis, the homeless crisis, the slumping stock crisis, and of course the criminal Biden Family crises…

…want us to pretend that President Biden has a plan to make us all rethink America, that he’s his own man, that we’re all doing financially better—way, way, way better—than we were before the devastating COVID-19 pandemic.

And, of course, there’s those who’ll promote Bidenomics because they’re so darned partisan that they make Fox and Newsmax look neutral (I don’t watch, either, by the way, contrary to any knuckleheads who presume otherwise, but I do lots of Google searches and the like).

After all, without cheerleaders like Jeffrey Sonnenfeld and Steven Tian in their academic ivory tower gaslighting the hell out of us (certainly THEY are not feeling the current pain of our moribund economy), where would the Biden re-election campaign be?

After all, ignoring the fact that every age group voted red the last election save those very young, and those expecting a break on their student loans (SOMEONE’s gotta pay off the academic, tuition-bloated ilk like Sonnenfeld and Tian), why do student loans need to be forgiven during the era of “Bidenomics”?

After all, why are Americans unable to handle an unexpected $400 expense, as the eloquent and silver-tongued Vice President Kamala Harris stated with respect to financial abortion access…if young people (and not-so-young women) are doing so great with respect to “Bidenomics” resulting in bankruptcy from that expense?

After all, with Main Street workers wondering how they’ll afford food and gas and utilities (they’re really all entwined), how SHOULD Americans respond to the lionization of “Bidenomics” (other than those who aren’t affected by Joe/Jane American’s economic pain), as The Hill questions?

Is “Bidenomics” the opposite of “Reaganomics”, in that everything is trickle-down from the government, and not from the private sector rich, as NPR explains?

So let’s see if MORE regulations, MORE choosing of economic winners and losers from Washington and our state capitols, and MORE inflation will fix things.

I doubt I’m the only person who’s seen my own diversified stock holdings still way, way down since Biden took office (when DOES Biden play “the buck stops here” and the media stop blaming all our world’s ills on Trump?).

Generation X faces a bleak retirement horizon, as Yahoo! Finance reports, and both inflation and high interest rates, to say nothing of REAL jobs with benefits, are really making non-goosestepping Democratic loyalists wonder…wonder…wonder…

…what the hell “Bidenomics” is, other than some gaslighting paradigm that’s supposed to get Joe Biden and Kamala Harris re-elected while so many Americans are just miserable.


(Kenneth S. Alpern, M.D, is a dermatologist who has served in clinics in Los Angeles, Orange, and Riverside Counties, and is a proud husband and father. He was active for 20 years on the Mar Vista Community Council (MVCC) as a Board Member focused on Planning and Transportation, and helped lead the grassroots efforts of the Expo Line as well as connecting LAX to MetroRail. His latest project is his fictional online book entitled The Unforgotten Tales of Middle-Earth, and can be reached at [email protected]. The views expressed in this article are solely those of Dr. Alpern.)

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