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Kamala Harris Goes All Out Woke on Florida’s Black History Curriculum


THE VIEW FROM HERE - Californians should not be surprised that Vice President Kamala Harris trashed Blacks.  After all, she is the Queen of Lying Jailhouse Informants, who sent Blacks and Hispanics to prison in order to advance her career.  It took the Ninth Circuit to attempt to reign her abusive judicial tactics in the Baca Case in 2015.  January 31, 2015 LA Times, U.S. Judges See 'Epidemic' of Prosecutorial Misconduct in State

After Florida adopted its history curriculum on Black History, Harris intentionally demeaned Black Americans in her attempt to score some Woker points for Biden Administration.  One section of the curriculum covers how despite the horrors of slavery, some Blacks gained training, skills, and experiences which they used when they were free. 

Nowhere does the Florida history state that masters taught slaves skills in order to benefit the slaves or that slavery could in any way be justified because Blacks had managed to overcome when overcoming was possible.  The Civil Rights theme song We Shall Overcome reached back to the beginning of the African experience in America.  Kamala Harris and Woker dogma, however, cannot see Blacks as anything but unidimensional victims.  Woker doctrine has no role for Blacks, except as perpetual victims.  It’s Woker heresy that when in the fell clutch of circumstances, Blacks could be masters of their fate, captains of their souls. (Invictus)

Harris’ rejection of the idea that Blacks could take away any experience or skill from slavery carries an inescapable flip side: Blacks are inferior. If Harris is correct and Blacks were unable to extract anything beneficial from slavery, then they must be inferior because all people’s have always used horrible experiences to improve themselves. Slavery is one of mankind’s oldest institutions.

By the mid 1950's, less than one hundred years after the Civil War, Blacks had not only served with great distinction in WW II but brought about a Civil Rights revolution which did not stop with Blacks, but transformed society for all – Mexicans, women, Gays, whomever.  It would be another gross Woker distortion to deny that the millions of Whites also fought to end slavery and marched arm in arm with Blacks for freedom.  Wokers insist that life is a dichotomy of Black vs White, where Blacks are cast as eternally hapless oppressed and Whites (except the enlightened Wokers) are oppressors.

Woker Philosophy is Not Unique

In the late 1960's and early 1970's, Wokers crashed President Johnson Poverty Program and twisted it into the Minority Program with Affirmative Action and its strict quotas.  In those days, Wokers were known as Victimologists as they saw Blacks as solely victims.  Power mongers often use the lure “You are oppressed and I am here to save you.”  This is Trump’s  call to blue collar whites, especially in the Rust Belt. Of course, it is fraud. Trump is out only for himself and Wokers are out only to aggrandize their own power.

Let’s see Who Is Kamala Harris

Harris’ mother, Gopalan Shyamala, born on December 7, 1938, in present-day Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India, was biomedical scientist at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory,  Wiki  Harris’ father, Donald Jasper Harris, was born in Jamaica in 1938 and is part African and part Irish descent, and he is professor emeritus at Stanford University.

Although Biden said he would select a “Black woman for Vice-President,” few thought he meant a carpet bagger who was 0% American Black and was at maximum 1/4 of African descent.  Obama was 50% White and his ancestors had been here since early 1700's. While race and ethnic background count for nothing, for absolutely positively nothing in judging character, one’s heritage becomes relevant when one claims to be something she is not.  Kamala Harris is an America but she is not an American Black. Her family has no American roots and her ancestors played no role in our history. Let’s see what she said.

“Just yesterday in the state of Florida, they decided middle school students will be taught that enslaved people benefited from slavery,” Harris said, according to Fox News. “They insult us in an attempt to gaslight us, and we will not stand for it.” [Bold added]   July 21, 2023, National Review

Whatever terrible things happened to American Blacks did not happen to Harris or her family.  American Whites and Blacks whose families where in the Colonies since the 1600's, the 1700's, and after the revolution in the 1800's have ancestors who lived and suffered thought these times.  What Harris’ family was doing is totally irrelevant to America’s ordeal with slavery and its aftermath. It is an outrageous misappropriation of our history, our culture and our ancestors’ lives for Kamala Harris to include herself in our experience.  When it comes to America’s past, Kamala Harris is not one of us – she is neither Black or White. She is a Woker, an interloper, a carpetbagger, a deceitful power monger.  “Truth, honesty and integrity” is not the Wokers’ longest and strongest suit.

The Woker Theology Is Simple

“You are oppressed and helpless. We are here to save you; just give us all your money, your allegiance and your vote, and do what we say.” The theme is not novel. The Catholic Church uses it “Have Faith and you have salvation.” The Nazis used it to rescue the Aryans from the Jews, Gypsies and Gays. The Communists used it to protect the workers from the capitalists.

Woker Dogma Requires One to Embrace That Which Is Totally False

Los Angeles has had its own sad experience with the Wokers and their false claims that three Mexican Councilmembers are anti-Blacks racists. It matters naught that the text of the transcript totally debunks the claim of racism; everyone must believe it without question.  Likewise, despite the actual Florida curriculum, everyone must believe that it teaches that slavery benefitted slaves.  The dogmatic extremists do not stop with abdication of the mind, but employ cancel culture to removal their enemies from public life as happened with Nury Martinez as city council president.  Although Monty Python said, “Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition!,” Woker inquisitors like Kamala Harris have become a fixture in American life.  The danger for Los Angeles is that Mayor Bass refuses to stop political violence based on Woker lies. 

Slavery was horrible, but through it all Blacks had the mettle to advance.  For Harris to deny this fact trashes the achievements of American Blacks.

(Richard Lee Abrams is a former attorney, a Realtor and community relations consultant as well as a CityWatch contributor.  You may email him at [email protected]. The opinions expressed within this content are solely Richard Abrams’ and do not reflect the opinions and beliefs of CityWatchLA.com or its affiliates.)


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