Thu, Mar

Prediction: Trump will NEVER GO TO TRIAL For Mishandling Classified Documents


GUEST COMMENTARY - Why aren't all the pundits on TV telling you the incredible actual result of the newly released D.O.J. indictment charges will ultimately be? The U.S. Government just presented 37 counts against the Ex-President including Espionage Act charges. Will he be found guilty in a trial? Can he get a hung jury?  None of that is relevant.

Yes, I know Jack Smith appeared on TV and promised a speedy trial. What else could he say? He can't tell you what's really going to be in the works, right? He knows how this will play out, but this has to play out slowly in the only way it possibly can.

While the details of the Department of Justice's case may be shockingly fascinating, the outcome of all this has been predetermined. THERE WILL NEVER BE A TRIAL! Former President Trump will never appear on a ballot for the Presidency in 2024. Huh? How can that be? 

There seems to be irrefutable evidence against him, right?

It doesn't matter! Why? Because the Ex-President has no real option other than to take the very best plea deal he can get! It doesn't matter if you love or hate Donald Trump. It doesn't matter if it's a witch hunt or if he is getting what he finally deserves. Mr. Trump has been boxed into a corner by Federal Prosecutor Jack Smith and has only one option to avoid spending the rest of his life in jail.

So, with what has he actually got to deal? He has one single solitary "trump card" to play. So, here is the headline you will probably be reading in almost every newspaper across the country. "TRUMP AGREES TO GIVE UP 2024 RUN FOR THE PRESIDENCY"! To "get a deal", he will undoubtedly sign paperwork to never again run for public office. That will be the deal. And, truth be told, he will probably be extremely relieved to get that deal.

Unfortunately, my crystal ball doesn't tell me if Jack Smith will trade for "no jail time, whatsoever." My best guess is that Mr. Trump will get a hugely reduced sentence but probably can't avoid some jail time. No one else would "get off, Scott free". So, there will be tremendous pressure on D.O.J. to show that "no one is above the law", even an Ex-President.

Anyway, one of those folks, who jumped into the race recently, will, in fact, be the Republican nominee. None of them seemed to have the slightest chance to beat Donald Trump. Surprise, surprise, one of them will actually win the Republican nomination for President in 2024. No way, no how that Donald Trump's name will ever be on a ballot for President again. It won't matter if he is innocent or guilty on any of the 7 criminal charges against him, he's baked. Game over!

(Ken  Ross is a former Burbank dentist and UCLA Dental School Associate Professor. He is Northridge East Neighborhood Council 2nd VP, staff writer for Valley News Group and a contributor to CityWatchLA.com. His "Sports Treasury of ken" inside eHOBBYHOUSE, Reseda is Grand Opening.)

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