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Critical Race Theory – How Could Something So Rational End up So Racist?


THE VIEW FROM HERE - Similar to how “woke,” which was a rational observation that minorities have different perspectives on the majority culture than the majority, Critical Race Theory started as imminently rational. “One tenet of CRT is that racism and disparate racial outcomes are the result of complex, changing, and often subtle social and institutional dynamics, rather than explicit and intentional prejudices of individuals.”  It also recognized that “race is a social construct with no biological basis.”   Wiki

In the beginning, CRT posited that the myth of race as having a biological basis influenced society to treated people of different groups differently and that those groupings by race then shaped laws.  The fact that ideas once begun become mindlessly self-perpetuating is how the human mind works. This phenomenon is seen in nursery rhymes.  “Ring around the posies, pockets full of posies, ashes, ashes we all fall down.”   For hundreds of years, children have been repeating this rhyme, laughing as they all fall down.  The children are not laughing at the mass deaths caused by the bubonic plague in the 1600's. Once something gets into a culture, it tends to perpetuate itself without questioning or understanding.  There is no reason that the construct of race would be any different.

The Claim That Race Is the Most Important Aspect of American Life Is Intellectual Rubbish

The construct of race is one among many factors which influence governance.  Political Philosophers have been dealing with far more vital issues for millennia.  Al-Farabi (870-950 AD) told the story of the pious esthetic who fell out of favor with the tyrant and needed to escape the city. Thus, he dosed himself with liquor and came stumbling up to the gate where the tyrant’s guards were on the outlook for him.  When they asked who he was, he proclaimed, “I am the pious esthetic for whom you all are searching.” Thinking the drunk was mocking them, the guards thru him out of the city.  Then, the story moves towards the important point; the moral is that the pious aesthetic saved himself without lying.  Except, and this is vital, he clearly lied by deed. As Socrates, Aristotle, and Maimonides would agree, “That should keep them busy for a hundred years.”  (LOL).

Political philosophy is not easy because life and governance are not easy. If the story were re-titled, “The Lying Esthetic,” it wouldn’t be classical political philosophy. Likewise, separating the concept of race from other influences creating American culture, social, economic, and political structures is not a simple task, but for Wokers, it’s the simplest thing: (1) Whites are Oppressors, (2) Blacks cannot overcome, (3) Give Blacks reparations.

The Role Of Predatory Abuse Is Far More Fundamental

If American society were not predatory, dividing people into races would not matter. In a non-predatory society, no one would think of harming another person.  However, our Western Civilization is addicted to the Good vs Evil dichotomy. It is the basis of Christianity. If one has Faith in Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior, then they are “saved” and will go to Heaven.  If one lacks Faith, he can be burned at the stake and then suffer eternal damnation in Hell because “Jesus loves you.”  Just as nursery rhymes become embedded in cultures, so too do these archetypes, i.e., patterns of thought which then organize subsequent information.  In Jungian terminology, an archetype is “an inherited pattern of thought or symbolic imagery derived from past collective experience and present in the individual unconscious.”  When an individual or culture has incorporated the Good v Evil archetype, it is ready for Us v Them dichotomy. Us being the Good and Them being the bad.  Nazism is merely a variation on the Christian archetype, where the State is God, Hitler is the Christ figure, and the Aryans are the Holy Spirit. The Jews are still the Jews.

Another Ruinous Archetype Is the Belief in Exclusivity

Christianity believes that since Faith in Jesus is the sole route to Heaven, everyone else is damned. Christianity claims that it alone posses the Truth, exclusive of all other beliefs.  We Jews, in contrast, do not believe our ways are the only way.  There are many paths and our ways are for us.

Since Wokeism has kidnapped Critical Race Theory, CRT has become an intellectual farce, which negatively impacts many Blacks. It is a form of psychological child abuse which teaches Black children that Whites are so evil and so anti-Black that no matter what the Black child do, they’ll lose.  Thus, every time a White person does something bad to the Blacks, it represents how all society oppresses Blacks.  Thus, Black children should not adopt White ways, like studying. Rather they should ridicule Blacks who are good students.

One study which found that Black students who were motivated to improve in school, did have lower success than White students who were similarly motivated.   Sage Journals, 2018, Factors Influencing Academic Motivation of Ethnic Minority Students: A Review The crucial difference was that the Black students had no supportive peer group, while the White students’ peers supported getting good grades.  When I was in high school, we had study sessions where we went over old Regents exams.  For us, studying together was more fun than partying. Mutual self-help was a part of our culture. Any student who lacks such a support system will have a much harder time improving.  Wokeism has decided that Jewish mutual self-help is White Privilege.  From what I see, there is also Armenian mutual self-help and Asian mutual self-help. Why it that when Blacks chose to play basketball and flunk math, the cause is White Privilege?

Here’s something Wokers do not address – how has the breeding of Black slaves impacted present day Blacks? No one wants to study whether Blacks excel as athletes due to race breeding.  To what extent did the division into field hands and house servants help create a subset of exceptional intelligent Black slaves?   No one wants to find out that house servants devised a subculture, which had to be a lot smarter that the master.  Similar to how Jews in concentration camps put together symphony orchestras, Black slaves developed a myriad of ways by which they overcame.  Such studies, however, would destroy the Woker myth of Black inferiority, and hence, the perpetual need for reparations under Woker tutelage.   

(Richard Lee Abrams has been an attorney, a Realtor and community relations consultant as well as a CityWatch contributor.  You may email him at [email protected])


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