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Trump Concentration Camps


ABE WON’T BE SILENT - "The Homeless Will Be Crying And Thanking Me."

It's no coincidence that Donald Trump devised a plan to move homeless people into ‘tent cities’ this week. The bloviating blob spewed scary rhetoric like, “We will remove all the homeless people to large parcels of inexpensive land and provide mental health care, bathrooms, medical professionals, and, and, and…” Trump provide anything besides agita? I don’t think so. Besides, his jerk-off Republican Party would never fund a program like that. They would maybe provide (and I use the terms sarcastically) one-way tickets to nowhere or inexpensive land, and that would be that. 

But this is a much bigger issue for me. On the week that we remember the liberation of Auschwitz concentration camps and the end of World War II, this jerk opens his trap and talks nonsense about moving people into the equivalent of internment camps. Like the ones we had right here in the good old USA circa 1942. So, he feels better by calling them ‘tent cities’? Pardon my ignorance, but it’s no different than internment camps; it’s simply a more palatable term for concentration camps. America was better at labeling it something a tad less horrendous than what was going on during World War II, which my entire family was in or didn't survive.

There's something so wrong with the fact that the media continues to give that orange, correction, greige blob so much attention that now, we are stuck in this quagmire of shit until when? The November 2024 election? Do you mean that schmuck’s going to get endless air time, and we're going to have to just fucking deal with every fart that this idiot lays? And then make that fart the top story of the day…on a loop? 

He misses hanging his name on buildings. He probably wants to give these inexpensive lands more value by creating a Trump Village, the original name for the down-market version of Trump Tower in the borough of Manhattan that his Nazi-sympathizing father started. Or as I like to call him, the birther of that monster running for president again. Much to our dismay. 

We already see a problem throughout the country in our state legislatures. If, for whatever God-forsaken reason, the Republican Party takes hold and becomes the majority in the House & Senate, believe me, they'll be coming for all of us once they sweep the people experiencing homelessness away into these makeshift concentration camps.

Do I sound hysterical? Don’t kid yourself. The white supremacist, Christian nationalists, and fundamentalists are evil. We know this because we see it on the news every friggen day. Yet, we continue to give this hog constant attention. I mean, my nieces and nephews, when they were infants, didn't need this much mollycoddling. It's mind-boggling, and everything is wrong with this country, the media, social media, you, and yes, me.

We are all guilty of reminding everyone that shit is on the top of the heap of this country—my country ‘tis of thee, sweet land of liberty, my ass. I am horrified that we are in a place where it's conceivable that there would be internment camps again. Why? Because it makes some abstract sense for homeless people? NO! Let me repeat what I have been saying for years, these MAGA Republicans need to be sent to lobotomy farms. That’s who needs to be sent to these internment camps. And make that a Trump Village, girl.


(ABE GURKO is the executive producer of a documentary “Won’t Be Silent,” about the extraordinary Women of Protest Music. He's an Opinionator who hosts a podcast, "Conversations From the Edge of Democracy," that discusses the current state of our fragile political landscape. Abe is a contributor to CityWatchLA.com[email protected].  Abe’s opinions are his own and not necessarily those of CityWatchLA.com)

Instagram @AbeGurko


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