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Shame On The Media.  Can Trump Be Right About One Thing?


ABE WON’T BE SILENT - When Donald Trump said that the media was the enemy of the people, I kinda agreed with him. After all, it was CBS, CNN, and Joe & Mika that ushered him into the galaxy of nonsense. I may have agreed, but for different reasons, surely. But the fact remains the conduct of the media from the onset of his ride down the elevator wanting to be president started it all. And on this very day when he will be arraigned, the media has continued to prove that it is the enemy of ‘we the people.’ The feckless bloviator culture has chosen to cover Trump over what has been going on in Tennessee, Florida, the Opec+ meeting, and the recent thwarting of a mass shooting by, yet again, a young Trump-loving white man at an HBCU. Need I continue? 

The expression "The enemy of my enemy is my friend" does not really apply here. You see, Trump is my enemy, and if he considers the media his enemy, then in that scenario, his enemy, the media, would automatically or supposedly be my friend. But that is clearly not the case because the media has created my enemy, Trump. Hence, the quote is bullshit. Am I making sense or sensibility? In Jane Austen’s novel, “Sense and Sensibility,” the main theme is the ‘danger of excessive sensibility.’ The meaning of the word sensibility is the ability to appreciate and respond to complex emotional or aesthetic influences. So, I am making total sense when I say that the media is the enemy of the people. And I believe Jane Austen would concur.

I will change my mind and my tune about the media when I tune back in, at some point in the future, and we can sing ‘ding dong, the Gross Baboon is dead.” Maybe then, having given the media a second and probably third chance to watch the news and, shockingly enough, learn a few actual factual news items happening around the world. It would also be nice to see a few much-missed human interest stories, like when firemen rescue kittens from trees or when a Boy Scout returns a lost wallet to a stranger. The latter story may sound random as opposed to what we’ve heard lately, where these kids are getting molested by their scoutmasters. But it is a true story. Years ago, I lost my wallet in New York City, and sure enough, a Boy Scout found it; he and his mom tracked me down and returned it. In addition to giving him some cash, I contacted the New York Post, which featured him, and that story made it to the Ten O’Clock News, where the slogan used to be, “It’s ten o’clock, do you know where your children are?” But I digress.

In closing, we can only hope to one day return to a simpler time…but let’s not hold our breath, girls. Until then, the media can go fly a Chinese balloon.



(ABE GURKO is the executive producer of a documentary “Won’t Be Silent,” about the extraordinary Women of Protest Music. He's an Opinionator who hosts a podcast, "Conversations From the Edge of Democracy," that discusses the current state of our fragile political landscape. Abe is a contributor to CityWatchLA.com[email protected].  Abe’s opinions are his own and not necessarily those of CityWatchLA.com)

Instagram @AbeGurko


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