Sat, Mar

Families are Vacating California to Leave Chaos Behind


RantZ and RaveZ - I recently ran into an old friend Jay who gave up his job, moved out Los Angeles and is doing great in Palm Desert, Calif where has started a new business and a very exciting new life. 

Another old friend Zack sold his home and moved his wife and 3 young children to Texas.  Why are good people fleeing Los Angeles?  

The current trend for many families in the Los Angeles region is to leave the Hostile, Homeless, Over Taxes and Crime Infested neighborhoods and overcrowded pace of the hectic Los Angeles region and start a new life in a safer, more affordable, and milder place outside California.  Many families I personally know have moved or are planning on moving to states like Tennessee, Florida, Arizona, Washington, Virginia, and Idaho to name a few of the favorite places California families have chosen to start a new life with greater opportunities, an improved Quality of Life, and a more affordable place to purchase a home, raise a family and find work that provides economic stability and a much happier lifestyle for themselves and family members.

This trend is continuing as reflected by a report from the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago showing just how much the exodus is gaining steam.  

Only Illinois ranked worse than California when it came to moving vans heading for the border during the pandemic which focused on data from United Van Lines.  In 2018-19, 56% of moves in California were families fleeing the state.  In 2020-21 the number jumped to nearly 60%.  

The state that was the biggest draw of California residents was Texas.  7,500 California families moved to Texas.  One of them was a neighbor who is married with three young children.  Zack owned a very successful air conditioning business and decided to make the move.  His West Valley home sold in record time and Zack was off with his family to Frisco, Texas.  I recently spoke with Zack to check on him and his family.  Zack and his family are all doing fine and loving Texas.  Zack has no intention of ever returning to the rat race in California and in particular Los Angeles. 

California lost a congressional set as a result of the 2020 Census, the Lone Star state gained two and the Sunshine State added another.  These number speak for themselves.     

As far as Jay is concerned, Jay opened a restaurant called J’s Deli, Restaurant, Bar and Bakery.  Jay was the former  manager at Lovie’s Restaurant in Calabasas for many years.  When you want to see how Jay is doing, stop in at his restaurant in Palm Desert at 74225 Highway 111 in Palm Desert.  You will be impressed with J’s. 

I am very happy for both Zack and Jay and their families.  Are you on the fence considering a move to another state?  If so, where, and why would you want to leave the Golden State of California? 

Los Angeles Deadly Street Takeovers.  Blatant Lawlessness on the Streets of Los Angeles. 

We have all seen the local news reports of street takeovers throughout Los Angeles and neighboring communities on news broadcast.    Mostly young drivers accelerating and drifting around pedestrians standing in the streets and jumping out of the way of cars performing dangerous acceleration stunts while others videotaping the activity.  Sometimes guns pointed at spectators with a carnival atmosphere.   

Local police departments are struggling to counter the illegal activity with limited resources.  While some success has been accomplished, the situation continues.  The LAPD is stepping up their enforcement action with the impounding of suspected vehicles for 30 days.  The total will add up to thousands of dollars in fines and fees.  There are a number of charges and taxes associated with an impounded vehicle.  As the saying goes, No Pay, No Vehicle released.  The more time in the impound lot the higher the impound charges.  With the basic tow charge and initial fees and taxes around $200.00 to start, the total charge after 30 days could reach in the Thousands of dollars.  This should serve as a deterrent for some of those who lack concern for others on the roadway. 

As the LAPD continues to shrink, crime continues to increase across Los Angeles. 

Doing some research, I found some original COMPSTAT Reports dating back to 2018.  On 3/31/2018, the LAPD was at 10,053 police officers.  As of 7/30/2022, the LAPD is currently at 9,288.  The LAPD is currently 765 officers below the strength back in 2018!  The number of police officers does make a difference when it comes to addressing crime and crime prevention as reflected by the following crime statistics as of 8/20/22. 

2020 vs 2022

Homicide +27.3%

Robbery   +18.1%

Aggravated Assaults. +14.2%

GTA.  +23.4%

Shots Fired +35.6%

Shooting Victims +33.5%       

Who will be the future Elected Officials in Los Angeles 

This November we will Elect a number of individuals to fill a variety of political positions in National, State and Local Elections.  There are some very Radical individuals running for some of the political offices.  If they are elected, I predict that Los Angeles will encounter major problems and that our safety will be negatively impacted.  I will provide you with a guide to assist you in voting for  candidates you can trust.


(Dennis P.  Zine is the author of RantZ and RaveZ.  The column is published twice a month to enlighten you on issues impacting Los Angeles and America.  Dennis is a 54-year active member of law enforcement and a retired elected official.)  

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