Sat, Feb

Wokerism Is More Dangerous to the Republic than White Supremacy


THE VIEW FROM HERE - The number of White Supremacists is tiny. 

August 17, 2017 The Wrap, But How Many White Supremacists Are There, by Ashley Eady Their danger does not come from their numbers or from widespread acceptance of their ideas, but from their eagerness to resort to violence.  September 23, 2020, [DHS Chief] Chad Wolf: White Supremacists Pose ‘Lethal Threat,’ by Andrew Blake Due to their small numbers and their violence, White Supremacists have been a law enforcement problem.  Since WW II, they have not been a political force within the US. 

People who are attracted to White Supremacy tend to be paranoid and are seeking a philosophy which addresses their inner feeling of weakness.  Psychoanalytic theory posits that a disproportionate number of male white supremacists are extremely repressed Gays.  They misinterpret their homoerotic feelings as signs of weakness which they then project outwards onto others.  They often identify Jews as the culprits for all of life’s problems, but increasingly they blame Gays.  Seeking to kill their own feelings of weakness, they delude themselves into thinking that if they kill Jews, Gays or Liberals, then everything will be hunky-dory. (While White Supremacists may be anti-government, it would be incorrect to make the two similar groups into one group.) 

While Fundamental Christianity provides support for White Supremacy, White Supremacy is rejected by the overwhelming majority of White people.  In fact, our nation was founded on the express rejection of White Supremacy. 

The Declaration of Independence and the US Constitution are Anti-White Supremacy 

Most of Western Civilization until the mid 1700's was based on some sort of group rights.  While Great Britain was a class stratified nation, the realities of the New World broke down that system. When, Captain John Smith became leader of  Jamestown (Virginia) Colony in 1608, he decreed, “anyone who did not work did not eat.”  About one-third of the men were upper class British gentlemen and their class did not engage in labor.  In other words, honoring the group rights of gentlemen not to work would destroy the entire colony. Thus, every individual had to work to save the whole.  

Reality Made Group Rights Lethal to the Whole 

After centuries of debating which form of government was best, Europeans were rejecting the ultimate in group rights, The Divine Right of Kings.  Both John Smith’s The Wealth of Nations and John Locke’s philosophy of the inherent freedom of each individual and the consent of the governed were critical for legitimate rule.  They became the two major principles of our Republic, and both firmly rejected all group rights, especially the notion of White Supremacy. Per Adam Smith, capital (money for investment) had to find its way into the hands of those individuals who could use it to be most productive, and hence, seeking hand-outs from the monarch was a terrible economic system.  Locke’s philosophy became the core of America’s Declaration, not only of Independence but also the values upon which the new nation would be based.  (Jefferson did change Locke’s “Property” to “Pursuit of Happiness” to make clear that slavery was unacceptable.) The two  core values are: 

(1) all men are endowed with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. 

(2) That to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men with the consent of the governed. 

When each individual has the same innate rights as each other individual, there can be no group rights by class, religion, skin color, etc.  “No work, No eat” meant no class would be a parasite on the labor of others.  The Declaration provided zero basis for white supremacy.

Moronic Nimrods Think That Slavery Cancelled Inalienable Rights 

The Declaration would not have been needed if everyone respected each other and no one used his power to abuse another. Thus, pointing out the gigantic imperfections of America at the time of our founding requires a degree of moronic stupidity that is hard to fathom, (unless one understands the nature of Group Rights.)  

The entire Preamble to the US Constitution strove to bring into being the inalienable rights of each individual. No sane person thought that those rights had been actualized.  Leading up to the Civil War, Lincoln held steadfastly to “Liberty to all,” while the group rights advocates denied that Blacks had any inalienable right to liberty. Instead, Blacks only had those rights which the white voters wished to grant them on a state by state basis.  In other words, there were no inalienable rights.  Sen. Stephen Douglas’ “popular sovereignty” where each state would vote whether women, er, Blacks had freedom did not become law. (In 2022, the majority of the US Supreme Court in Dobbs v. Jackson Women's Health Organization, No. 19-1392, 597 U.S. __ however, adopted Sen. Douglas’ popular sovereignty concept in that women had no inalienable right to liberty but only the rights which voters of each state decided women could have.) 

White Supremacy is Illegitimate Under the Declaration and the US Constitution 

Like Christianity which claims that it alone is the route to salvation, White Supremacy has zero legitimacy within our constitutional system.  The existence of mentally disturbed individuals who project their lack of self-worth and self-hatred on to others is both a mental health and a law enforcement problem.  White Supremacy was not a political force until the Dems promoted their anti-individual anti-inalienable rights philosophy of Identity Politics, i.e group rights trump individual merit. 

One Horrible By-product of Woker Group Rights Identity Politics Is the Vilification of the Other 

The political drawback of individual inalienable rights is that it cannot corral people on the basis of their race, creed, color, religion, etc.  When Martin Luther King’s restatement of America’s core value to judge individuals by their character and not by their skin color, etc. is our national guiding light, any appeal to voters based on racism cannot gain traction.  If, however, a political party can convince a group of people that it alone can protect them and they must combat and overcome the evil Other, then one can forge a viable political force.  Such an endeavor requires a re-writing of American history to highlight each and every flaw of The Other, while denying any and all virtues of The Other.  This same approach, which had been used against Blacks, is used today by Putin against Ukrainians and internally in Russia against Gays, and most notoriously was used by the Nazis against Jews, gypsies etc. At home fundamentalist Christians use it against Gays, while making absurd claims that America is a Christian nation.  All group rights philosophies including White Supremacy, Fundamental Christianity, Muslim extremists, Nancy Pelosi’s Identity Politics, and today’s Wokers share the same dichotomous thinking: We are good and They are evil. 

The Best Way to Galvanize a Group Is to Attack It 

Group Right’s thinking can lead to the extermination of The Other. It can also galvanize the Other, taking isolated miscreants and making them in an organized force which seeks to overturn an election by attacking the Capitol and attempting to hang the vice-president. 

The way to reduce the present danger of the Alt Right is not the martyrization of Donald Trump, (although he needs to be held criminally liable).  Rather, the Dems must repudiate its woker Identity Politics. Step one is for Pelosi to withdraw from November 2022 election.  Her racist anti-white group rights not only resulted in Donald Trump’s being elected, but it also is why the Supreme Court has religious fanatics in control. Their objective is to so weaken the American government that it can “be dragged in the bathroom and drowned in a bathtub.”  1985 Grover Norquist 

When each state gets to vote on which rights a woman may have, it can vote away the rights of Gays, Jews, and any other group, and the federal government is powerless to do anything about it.  The White Supremacists could never ever have garnered enough public support to become a bona fide political threat, but the Dems’ constant attacks on Whites as a group accomplished the impossible, i.e. they destroyed the Republic based in the rule of law in favor 50 separate states where rights come and go as one crosses from one state to another.


(Richard Lee Abrams has been an attorney, a Realtor and community relations consultant as well as a CityWatch contributor.  You may email him at [email protected].   The opinions expressed by Mr. Abrams are solely his and not necessarily those of CityWatch.)