Sun, Mar

Where to Send Those Breaking the Law? To Their Enablers, of Course!


THE DOCTOR IS IN - Most of us who pay attention to the news are quite aware that President Joe Biden, so very soon after taking office, allowed a surge of illegal immigration into the United States within days to weeks after succeeding President Donald Trump in the White House.

The latest effort to this end--allowing those who are knowingly breaking the law not only of the United States but of every nation on this planet--is President Biden's ending Title 42, which is a public health legal tool used to expel and deport illegal immigrants based on health issues related to the COVID-19 pandemic.  

Democrats and Republicans alike have called for President Biden to not end Title 42, as over a half-million illegal immigrants are entering the nation in violation of both immigration and health-related laws.

Many do not know what happened 100 years ago at Ellis Island, where immigrants were evaluated for both legal status and health status before entering the United States. Not only were any potential criminal status issues explored, but also the tuberculosis status of every wannabe American immigrant.

Laws aren't just laws because of "red meat" bigotry and political-anger issues. They're not just premised on bigotry and cruelty (as so many like to proclaim), but also to preserve the health and safety of law-abiding American citizens of all ethnic and socioeconomic backgrounds.

Donald Trump will be remembered as someone who probably fulfilled the wishes of the American people by restricting immigration performed in an illegal manner--because virtually no American is happy and accepting of blatant violation of the law. 

By undoing even this favorable aspect of the Trump Presidency, the new explosion of illegal immigration at our southern border will, without any hesitation or question, be laid at the feet of President Joe Biden. 

Because when illegal immigrants are so brazen to take selfies with their knowledge that they can bypass our immigration laws and access the United States illegally, Americans don't like that. 

Hence will Texas Governor Greg Abbott's busing illegal immigrants to the nation's capitol, and with the express message to President Joe Biden that "YOU did this, so enjoy the results of your lawbreaking " probably be well-received by the American voting, law-abiding, and taxpaying public. 

One can only wonder if sending the homeless en masse to Los Angeles City Council and Mayoral offices would be similarly appreciated by the public, because THEY are ones enabling the breaking of vagrancy laws, and THEY are the ones threatening the health and safety of all Angelenos. 

Similarly, those local and state legislators letting hordes of prisoners out of jail for whatever reason (pity, a left/liberal-leaning approach to prison reform, the pandemic...whatever) would face a large-scale popular support of sending each and every early-release felon and repeat-offender to their personal homes and/or business offices. 

Ditto for "IOU's" and "bills for services rendered" from the cities, counties, and states to the courts and federal offices to those demanding you and I pay for federal obligations that wouldn't even exist if government just obeyed its own laws. 

For those smashing windows of honest businesses and stealing their inventories...arrest and send them to the city/county district attorneys who don't do their job and prosecute them. 

For those large, wealthy, and politically-connected big shots not paying their legally-obligated taxes...arrest and send them to any state or federal offices with a directive to not let them go until SOMEBODY (either the tax scofflaws or their political allies) pay for their enabled lawbreaking. 

The same idea can be extended to developers and their political allies who are thrashing and shredding environmental law by enabling illegal overdevelopments. 

The term "illegal" is NOT synonymous with "okay" or "appropriate" or "tolerable". 

Change the law, or follow the law...but if governmental so-called leaders thwart the will of their constituents, then those "leaders" have earned the right to have their manufactured and unforced errors result in the crises created by those errors dropped on THEIR doorsteps. 

Because WE didn't break the law, or support breaking the law, and we certainly don't deserve to have the problems that result dropped on OUR doorsteps. 

Let those who impose THEIR errors on others have to confront the results of THEIR errors on THEIR doorsteps for a change. 

And perhaps we'll see a few errors finally stop as a result.


(Kenneth S. Alpern, M.D, is a dermatologist who has served in clinics in Los Angeles, Orange, and Riverside Counties, and is a proud husband and father to two cherished children and a wonderful wife. He was termed out of the Mar Vista Community Council (MVCC) twice after two stints as a Board member for 9, years and is also a Board member of the Westside Village Homeowners Association. He previously co-chaired the MVCC Outreach, Planning, and Transportation/Infrastructure Committees for 10 years. He was previously co-chair of the CD11 Transportation Advisory Committee, the grassroots Friends of the Green Line (which focused on a Green Line/LAX connection), and the nonprofit Transit Coalition His latest project is his fictional online book entitled The Unforgotten Tales of Middle-Earth and can be reached at [email protected]. The views expressed in this article are solely those of Dr. Alpern.)


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