Mon, Feb

Is the LA Times Manipulating Racism Facts?


THE VIEW FROM HERE - Bad things, horrible things, happen to people of all race, creed, and color in the United States.

Too many people profit from making it all about racism, when it is about the predatory nature of our society.  

George Floyd was Brutally Murdered 

Officer Derek Chauvin was a serial killer in the making, but all we saw was his sadistic murder of George Floyd.  Later one could figure out that Derek Chauvin with his nineteen prior offenses was following the escalating path of serial killers and yet the Minneapolis PD not only promoted him but made him a training officer.  In the aftermath of Chauvin’s depravity, too many media made him the prototype of all White police officers.  This generalization from Chauvin was not crazy at the outset.  The degree at which police target Blacks is undeniable, but racism was not and is not the core problem. 

We Are a Predatorily Abusive Society   

Our society will abuse any one from poor Black youth to wealthy old white ladies.  Oh, how we love to abuse wealthy women in order to steal everything that they and their late husbands accumulated.  We have a special institution that specializes in this type of abuse called the Los Angeles Probate (Conservatorship) Court.  Many other states also have similar branches of their courts devoted to the financial rape and mental degradation of wealthy elderly. Oh, yes, they’ll fleece old widowers also.  The LA Times cooperates with the judicial abusers since it does not fit Times’ racist narrative that only minorities are abused.  If they admitted how it is disproportionately elderly white women who are systematically abused, that would destroy their disinformation that only Whites are racists and only minorities are victims. 

The Media Invents White Racism Where None Exists 

The most egregious case of media’s invention of racism is the January 18, 2019 Nick Sandmann case.  Nick Sandmann was high school kid on a field trip with his catholic high school class in Washington DC.  While waiting to board their bus, some Black Hebrew Israelites (who are neither Hebrews, Jews nor Israelites) started harassing the high school kids calling them faggots. Then, Nathan Phillips, an elderly Native American, approached Sandmann while chanting and beating a drum.  Bewildered by what was happening, Nick smiled to show friendliness.  Sandmann’s explanation coincides with all the video: I wanted them to know "that I was not going to become angry, intimidated or be provoked into a larger confrontation." CNN and other major media relentlessly portrayed Nick Sandmann as a racist.  Their evidence: he had a MAGA hat and he smiled which they reported as a smirk.  

On August 25, 2020, a year and one-half later, the LA Times concocted this false subheading: “Video of Sandmann as a Covington Catholic High student went viral for staring down a Native American activist in D.C.” (Bold added)  It seems that the LA Times, despite its adherence to a false narrative has not been sued.  Since that last defamatory slam, the LA Times has fallen silent about Nick Sandmann.  That does not mean the LA Times has stopped promoting false stories about White racism.  Facts do not matter, ideology rules. 

Let’s look the LA Times and Kyle Rittenhouse 

Like Nick Sandmann, the liberal media judged Kyle Rittenhouse without bothering with the known facts, except perhaps to hide, conceal and slant them. The 18 year old white kid was painted as anti-Black for shooting three people at a Black Lives Matter protest of a White police officer’s killing of Jacob Blake, a young Black man.  While there was a legitimate discussion about a society which encourages a young man to take a rifle to a protest,  we needed to report about the psychiatric facility that released a criminal known to be violent without enough meds for one day.  That mentally disturbed man was 36 year old  Joseph Rosenbaum.  Rosenbaum was the first aggressor who  to attack Rittenhouse but most media omitted those facts describing him as “unarmed.”  From eye witness accounts “raving lunatic” would have been more accurate of Rosenbaum as would “arsonist.” 

Twenty-six year-old Anthony Huber chased down Rittenhouse and smashed him in the head with a skateboard and was attempting to seize Rittenhouse’s rifle, when Rittenhouse shot him.  Then, another 26 year old man, Gaige Grosskreutz, who was armed with a gun, came after Rittenhouse who shot but did not kill him.  Tons of video was quickly available which showed that Rittenhouse was not the aggressor and that he sought out no one to harm.  He admitted that he had shot someone and said he going to turn himself in to the police, but when he got to the police with his arms up in surrender mode, they waved him on through the police line.  Later, Rittenhouse and his Mom went to police. 

The Liberal media kept up its slanted Rittenhouse coverage, while Rittenhouse had to remain silent.  Quite disturbingly, however, he showed up at a Proud Boys Rally and gave the White Power OK sign - or so it seemed.  Since no liberal media would do anything except defame Rittenhouse, he turned to the Conservative media and Tucker Carlson. 

Please note this dynamic of Whites forced to turn to the right wing for protection as it will determine the November 2022 Congressional Races 

Constantly defamed and abused by the liberal media, its victims can get no fair reporting forcing them to turn to “any port in a storm.”  After Kyle’s acquittal, Tucker Carlson had the scoop on the Proud Boys thing.  Kyle’s first attorneys had arranged for the photo without Kyle’s knowing they were Proud Boys and not knowing that the OK sign had been adopted by White Supremacists. After he discovered what his attorneys were up to, he fired them.  The Liberal media had access to all this information, yet they concealed it from the public.  They had assigned Kyle the role of White racist killer.  The media was either grossly derelict in its investigative responsibilities or intentionally propagandizing us about Kyle. 

It turns out that Kyle supports Black Lives Matter but thought the business owners needed protection and he could help. One of the biggest PR problems facing BLM were the false stories that it was engaging in violence, looting and arson. Anyone who prevented those crimes by people like Joseph Rosenbaum was helping BLM.   Yet, some media went so far as to give the false impression that Kyle had killed Blacks.  When it was pointed out that everyone Kyle shot was White, the liberal media bias did not abate. 

Well after the world had learned the reality about Kyle, the LA Times continues it false narrative albeit more carefully after Nick Sandmann’s successful lawsuits against CNN and the Washington Post. In discussing bias in the media, on December 23, 2021, a month after Rittenhouse’s acquittal, Lorraine Ali, LA Times Television Critic writes: “Now, we no longer have to wonder what happens when one player of a two-party system devolves into extremism and takes a significant chunk of the media with it.” (Bold added) Ms. Ali epitomizes the true believer type who sees flaws only in others but never in herself.  She writes: 

“In his (Tucker Carlson’s) adoring interview with ‘nice kid’ Kyle Rittenhouse — the teen who brought an AR-15 rifle to a Black Lives Matter protest and who was accused of killing two unarmed men and maiming another — Carlson assured viewers that Rittenhouse was a patriot, not a racist. He never mentioned a widely circulated photo of the “sweet kid” in a bar flashing white power signs with Proud Boy members, wearing a “free as f —” T-shirt. And in that siloed universe, no one was there to challenge him. The teen’s acquittal emboldened would-be vigilantes and mass shooters. Social media helped reach them.” 

Ms. Ali labels Rittenhouse as an accused killer and racist and then she drags up the false Proud Boys and the White Power sign narrative after she and everyone else in newsland knew that Kyle had been set up by his original attorneys. Then, she slips in he was acquitted declaring his acquittal “emboldened would-be vigilantes and mass shooters.”  For Ms. Ali, a wrongfully charged defendant’s acquittal emboldens mass shooters.   

Like CNN and The Washington Post, et alia, Ms. Ali cannot bring herself to be honest.  Instead she has to keep up the vilification of Kyle.   

Generic White People Revolt

Nancy Pelosi, The Wokers, the Washington Post, Nikoke Hannah-Jones, Lorraine Ali, etc. are idiot foot soldiers laying the ground work for a GOP landslide in the Nov 2022 Congressional races.  Generic White people know that they are not racists. They watch TV and they see who is doing the follow home robberies and who shot Beverly Hills matron Jacqueline Avant, wife of music legend Clarence Avant. They know they do not hate Asians and they can see the color of the people kicking small older Asian women in the face and the color of the men who do nothing to help her.  The racist Woker media thinks that because they say it, people are dumb enough to believe it.  

Just as Kyle Rittenhouse had nowhere to turn but to the Conservative media, generic White voters in November 2022 will have nowhere to turn except to the GOP – unless the Dems clear house now. Nixonize Pelosi and marginalize the anti-White Wokers.  Eight-five percent of Americans want a centrist government.  Blacks are 14% nationally and under 9% in Los Angeles.  Contrary to what the 1619 Project says, America is not all about Blacks all the time.


(Richard Lee Abrams has been an attorney, a Realtor and community relations consultant as well as a CityWatch contributor. The views expressed herein are his own and do not necessarily reflect the views of CityWatch. You may email him at [email protected]) 

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