Thu, Feb

Chinks in the Dems’ White Bashing!


A VIEW FROM HERE - Surprise, surprise, surprise, Chuck Todd’s January 2, 2022 Meet the Press allowed a series of chinks in the Pelosi-Woker anti-White bashing which has fueled our lethal divisiveness. 

First a word about Trumpy-Doodle. As these pages have pointed out since January 2017, Trump suffers from a mental illness, i.e. he’s a narcissistic histrionic (DSM -5, 301-50 & 5, 301-81). He is a buffoon, an idiot savant with the talent to express the id of the most vociferous of the disaffected.  As we saw recently, unless he sticks to their message, he is booed.  Trump is not our real problem. As Pogo said, “We have met the enemy and he is us.”  By “us,” I mean that we Dems have to realize that our racist identity politics and Wokerism have caused a revolt among moderate white America.  Hillary lost in 2016 by her use of one word, “Deplorables,” for white workers who had been ravaged by the Obama-Geithner regressive economic policies. The other reality, which Wokers do not comprehend, is that most minorities to not agree with extreme Identity Politics or Wokerism. 

Here are the chinks in my order of importance: 

1)  Barton Gellman - writer for The Atlantic: Mr. Gellman observed that the strongest demographic correlation between who was arrested for participating in the January 6th insurrection was that their county had a 1% loss of white population.  Although Mr. Gellman did explicitly identify them, he was alluding to Pelosi and Wokerism.  Both Pelosi and the Wokers peddle a racist anti-White divisiveness which promises to force Whites to pay slavery reparations when the minorities are the majority of the voters and exact their revenge.  For reasons which Pelosi and Nikole Hannah-Jones cannot comprehend, Whites do not like to be threatened with cultural and political extinction. 

When whites look around at their deteriorating quality of life over the past decades, and then hear Pelosi threaten that as soon as her legions of minorities become the majority of voters, they will take what is “rightfully theirs,” the Whites react with hostility.  Let’s be clear: This has been Pelosi’s message for well over a decade, i.e. her minority voters will supplant whites and simply take what they want. This is not something Trumpy invented.  Whites turned to a madman since he is the only one who promised to protect them.  Gellman’s admission that it was not rabid Trumpism which sent people to storm The Capitol, but rather their motivtions were losses in their own lives coupled with Pelosi’s and Wokers’s promising to make things a hellava lot worse.  

2) Fiona Hill – Former Trump appointee, specialist in Russian and European affairs: Ambassador Hill was one of the witnesses during the first House impeachment hearings in December 2019 who along with her colleagues like Col. Vindman captured America’s hearts and minds and were turning even the GOP sentiment against Trump, until Pelosi abruptly halted all the testimony.  On Meet The Press, she warned how divisiveness in other countries led to civil war. 

3) GOP Rep. Peter Meijer (Michigan's 3rd Cong Dist)  Meijer is a first term GOP who voted to impeach Trump.  He carries credibility with non-Woker Dems, who are the vast majority of Dems.  As others have observed, Candidate Biden promised to be a Centrist President, i.e. “moderate and look for bipartisan solutions.” Instead, Biden acted as if he had some mandate to be a transformative (Woker).  Rather than sticking to his centrist approach, Biden “gave the rallying signal, that created a very steep divide.”  Meijer points to the Build Back Better which he understands, even if 99% of American do not realize it, is a Woker social agenda. (For Los Angeles, it would accelerate the destruction of poor people’s homes and expedite densification of DTLA, West LA, Hollywood which has already doomed the city.)  To use my words to rephrase Rep Meijer’s measured words: Biden went all Woker and left the GOP no choice but to side with Trump. His actual words were: 

“Well, we have a two-party system. And in the best case scenario, each party challenges the other to do better, to be better, to have a scenario where iron sharpens iron. Instead, if you have one party plumbing the depths and the other just uses that as an excuse to go further, to go more to an extreme, to go more away from any sort of governing consensus and towards trying to enact, you know, whatever the will of the most extreme constituency they have is, you know, that is a recipe for both parties to drive further away from anything that resembles serving the American people as a whole.” 

4) Jonah Goldberg writer For the Atlantic.  Finally! Finally, someone is brave enough to say the obvious, Nancy Pleosi screwed the nation with her horrid handling of the second impeachment and she did it out of petty, partisan motives.  

“An institution that took itself seriously would've impeached Donald Trump within 48 hours of January 6th, or impeached and removed. But Nancy Pelosi, the way she handled impeachment, she gave a lot of Republicans, I think, an indefensible, but a politically defensible, out to not vote for impeachment. The way the Democrats have handled a lot of the Trump stuff has been for partisan advantage.” 

As written in these pages since December 2019, Pelosi has repeatedly sabotaged Trump’s removal from office for her own personal benefit.  She believes that with the GOP saddled with Trump, she can win elections.  She has been proven dead wrong!  Pelosi’s Identity Politics was soundly rejected in November 2020.  It was similar to how her anti-white Identity Politics paved the way for the tea baggers in Nov 2010.  Do not talk about how GOP do not stand up to Trump.  Far more GOP stood up to Trump than Dems who have stood up to Pelosi and to her Mini-Me Adam Schiff. 

5) Liz Cheney –   Wyoming GOP Representative.  While the Dems constantly berate the GOP for not having more anti-Trumpers, here is another anti-Trumper.  Despite vicious attacks, Liz Cheney presses on.  Trump poses a threat if he regains power, because the Alt Rt are true believers who are eager to resort to violence.  Trumpists will gain more power in November 2022 for one reason – to combat the threat of Pelosi and Wokers.  

The sub rosa theme of Meet The Press is that the way to stop Trumpism is to 86 Pelosi and Wokers. Now!

(Richard Lee Abrams has been an attorney, a Realtor and community relations consultant as well as a CityWatch contributor. The views expressed herein are his own and do not necessarily reflect the views of CityWatch. You may email him at [email protected]) 

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