Mon, Feb

Venice Neighborhood Council Set to Oppose Venice Auxiliary Pumping Project (VAAP); Unanimous 5-0 Rejection Due to Lack of Support

THE WESTSIDE - In a protracted battle for community input into a project also before the California Coastal Commission, the Venice Neighborhood Council (www.venicenc.org) will consider a motion opposing the current construction proposal of an additional processing plant adjacent to the existing facility. 

Armed with unanimous support from the VNC’S Land Use & Planning Committee (LUPC), as well as a letter of endorsement from the organization, Defend Ballona Wetlands, the VNC is expected to pass the resolution in response to the community’s concerns. 

The motion calls for the VNC to oppose the auxiliary pumping plant, more commonly referred to as VAPP, which currently allows Los Angeles to obtain a GPA or “General Plan Amendment,” as well as a zoning change located at 133 Hurricane Street in the Marina. 

The current conditions call for “the construction, use, and maintenance of a public parking area in a residential zone (CU2), for the empty lots located at 128 Hurricane St/3913 Esplanade--unless LA Public Works (LAPW) materially and in good faith addresses the community’s serious issues with this project.” 

 The motion goes into great detail with community and neighborhood concerns:  

  • Conformance to the certified Venice LUP (Policies I.A.5, I.C.1, I.C.6, and I.D.1).
  • Adherence to court-mandated ESHA protections in the surrounding lagoon area. 
  • Mitigation of EIR issues related to loss of species and habitat, groundwater impact, and potentially significant methane gas release.
  • Mitigation of “significant and unavoidable” issues including ground-borne vibration, which could result in residential building damage, and construction noise that exceeds LA CEQA threshold guidelines. 
  • Improvement of inadequate emergency access during construction activities. 
  • Change to a five day/week construction instead of proposed six days/week. 
  • Elimination of the proposed parking lot at 128 Hurricane St. for which parking requirements can be fulfilled via restricted street parking around the current Venice Pumping Plant (VPP), for an estimated savings of $2.5 million to city coffers. 
  • Modification of project design so that it is compatible with a residentially zoned neighborhood. 
  • Protection of residential properties from dirt, dust and other construction impacts. 
  • Upgrade of deficient maintenance plan for both the new and existing facilities.  

The motion calls for a letter to be sent to LA Councilwoman Traci Park (CD-11), LA City Council President Paul Krekorian, LA DONE General Manager Carmen Chang, LA City Attorney Hydee Feldstein-Soto, all members of the Los Angeles Department of Public Works, the LA City Engineer (Head of Bureau of Engineering) and Coastal Commission Staff.  

Sources tell Yo! Venice that Councilwoman Park, who represents the neighborhood is supportive of these recommendations and is already sympathetic to local community opinion and input.  

Since assuming office some two years ago, Park’s constituent services and outreach has been a marked improvement to her predecessor, former councilmember Mike Bonin. In particular, Venice Deputy Sean Silva has been diligent in his efforts to respond to a plethora of neighborhood challenges, especially in the area of homeless encampments and illegal RV parking. 

Park is an attorney by profession and a resident of Venice.  

“The difference between Park and Bonin is like night and day. Having someone who lives in Venice is a great advantage to residents. Traci Park has our back,” offered one local when asked to comment off the record.   

The meeting is scheduled for September 17th beginning at 6:30 pm at the Westminster Elementary School located on Abbot Kinney Boulevard and all Venetians are welcome to attend. 


(Nick Antonicello is a thirty-one-year resident of the neighborhood and covers extensively the actions and deliberations of the VNC. Have a take or a tip all things Venice? Contact him via e-mail at [email protected])