Fri, Mar

Crime Alert​

NORTH HILLS WEST NC--Today at around 9:30 AM three persons were spotted in our neighborhood.  Neighborhood being (Kinzie, Swinton, Frankirst, Itasca, Valjean, and Sophia).  


One is  black male, slender build, tall, early 20's, dread locks, tan or white ball cap, white or tan shirt that is too big with what appears to be three green maps or icons on the back of the shirt horizontally, Black or dark brown pants with too long of a hem with brown work boots.  

Hispanic male with orange safety vest. 

Hispanic female (no description).  

How it went down: 

At 10:00 am I received a text from a neighbor about a possible casing.  I was in a meeting and did not see the text until around 10:30 am.  I immediately responded and called the police.  The police contacted our neighbor who stated they were still in the area.  

What was reported: 

The Hispanic male told a neighbor that he was taking measurements of the block.  Untrue.  The black male was writing in the binder. 

The three went door to door on another block and asked another neighbor if they were interested in a free tree shirt that says "LA Conservation".  (Sometimes when they approach a house, they are trying to look inside when someone opens the door to see what is inside of value or interest.) 

Clearly these three had different stories on different blocks.  Fortunately for us, the police have taken this very seriously as well as some of you.  I have the description, picture and license plate of the vehicle and someone told me when they left at 11:28 AM.  This means, they were in our neighborhood for two hours. 


Toyota Minivan, mint green, license plate # 5VLS406. 

Thanks to all our neighbors for looking out.  Hopefully we don't get hit by these guys.  Keep a visual look out for the next several weeks.  Keep windows and doors locked, things of value in vehicles out of sight and vehicles in well lit places.  If someone knocks, answer without opening the door.  Look out for these alleged culprits.  

I have copied our Senior Lead Officer on this email. 


(Alert provided by the North Hills West Neighborhood Council.)
