Thu, Mar

Save the Whales: Ride Buses, Trains, and Walk

TRANSIT TALK-The oceans of the world, the water which cools the air, the major source of food for people on earth, is becoming more acidic because too much carbon dioxide from humans burning coal, petroleum products and gas are released into the atmosphere and is also being absorbed by the oceans.  

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Hip Millennials: From Protected Cocoons to Revealed Realities

VOICES--In Erik Erikson’s “Age/Task Development” (Psychosocial Systems) model, certain tasks or jobs and “roles” (parts played in society) are associated with an age.  For example, persons in their mid-twenties as the present millennial generation would have completed educational levels, secured employment, and lived alone or with partners. 

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The “Burning Like Malibu” Metaphor

DEEGAN ON LA-Malibu, already famous, captured attention a couple of weeks ago when it came perilously close to being torched and ruined by the horrific Woolsey Fire that forced a total evacuation by residents of the seaside enclave, as fire ravaged the hillsides and threatened the community.

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How Would Gandhi have Approached the Border Crisis?

VIEW FROM HERE-In Ramachandra Guha's book, Gandhi: The Years That Changed the World, 1914-1949 (Knopf), he writes, "Activists fighting for the environment, for refugees' and immigrants' rights, and against racial discrimination and violence continue to be inspired by Satyagraha, Gandhi's neologism meaning nonviolent direct action.

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Local Officials were ‘All Hands on Deck’ – Just One was MIA

RANTZ & RAVEZ-While I strive to express my honest and sincere thoughts on a variety of subjects in my RantZ and RaveZ columns, I sincerely attempt to look at the positive side of all situations and focus on the issues that affect you the readers and residents of this region -- and in particular, the City and County of Los Angeles.

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Study Shows Right Wingers Believe and Share the Most Fake News

MY TURN-A University of Oxford study shows what most of us already knew: conservatives buy into, believe, share, and propagate more false narratives under the guise of “news” than any other group. Of course, these are also the individuals who will be the first to scream “fake news” when it comes to truth in reporting by other media sources.

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I.F. Stone: “All Governments Lie.”

Platkin on Planning:  According to acclaimed investigative journalist, I.F. Stone, all governments lie.  Now, looking back on his dogged reporting, it would be great if we could ask him one key question: “How do they lie?” 

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