Wed, Jan

Greedy, Bumbling, Incompetent Republicans Have Proven They Can’t Lead


MY TURN-Conservatives have long known that liberals and independents outnumber them to such a great percentage that the only way for them to win is to…well…cheat.

Republicans have devoted decades to gerrymandering and getting local and state legislation passed that encouraged voter suppression. They also needed to ensure that their support base never knew the truths or realities of their anti-people agenda, so they have also focused on a constant stream of propaganda that any grammar school kid could fact check. 

The problem with this sheer insanity is that they didn’t have a plan to institute all their dastardly deeds if, indeed, they did succeed. What has happened is what we have seen over the last couple of years: moronic and blatantly illegal and ethically wrong actions without a clear path to maintain control. Their support of the obviously mentally ill trump has led them to the edge of the cliff and because they support-no-matter-what, they are jumping off. 

The conservatives of the U.S. have a lot of hefty dollar support behind them. With the likes of the Koch Bros., Sinclair, et al, the agenda was clear: get rid of any/all mandates that cause a reduction in profits and line the pockets of all the corporations that have greedily supported them. 

The problem is, without a plan, the Republicans simply began throwing out anything and everything, whether it was legal or not. For every action they took that made the rich, richer, they did have a spin story that they supplied to Fox. In this, they knew they had it made, because Fox leads the least informed group in the country and they knew they would buy into absolutely everything they said. 

The main goal the Republicans also included was the repeal of the Affordable Care Act. They wrapped it up as a socialist program, refused to pass the original version that would have avoided the many loopholes that have wreaked havoc, and many of the Republican governors refused to accept the Medicaid extension so that the people suffered, and they could blame it on “ObamaCare.” 

As medical insurance choices were reduced, and prices were increased, the rallying cry among the conservative trolls has been a combination of truly idiotic streams. From “I don’t want to pay for other people’s insurance” (proving they have no idea how insurance works), to it’s President Obama’s fault that I have such high premiums (proving that they never understood ACA to begin with and that the insurance companies have caused this problem.)

The continuous yelling of “Repeal ObamaCare” lasted for a while, but they had absolutely nothing to replace it with. When they quickly threw something together, it was a disaster. It’s not like they didn’t have YEARS to create a plan, but it once again proved that they have no idea how to “lead” — only how to “obstruct.” 

Repub’s Blind-Party Support is NOT How This Works 

“Congress spent two years behaving as a political committee of the president, not a branch of government empowered with independence by the Constitution.” -- Former Rep. David Jolly (R-Fla.) 

The United States government was never designed as a single party ruling faction. There should always be a situation of checks-and-balances so that one group is never in complete control.

If Democrats had done even a small percentage of what the GOP has done, the Republicans and their supporters would have run down the street screaming and ripping their hair out. The GOP has undermined almost everything that assists in protecting “we the people” from corporate greed while lining the pockets of the wealthiest 1%. These kinds of antics don’t last long as eventually, even the doltiest of their followers will be affected. 

(Image Source: The Economist) 

“Congress spent two years behaving as a political committee of the president, not a branch of government empowered with independence by the Constitution.” -- Former Rep. David Jolly (R-Fla.) 

The United States government was never designed as a single party ruling faction. There should always be a situation of checks-and-balances so that one group is never in complete control.

If Democrats had done even a small percentage of what the GOP has done, the Republicans and their supporters would have run down the street screaming and ripping their hair out. The GOP has undermined almost everything that assists in protecting “we the people” from corporate greed while lining the pockets of the wealthiest 1%. These kinds of antics don’t last long as eventually, even the doltiest of their followers will be affected. 

The GOP spent almost all the Obama years yelling about fiscal responsibility and when they got control, by 2018, they created a national debt growth to $21 trillion, with a projection that the tax law will add another $1.8 trillion. This is typical Republican hypocrisy. 

In a Huffpost article called: The GOP Ends Its One-Party Rule In Shambles. 

“Ryan and McConnell could have sent the president a clean funding bill and dared him to veto it ― instead, they played along with his demand and made a show of holding votes, even though it was clear Democrats wouldn’t go along. 

And while Senate Republicans did push through two conservative Supreme Court nominees, they largely overlooked or dismissed sexual misconduct allegations against one: Brett Kavanaugh, who was rushed ahead for confirmation without the usual vetting 

But most notably, the Republican majority will be remembered for what it didn’t do: It didn’t stand up to Trump. 

Pushing each of the motions, decisions, and legislation are organizations such as the Federalist Society and Ethics and Public Policy Center (the latter of which should never include the word “ethics” in their name).

Republicans have sat back and watched as trump has not only crossed every legal line of anyone in the White House but continues to act like a petulant spoiled child who thinks he is a dictator. Support by the conservatives has shown that they don’t care for the Constitution, the office of the Presidency, or the people. Their only goal was to push their agenda which is to ultimately keep the people poor, uneducated, sick, and living in fear. 

This is a situation of bad people taking over the government who don’t have a clue what they are doing and making the rest of us suffer through obnoxious decisions that simply benefit them. 

Some of us have critical thinking abilities and don’t fall for their bull$hit. 

Thank heavens the Calvary enters in 2019. 

(S. Novi is a journalist who worked in the media and continues to seek out truth and integrity. A liberal and one who is suspicious of cults and empty promises. Her posts originate at Medium.com. She is a contributor to CityWatch.) Prepped for CityWatch by Linda Abrams.