Fri, Oct


The Ysabel Jurado Kerfuffle


THE EASTSIDER - Where would election time be without last minute hi-jinks? This morning we were  greeted with Channel 5 breaking news, the news being a leaked video of Ysabel Jurado, singing a ditty about ‘F*** The Police. 

This was quickly followed with an announcement of  Northeast community leaders calling for a rally and/or a press meeting at lunchtime, to show everyone’s love for the LAPD, and to demand that Jurado should quit the race for her disgusting display of anti-police animus. 

The event took place at the old Police Building on York Blvd across the street from the renamed Bob’s Big Boy restaurant, around noon.  About a hundred or so souls attended the event, complete with local leaders, PA systems, and a lots of press. 

The consensus of this group was that Jurado must be a commie, and she should immediately apologize for her mocking the LAPD, and withdraw from the race. 

Well, I think that politically the stunt was ill-advised, since the election is already underway and people are voting by mail as I write, and normally candidates don’t need doing anything that may cost them votes. 

On the other hand, Jurado has not repudiated her actions, and I doubt that she will. 

The Context

It is no secret that Ysabel Jurado is a progressive tenant rights attorney, and if she wins the runoff it says more about Kevin de Leon’s do nothing record for the last 4 years in office than her platform for progressive change.  

Full disclosure, I have previously written Citywatch articles endorsing her over the same old same old list of burned out politicians coming to the Northeast when the need a gig. You can find one here

Honestly, I think that this will be an interesting race, and would provide a serious political shift from our history of professional politicians like Jose Huizar and then Kevin de León who was looking for his next gig.  Remember, the reason he ran for the District was that he termed out in the legislature and needed a job. 

He has been a controversial Councilmember ever since taking office,  and wasn’t looking forward to this election at all.  As I wrote in a Citywatch article in March

“As I write this article, I’m looking at a photograph of a letter dated January 10 2023, on Kevin De Leon’s letterhead, authorizing a check in the amount of $480,000 to World Harvest Charities & Family Services “out of my AB1290 COVID 19 account as a lump sum advance.” 

Holy moly, Batman!  

I do not personally know Mr. Nealy, but I do have a copy of his March 1, 2023 Petition for a Writ of Mandate against Kevin De Leon and Pete Brown to comply with the Public Records Act and cough up the documents that by now we all know they are hiding like the rats they are. 

Kudos to Mr. Nealy. Attached to the Petition are a number of Exhibits which clearly establish a pattern of CD14 flagrantly making pitiful excuse after another as they attempt to withhold public records that would make Kevin look bad.” 

Let the follies begin!

(Tony Butka is an Eastside community activist, who has served on a neighborhood council, has a background in government and is a contributor to CityWatch.)


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