Mon, Oct


Los Angeles Mayor Karen Bass Rolls Out the Red Carpet to the Nation's Homeless


AN ANGRY ANGELENO - One of the most egregious examples of relocating homeless people to Los Angeles was written about today by Westside Current's Jamie Paige ...quite the Mega Scandal. 

I've written about homeless people traveling from Hawaii to LA and Alaska to LA. 

But Paige tells us that, and apparently LA progressives think this is something to brag about, “The Weingart Center...boasts about relocating a homeless woman and her dog from Florida to Los Angeles...detailed the journey of Jamie [Mobley] from Miami, who struggled to find permanent housing until being directed to the Weingart Center.” 

The social media post further reads:  “With the Access Center's Program Manager LaQuesia's support, Jamie and her dog Goddess, boarded a bus to LA.  Upon arrival, she connected with our case manager, Toni [Dominguez], who helped her secure housing...” 

Way back in 2017, The Guardian , a publication of the United Kingdom...of course it would take a foreign publication to expose what is truly going on with homelessness in the United States...came out with a wonderful piece of journalism that took 18 months of investigation:  “Bussed Out: How America Moves Its Homeless”, which starts with “Each year, US Cities give thousands of homeless people one-way bus tickets out of town...”  Actually, the article also discusses one-way flights out of town, which are sometimes used.  The biggest bussing program discussed is, surprisingly and ironically, that of San Francisco, which is supposed to be super liberal.  

So, if that was in 2017, you can only imagine what is going on now.  Of course, you'll rarely hear about this kind of stuff from the LA Times or LA politicos.  It goes against their agenda of growing the Billion Dollar Homeless Industrial Complex.  By the way, prepare for a Sales Tax Increase for the Homeless this November.  It'll pass.  Bet on it. 

California, but more specifically Los Angeles, have been dumped on for years, by the other 49 states, especially cold weather states...San Francisco police have even coined the phrase “drug tourists”.  Los Angeles is also dumped on by the rest of California. 

There are actually 2 LA's, the MASSIVE City of LA, and the COUNTY of LA, mostly composed of small cities, small cities that dump their homeless on the City of LA.  How do they do that?  Let's look at the cities of Malibu and West Hollywood (WeHo) as examples, although I'm sure there are many others within LA County's 88 cities.  Those 2 cities have NO homeless camping CITYWIDE.  So, if a homeless person arrives in one of those 2 cities from another part of CA or from another state, they are told “You can't camp here, but you can camp in the City of LA, just over the city border (line) yonder” 

The City of LA has LAMC 41.18 , which creates no camping zones, which are opposed by Uber Progressive Council Members Nithya Raman (who just got reelected with the backing and help of Mayor Karen Bass), Katy Yaroslavsky, Hugo Soto-Martinez, and Eunisses Hernandez, the so-called “Gang of Four” on the LA City Council (I can't take credit for that nickname).  There are 15 LA City council members, Mini-Mayors, if you will, of their massive council districts (each council district is the size of a city), and many of the council members are utilizing 41.18 to protect their residents from the homeless invasion or siege...take your pick of how to describe it.  Have you been physically attacked yet?  Because I have.  And I know of others who have been attacked.  If you haven't been physically attacked by an LA homeless person yet, don't worry.  It's just a matter of time. 

Uber Progressive LA County Supervisor Lindsey P Horvath (the youngster Photo Opp Queen who came from the WeHo City Council) is opposed to 41.18 (she represents parts of the City of LA, as well as other cities).  Times journo David Zahniser was great when he called her out on living in a City (WeHo) that bans homeless camping citywide while essentially advocating for homeless camping in the City of LA.  But they're totally different situations.  Yeah, right.  More like Double Standards. 

So, recently, you may have heard that the US Supreme Court came out with a Big Decision that helps Cities Stop Homeless Camping.  California's Governor was ecstatic, even pushing for that decision before it came out.  Gavin Newsom is termed-out and will likely be headed back to the San Francisco Bay Area, where his bar/restaurant businesses are currently being run by his sister, so you can imagine why he would want San Francisco to become safer.  San Francisco's Mayor is planning to use the USSC (I can't stand the SCOTUS acronym) decision aggressively.  Many cities in many states are planning to use that Supreme Court decision aggressively to restore Public Safety and massively reduce Crime. 

What did Mayor Bass and LA County Supervisor Lindsey P Horvath immediately announce to the press?  That they were SO upset and would take the compassionate route.  SO, they're PUBLICLY rolling out the red carpet to the Nation's Homeless.  Mayor Bass said our homeless population could increase (because LA is taking a different approach going forward than almost everybody else).  You think?  All the other cities will give their homeless one-way bus tickets (or flights) to LA, telling them that LA wants you. 

While Karen Bass gallivants at the Paris Olympics, Rome Burns, and Bass throws lighter fuel on the fire.


(“The Angry Angeleno” is the nom de plume of Yuval Kremer.  Yuval is a Registered Democrat; a Cali-Camp, Harvard-Westlake (pre-merger), USC, and Loyola Law School Alum; and a former ballot candidate for Mayor of LA (failing to prevent Mayor Garcetti's reelection) and LA County Supervisor (ran against Sheila Kuehl, Katy Yaroslavsky's former boss).  The opinions expressed by Yuval are his and his alone (not those of CityWatchLA), but will likely be yours soon!)

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