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Sunset Strip Jackpots: Gambling in the Glamour of LA


GAMBLING - There is arguably no place in the world where gambling and all casino-related activities are as popular as the streets of L.A. Nicknamed the City of Angels by some, L. A used to be the ideal destination for people looking for a weekend of high-stakes fun. But since then, there have been a lot of changes.  This post will walk you through the origin and current state of L.A.’s legendary Sunset Strip. 

LA Sunset Strip: Origins 

The Sunset Strip in L.A is one of the favorite destinations of lots of celebrities. The area is also populated by high-end boutiques, restaurants, exotic nightclubs and so on. This is precisely why Sunset Strip continues to draw a large number of people yearly.

In its early days, Sunset Strip was just a stretch of road connecting to Beverly Hills. However, it was not under the legal jurisdiction of “the Hills”. Recognizing the value of this loophole, it wasn’t long before it burgeoned into a thrilling hub for entertainment and nightlife. There were Speakeasies featuring hidden rooms for gambling and even a full casino setup. 

Over time, the Sunset Strip developed a reputation for being a prime destination for maximum fun and relaxation. The number of establishments in the Strip continued to increase as more people came here. New nightclubs and restaurants were opening regularly to cater to the needs of people. Some of new these establishments were rumored to be owned by popular gangsters like Bugsy Siegel. 

The Sunset Strip Gambling Scene Now 

After multiple raids, the Sunset Strip suffered from a lack of popularity among casino lovers, with a drop in patronage. This reduction in gambling lifestyle would prove to be permanent. Now, the Sunset Strip isn’t a major gambling scene anymore, but despite this, it remains as popular as ever. This is majorly because it is a perfect destination for experiencing luxury and mingling with Los Angeles' elite. 

The offerings of luxurious entertainment, thrills of celebrity sightings, and, of course, the very real possibility of winning big have transformed the Sunset Strip’s various establishments into an integral part of L.A.'s vibrant nightlife. 

If you visit the Sunset Strip during the day, it could seem like you’re just taking a walk through the antiques of L.A.’s past. But at nighttime, everything changes. If you’re visiting the Strip at night, you’ll immediately notice that there’s so much excitement and fun everywhere. However, there is no gambling activity so don’t bother looking for a casino. 

A Return To Gambling On The Horizon? 

That said, there is a faint buzz in the air that the Sunset Strip could return back to its glory days of being a gambling hub. However, it should be said that for now, there are no signs of that happening. However, Nevada has undergone some pretty important changes in recent years. 

For example, gambling is no longer illegal here. Because of this, there are now lots of casino establishments owned by native Americans in the area. People in Nevada are now free to enjoy gambling thrills without fear of breaking the law. 


The Sunset Strip used to be a gambler's paradise, dazzling with prime entertainment and thrills. However, although gambling operations are nonexistent here for the moment, the Strip continues to attract people from all over the world with a different kind of shine and glitter: an exotic and unforgettable nightlife experience.  

No matter how different the Sunset Strip now is, one thing’s for sure: a visit to L.A. isn't complete without experiencing the Strip's unique and iconic approach to entertainment, a rare find for enthusiasts.
