Sun, Feb

Scenic Los Angeles Raises Concerns Over Metro's Transportation Communication Network


SIGN BLIGHT - Scenic Los Angeles, a leading advocate for preserving our city's natural beauty, expresses deep concerns regarding the recent approval of Metro's Transportation Communication Network (TCN) project by the City Planning Commission. While TCN promises improved digital signage and communication, we believe several critical issues must be addressed before proceeding.

A significant concern is the uncertainty surrounding TCN's financial projections. Metro claims the TCN will generate $300 million to $500 million over 20 years. This wide range raises doubts about the accuracy of these projections. This would be the same as if every adult Angeleno paid $3 per year to Metro to support public transportation needs. This is a paltry figure that is not worth the increased degradation of equity in our communities these signs would lead to.

Transparency is another vital issue. Public documentation detailing the agreement between Metro and Allvision, the TCN's operator, is lacking. An expired agreement from 2020 raises questions about the current status. We demand full transparency regarding the deal structure and revenue projections' methodology.

The proliferation of illegal billboards is also alarming, with over 1600 currently operating in Los Angeles. Addressing this issue should take precedence over new Metro signs. Scenic Los Angeles calls for the removal of all illegal billboards in the city before granting any new permits.

Moreover, the TCN ordinance raises potential legal challenges due to spot zoning. Creating special use districts for 80 signs seems to disregard existing sign ordinances.

Scenic Los Angeles advocates for:

  • Full Disclosure: Reveal the current Metro-Allvision agreement.
  • Transparent Deal Structure: Share the methodology behind revenue projections.
  • Removal of Illegal Billboards: Prioritize removal before new permits.
  • Community Well-Being: Prioritize residents' wishes and scenic preservation.

With 71% of Angelenos opposing additional signage in their neighborhoods, we urge council members to prioritize transparency and community engagement. To maintain our city's scenic beauty and well-being, Scenic Los Angeles calls on city officials to address these critical concerns. Transparency is key to preserving our beloved Los Angeles.


(Scenic Los Angeles is dedicated to preserving the city's natural beauty. For more information, contact Dustan Batton at [email protected].)