Thu, Mar

City Council Votes on LA Budget.  One Member is Out of Touch.


THE EASTSIDER - The Los Angeles “City Hall Crazy Train” recently left the station with only 1 out of touch Councilmember on board!  What happened to the other “Crazy Train” riders?  Did they see the Light at the end of the tunnel and decide to do what is good for the people of L A?  

The $13 Billion Dollar Los Angeles City Budget for fiscal year 2023-2024 was approved by all but one member of the city council.  With 14 current councilmembers, only one member decided to vote against the entire city budget.  A budget that impacts everything from A to Z.  Airports to the Los Angeles Zoo and everything else dealing with city government.  Fire and Police and Recreation and Parks and Libraries and Dept of Transportation and Sanitation and on and on.  Who could that one person be who turned their back on the residents, business owners, city employees and visitors to Los Angeles?  Could it be that the councilmember believes Homeless and Crime and Social problems don’t really matter and that the budget will not help the people of Los Angeles live a better life in a cleaner, safer, and more responsive and effective municipal government? 

Who could this uncaring member of the L.A. City Council be?  Those of you who voted for this person need to check your priorities and that of your city.  If you are in favor of more crime, violence, homeless, unkept streets and communities, you are not with the majority of the people of Los Angeles.  Most people I meet are tired of the decay and want city crews to clean and improved all neighborhoods from the San Fernando Valley to San Pedro and from the West side to East L.A.  No community is currently pleased with the many negative issues facing local neighborhoods and an unresponsive city bureaucracy.  

The one person who believes she has more knowledge, understanding and concern for the city than the rest of us is none other than the Councilmember from District 1.  Councilmember Eunisses Hernandez.  The only member of the council that voted NO on the entire L.A. City Budget.  It is obvious that Eunisses is either completely out of touch with reality or the rest of us are happy with the status quo.  

There you have it.  One Out of Touch member of the “City Hall Crazy Train” that sits alone on the “Crazy Train” opposing all elements of the $13 Billion Dollar Los Angeles City Budget designed to address many of the ills and social issues negatively impacting all areas and neighborhoods around Los Angeles.  

In addition to Councilmember Hernandez opposition to the city budget, she is the councilmember who recently pushed to have Uniform LAPD Officers assigned to maintain order at City Hall in uniform lock their weapons while on duty protecting the council.  Of note, a man was recently arrested at city hall disturbing the council meeting and found to have a Dagger in a pink comb on his person.  Hernandez has a lot to learn about politics, safety, and people.  She might learn a lot while riding the “City Hall Crazy Train” as the only passenger looking for light at the end of the tunnel.    

Congratulations to the Councilmembers who worked on the Budget and all those who voted to support it. 

The Budget Chair was Councilmember Bob Blumenfield.  The Council Members who voted to approve the budget are Curren Price, Kathy Yaroslavsky, Tim McOsker, Monica Rodriguez, Paul Krekorian, Nithya Raman, Marqueece Harris-Dawson, Heather Hunt, Traci Park, John Lee and Hugo Santo-Martinez.   

Everything kicks in on July 1.  We can all expect to have a Safer, Cleaner, and better run City of the Angels with the $13 Billion Dollar Budget. 

Runoff  Election on June 27th for L.A. City Council District 6 

Los Angeles City Council District 6 has been without an elected Councilmember for many months.  The primary brought two candidates to the Runoff scheduled for June 27.  Imelda Padilla is the leading candidate that I am Supporting and Endorsing.  I encourage you to vote for Imelda Padilla if you reside in the 6th City Council District.  The following communities are all in the 6th District.  Van Nuys, Sun Valley, Panorama City, Lake Balboa, North Hollywood, North Hills, Arleta and Pacoima.  Basically, the communities in the North-East San Fernando Valley.  

$1.8 Million for a Sexual Harassment Suit involving and LAPD Officer 

It is reported that a case involving LAPD Metro Officer Matthew Garza has settled for $1.8 million dollars pending city council and Mayor Bass’ approval.  The officer who was assigned to Mayor Garcetti’s protection detail filed legal actions against Rick Jacobs who was the chief political advisor to Garcetti.  The case involved sexual harassment toward Garza by Jacobs.  The case dragged on for a long time and became an issue with Garcetti’s appointment as the Ambassador to India.  While Garcetti denied knowing anything about the allegation, the settlement sits before the City Council and Mayor Bass to approve the claim.  

Ambassador Garcetti is living the happy life of an American Ambassador in India.  

Looking for a job or a career? 

The City of Los Angeles and many other cities are hiring people for a wide variety of positions.  If you are looking for a career or just a job, now is a great time to apply.  Additionally, the California Highway Patrol is looking to hire 1,000 new officers along with the LAPD, LASO and many other law enforcement agencies.  The LAPD is currently at 9,059 officers and needs thousands more.  Do you want a job or a career?  Something to think about.  Some agencies are also offering significant incentives to join. 

If you are a proud American you might consider joining one of the military branches.  The ARMY is 65,000 short of their goal.   


(Dennis P.  Zine is the author of RantZ and RaveZ.  The column is published twice a month to keep you informed of activities in and around your community. Dennis has a distinguished career in both Law Enforcement and Politics. )