Fri, Mar

LAPD: Fallout from the K9 Shootings

Photos of LAPD Chief Moore, Assistant LAPD Chief Robert Marino and LAPD Administrator 111 Lizabeth Rhodes.


The Incident

On Wednesday evening March 8th, 2023, Los Angeles police officers observed a male individual subsequently identified as 32 years old Parolee At Large Jonathan Magana.  Magana was initially observed near the area 3800 block of North Broadway located in Lincoln Heights. Magana who had an extensive violent criminal history and known gang member was released early (2 years out of a 5-year prison sentence) from State Prison under Prop 57. He refused to comply with the verbal commands by the police officers and then fled on foot from the immediate location. K-9 units were then requested to the location and a perimeter was established.  

Magana (while armed) then ambushed all three of the Los Angeles Police K-9 officers.  The three officers all sustained gunshot wounds. This was followed by return gun fire by all of the police officers present at the location.  SWAT team officers were called to the scene and 3 robots were deployed. They entered a makeshift living quarter located from the rear alley. It was later determined that Magana appeared to be deceased, and once officers entered the location it was confirmed that Magana was deceased. 

All three wounded police officers were transported to the Los Angeles County USC Medical Facility. All three were subsequently released from the hospital. 

Later the same date of the shooting incident a hasty news conference took place on the outside area of the Los Angeles County USC Medical Center.  Los Angeles Assistant Chief Al Labrada stated that the suspect was in custody.  What a play on words.  Labrada refused to acknowledge that the suspect was deceased.  Los Angeles City Mayor Karen Bass also spoke, and she also failed to acknowledge that the suspect was deceased. What both failed to acknowledge was that local news media had already confirmed that the suspect was deceased. 

Where’s the Brass?

Now the question is, where were Los Angeles Police Chief Michel Moore and LAPD Assistant Chief Robert Marino? 

Very reliable sources within the Los Angeles police department have stated that Moore and his family, and possibly accompanied by Marino and his family, were in Idaho for a short vacation. 

One would have thought and expected that both Moore and Marino would have found their way to immediately return to Los Angeles and respond to the hospital to see and communicate with the injured police officers. 

Most Los Angeles Police officers both retired and active and residents and stakeholders of the city of Los Angeles can remember when former LAPD Chief Willie L. Williams failed to cut short his vacation in Las Vegas to attend a funeral for a fallen Los Angeles Police officer. 

Please take a look at a Los Angeles Times article December 2nd, 2021, regarding LAPD Chief Moore' security detail under Investigation after a major incident in France.  In short, Chief Moore and his wife and Robert Marino and his wife along with other LAPD staff members were in France to monitor France's preparation for the 2024 Summer Olympics.  During their stay in Marseille, it appears that then Commander Marino’s wife alleged that a male who bumped into her had stolen her cell phone.  The cell phone had not been stolen and was located. The innocent male victim had been detained by Chief Moore' security staff. That’s a major violation of LAPD policy.  The innocent victim and those individuals that he was with, filed a complaint with French local police officials.  This incident also prompted an LAPD Internal Affairs Investigation. But don't ever expect to see or hear anything additional about the incident.  Marino was simply promoted to the rank of LAPD Assistant Chief. 

A Botched Public Records Request

More recently this writer obtained information that one of the three officers shot during the Lincoln Heights incident sustained his injuries by friendly fire. Chief Moore and Mayor Bass have both failed to make this information public.    

Several months ago, a Twitter thread journalist named Ben Camacho filed a request under the Public Records Act for personal and confidential information on all active sworn members of the Los Angeles Police Department. Camacho, is a reporter with the progressive news site Knock LA.  Los Angeles City Attorney Mike Feuer approved this Public Record Request. Who is Mike Feuer?  Mike Feuer is a lifetime career politician, former - LA. City Council member, former California State Assembly member and now former Los Angeles City Attorney. Now he has declared his intent to run for Adam Schiff's congressional seat.  

Also, let’s not forget he was the godfather of the Disastrous Assembly Bill AB 109. How can we ever forget about the male released early from state prison who kidnapped a ten-year-old female from Northridge and held her captive for hours while he sexually molested her.  Or the male gang member also released early under AB 109 who shot four people in the head execution style or the 29-year-old female and 89 year old POW both beaten to death by yet another male released early from state prison under AB 109. 

Did Mike Feuer not think about the serious consequences of his actions by approving this request to release highly confidential information on our city’s police officers? 

The approved request was sent to Los Angeles Police Administrator 111 Lizabeth Rhodes. Rhodes is the highest-ranking civilian commanding officer within the Los Angeles Police Department.   Rhodes was appointed to her position in November 2019 by Los Angeles Police Chief Moore and is the Director of the Office of Constitutional Policing and Policy. Any major decisions that she makes are to be approved in advance by Chief Moore. 

Now, Moore on both TV and other News media outlets, is claiming that he had no prior knowledge of the approved request surrounding the Public Record Request and the Release of the Confidential information on each of LAPD's sworn police officers. 

Rhodes is the senior legal and policy advisor to the Chief of Police and directly oversees the operations of Risk Management Legal Affairs Group, Ombuds, Audit Division, Legal Affairs Division, Risk Management and Policies Division, Governmental Liaison Section and Strategic Planning Section. 

Rhodes graduated cum laude from Smith College and earned her Juris Doctorate from UCLA Law School.  In 1997 she was employed by the United States Attorney's office out of the Central District of California. She handled criminal cases which involved complex narcotics trafficking, racketeering, money laundering and firearm cases. Complex cases which involved numerous violent street crimes and organized criminal groups. She became Senior Litigation Council in the Narcotics and Organized Crime Section in 2006. 

Now she has authorized the release of Confidential information on each of Los Angeles sworn police officers.  Rhodes of all individuals should have known the dangers of releasing of highly confidential information to the public especially those officers who work in very dangerous under cover assignments. 

Now by her actions she has placed the Health, Welfare and Safety (LIVES) at risk not only of Los Angeles Police Officers but also of their immediate family members. 

The Los Angeles Police Department has officers who are assigned in undercover positions with other Major Law Enforcement Agencies throughout the United States. 

Now Chief Moore is stating that an error was made.  Where in the hell is Mayor Bass? She needs to demand that Rhodes be fired ASAP!  Bass also needs to hold Moore and each of his Assistant Chiefs responsible. 

Once the confidential information was released by LAPD it was posted on the social media account Watch the Watchers. This site was created by the technology watchdog group Stop LAPD Spying Coalition. They are very outspoken and are anti police.  As a result of the release of the confidential information that information was subsequently released to the Twitter account KILLER COPS. 

This twitter account lists bounties for the killing of police officers. 

On Monday March 27, 2023, the twitter account Killer Cops was suspended by Twitter. 


Now the Los Angeles Police union has requested a full and complete investigation on both Chief Moore and Rhodes. The Police union has called for the firing of Rhodes. They also need to call for the firing of Moore. 

How many more Los Angeles police officers are now going to put in for their early retirement or transfer to other police agencies?    There are already rumors that folks are stating that if the numbers of police officers keep declining, then the LAPD may have to shut down two Los Angeles police divisions. 

LAPD can't be trusted to complete their own Internal Affairs Investigations on this matter.  This matter is so serious that it needs to be referred to an outside agency. 

I also suggest that each LAPD family member join hands together and file a major lawsuit naming the CITY of LOS ANGELES for emotional stress.

(Caroline Aguirre is a retired 24-year State of California law enforcement officer, LAPD family member, community activist and Neighborhood Watch captain. Aguirre is a CityWatch contributor. The opinions expressed by Caroline Aguirre do not reflect those of CityWatch.)