Sun, Mar

Violent Street Crime on the Rise in LA.  Businesses Leaving


RantZ and RaveZ - How bad can Violent Street Crimes be in Hollywood and other neighborhoods in the City of Los Angeles? 

The recently published Los Angeles Police Department Community Alert Notification tells it all in the Area Safety Bulletin.  

Police Warn Of Rise In Violent Street Robberies 

The Starbucks corporation CEO Howard Schultz recently announced that his company is closing 16 U.S. locations including one at Hollywood Blvd and Vine Street due to safety concerns and “challenging incidents.”  You might ask yourself why a Billion - Dollar company would abandon one of the most famous locations in Star- Studded Hollywood where the rents are sky high and many of those walking the Hollywood Walk of Fame are also “Floating” on a variety of illegal drugs.       

Hollywood Blvd and Vine Street has been a tourists’ destination from years long gone.  Visitors from around the world still stop at the famous intersection and take photos and reflect on the glamor of what Hollywood once represented.  The land of movie stars and fame along with fortunes won and lost.  The land where you might be nobody today and somebody tomorrow.  That fantasy land we hear about from time to time in movies and read in books.  The location where I walked a foot beat when I was a young police Sgt assigned to Hollywood Division back in the mid 70’s and where my son followed in my footsteps when he was assigned to Hollywood Division as a young patrol officer. 


Hollywood Blvd was a place to hang out and cruise the Blvd back in the day.  The area has turned into a land of homeless and drugs and violence.  It is no longer the place to meet your friends and hang out. 

The reason Starbucks is vacating Hollywood Blvd is because of the challenging times of running a business in Los Angeles and other fallen American cities according to Mr.  Schultz.  Starbuck’s is now including training for their employees to include…How to de-escalate situations including active shooter and other defensive training to protect the talented employees and loyal customers.  If this is what a business is now required to do to have a successful operation, what have we done as an American society.  A very sad tale for all of us to think about living in Los Angeles, California the once upon a time and long-ago land of great possibilities and opportunity. 

Mr.  Schultz goes on to express his anger and frustration with the government officials who run some of America’s largest cities.  Elected officials that manage them and let crime run amok while making communities increasingly dangerous.  Governors, Legislators, Mayors and City Councils along with  others in government that have abdicated their responsibility in fighting crime and addressing mental health in the communities they are elected to represent and serve.  

When Mayor Garcetti referred to police officers as “Killers”, the wound struck deep and is now impossible to ever recover. Ask Mayor Garcetti about that and how it has impacted his remaining months and days as the L.A.’s Mayor.  While Garcetti is anxiously waiting the call from Washington, D.C. about his confirmation to become the next Ambassador to India.  Even the Garcetti family hiring a lobbyist has not moved the approved motion any closer to confirmation and the Presidential appointment. 

If you decide to venture out of your home remember to follow the suggestions and warning from the LAPD.  Don’t wear expensive watches or jewelry, don’t drive a nice car, don’t carry cash, don’t wear

nice clothes, watch who is following you on foot and in your vehicle.   Just try and blend in and hopefully avoid becoming the next Los Angeles Crime Statistic.  

If you are one of the fortunate residents who has obtained a CCW permit from Sheriff Villanueva, keep the weapon handy and make sure you have good insurance to protect your assets when you are sued by the robber or their family member that attempted to steal your goods and shoot you. 

The Latest L.A.P.D. Crime Stats 

The LAPD is down to 9297 officers as of 6/2022.  There were 10,014 officers in 2017.  The reduction of 717 officers negatively impacts public safety in L.A.    

The Crime Stats comparing 2022 to 2020.

Murder is up +25.3%

GTA is up +26.3%

Shots Fired is up +50.7%

Shooting Victims are up +51.8

Robbery and Assaults are up+16.6%

Total Violent Crimes are up +14.8%

All Arrests are down -15.8%

Los Angeles County District Attorney Gascón is hopefully on his way out of Los Angeles County and onto retirement. 

As a Co-Chair of the Recall Gascón campaign, I want to thank each person who signed the Recall Gascón petition.  We turned in a total of 717,000 petitions and hopefully have sufficient valid signatures to qualify for the November ballot.  We were required to turn in 566,857.  We will know in a few weeks if the Recall qualifies for the ballot.  With your support, we will be able to return the L.A. County District Attorney’s Office to a District Attorney who is concerned about victims and carries out justice in a fair and responsible manner unlike the CIRCUS Gascón has done with the DA’s Office.  

The Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors wants to have total control over the Elected Sheriff of L.A. County. 

Sheila Kuehl who on paper represents the San Fernando Valley, but seldom if ever visits the many communities that make up the San Fernando Valley, wants to hold the Sheriff responsible to the L.A. County Board of Supervisors and not the voters.  Kuehl is joined by fellow Supervisors Janice Hahn, Holly Mitchell and Hilda Solis. Supervisor Kathryn Barger is opposed to the hostile takeover by her fellow Supervisors. 

The Sheriff Alex Villanueva is not beholden to the L.A. County Board of Supervisors and is totally accountable to you the voters.  You decide if the Sheriff is doing a good job or not.  I can tell you from my personal experience and a lot of investigating that Sheriff Villanueva is an Honest man with great concern for his personnel and all the members of Los Angeles County Sheriffs Department.    

I urge you to let the politicians continue to RUIN the region while the Sheriff attempts to make Los Angeles County a SAFE place to Live, Work and Play.  

(Dennis P.  Zine is the author of RantZ and RaveZ.  The column is published twice a month to enlighten you on issues impacting Los Angeles and America.  Dennis is a 54-year active member of law enforcement and a retired elected official.)