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Financial Abuse When Conservatorship Goes Terribly Wrong


VIEW FROM HERE - After receiving her social security and her pension checks, the Widow M was trudging along tending to her rental business, when a gang of neo-nazis attacked her and stole her social security and pension money and then for good measure, they emptied out her account of its $27,000.00. 

The Widow M Was Upset 

At the time, she was 78 years old. She and her husband had spend years building an estate for retirement including pensions and real estate worth a few million dollars.  As Willie Sutton explained, he robbed banks “because that is where the money is.” The neo-nazis in the probate court financially rape widows because that’s who has the money. 

The Court Gives The Widow W An Unexpected Birthday Gift 

For her 80th birthday, Judge Lee R. Bogdanoff presented the Widow M with a birthday gift, i.e. she gets to pay two of the nazi muggers Twenty-Eight Thousand One Hundred Seventy-Six dollars and 71/100's ($28,176.71) for the privilege of being financially mugged.   Nice work these thugs have; they get to take the widow’s money and then force her to pay for the honor of being robbed. 

The Corrupt Deal Put Together by ex-Judge Reva Goetz 

After a marathon session on August 30, 2018, the Widow M was coerced into signing a mediation settlement agreement, the end product of which would divest her of all her property.  At this time, the Widow M owned three pieces of real estate: Her very large 18 room home with pool just north of LA; her small two bedroom home nearby and a large house in Riverside County.  As the Widow M relates it, “I knew from my first meeting her, my court appointed attorney Audre Delhoussaye wanted my largest home.  She’s just after my house.”  About a year later, Ms. Delhoussaye assured the Widow M that the attorney’s children would pay her for the house.  The fact that the widow did not want to sell did not matter. Attorney Delhoussaye had arranged for the house to be sold within a couple months of the August 2018 mediation.  She was not pleased that a year later, the Widow M had thwarted the plan by transferring her properties into joint tenancy, placing them beyond the control of the court. 

In some instances, the conservatorship courts have been known to order intransigent elders to be jailed in nursing homes where they soon die.  Since the Widow M’s properties were now in joint tenancy, the instant she passes away, the predatory vultures forever lose any chance of getting the million dollar properties.  Thus, the judicial blood suckers have to content themselves with trying to force the Widow M into bankruptcy by stealing her pensions and emptying her bank account, hoping to find a way to steal her valuable real estate. 

The predators have seized all her pension income and her bank account and refuse to allow her to rent out or sell her Riverside home.  If she sold that far away property, she would be financially set forever.  Instead, the court will not let her sell the Riverside property or gain any rental income.  Instead, it is forcing her to let her daughter, who has a BA from NYU and had a real estate license, to live their rent free.  This is another aspect of financial rape by the judiciary,. 

Los Angeles Probate-Conservatorship Courts; 21th Century Slavery 

There are types of slavery other than de jure slavery.  Our society has moved to various forms of de facto slavery.  One widespread variant is keeping the minimum wage absurdly low so that workers are paid far less than their worth.  Thus, workers at the low end of the pay scale are in effect forced to work for no pay for much of each day.  They are free to quit and starve. Another type of slavery is more sophisticated – conservatorship courts which are run by predatory vultures and blood sucking leaches, i.e. judges, conservators and court appointed attorneys. 

How The Judges Enslave the Wealthy

The Widow W’s situation exemplifies how the Los Angeles court enslaves.  The widow, a former nurse, and her husband had excellent pensions. Social Security and private pensions are earned by the employees. Each month during their working years a portion of their wages were placed into special accounts and then after they reach certain age, their withheld wages are paid to them on a monthly basis.  When a judge allows a conservator to seize a widow’s social security and her pension, the judge has enforced a form of slavery.  Pension payments are wages. The Widow M and her husband worked those wages.  Legally, it is no different than being forced to chop cotton in the hot sun and 20% of the laborers’ wages go to the master. The fact that workers’ wages were paid to masters decades later does not alter the fact that the courts have turned conservatees like the Widow M in de facto slaves.  Let’s be clear, Widow M’s conservator has done nothing whatsoever to benefit the Widow M in any way, Yet he gets her wages paid to him as his own money. In fact, when a prior proposed conservator saw the ugly set up which the widow’s attorney, Audre Delahoussaye, had contrived with Reva Geotz and Judge Elizabeth Lippitt, she refused to participate. 

The enslavement of elders is a nationwide practice and the stealing of their wages is a crucial aspect in each state.  Elders who have real estate, however, are more lucrative targets for the conservator courts since real estate is worth many times more than pensions.  Los Angeles Probate Court, which handles conservatorships, is only one court where people are systematically abused, robbed of their property and unjustly incarcerated.  California Supreme Court Chief Justice Tani Gorre Cantil-Sakauye has turned the judicial system into a vast thuggery populated with predatory vultures and blood sucking leaches.  The few judges and attorneys who do not “go along to get along” with the vast corruption are expelled and/or incarcerated.   July 26, 2021, CityWatch, How Judicial Top-Down Corruption Plays Out in California, by Richard Lee Abrams