Sun, Mar

It's The Day After July 4th: Are You Dependent, Codependent, or Really Independent?


ALPERN AT LARGE-We just had another Independence Day -- and yet the definition of "independence" is as nebulous as ever. Perhaps the greatest form of "independence" is the freedom to safety discuss and debate the past, present, and ongoing issues surrounding "independence" or "dependence," so let's go: 

1) We had a revolution from England -- then the singular greatest power on Earth -- in the mid-to-late 1700s. In part, that was due to a lack of rights among the British colonists, and in part that was due to a growing sense during the Renaissance, Reformation, and Great Enlightenment of the need for universal rights, and in part that was due to a sense of "taxation without representation."


  • If you didn't know that England was the greatest power on Earth during the latter half of the 1700s, and you didn't know (or remember the basics of) the history behind the American/British conflict, are you dependent, codependent, or really independent?


  • If you don't remember the basics of the Renaissance, Reformation, and Great Enlightenment, and you don't know what the concept of "universal truths and rights granted by God" really means, or even respect that, are you dependent, codependent, or really independent?


  • If you don't know what the term "taxation without representation" means, or know what it means but just don't care or get upset about it, are you dependent, codependent, or really independent?


2) Back to the Revolutionary War issue: approximately one-third of those living in the colonies were adamantly pro-Revolution, approximately one-third were of mixed support/opposition to Revolution, and approximately one-third were loyalists to the King of England who ruled from far, far, far away.


  • If you would have been a loyalist, are you dependent, codependent, or really independent?


  • If you are scared to ask yourself if you would have been a loyalist, are you dependent, codependent, or really independent?


  • If you are of the belief that a President, Governor, Mayor, etc. should take on the role of a King to "get things done, kind of like what they do in China -- and look how THEY get things done!", are you dependent, codependent, or really independent?


  • If you are NOT physically disabled (where dependence is to be kindly and compassionately granted), but prosper financially, politically, or culturally with respect to what many Americans fervently believe is government overreach, are you dependent, codependent, or really independent?


3) We currently have numerous accusations of social media, television/print media, and both local, state, and federal government limiting conversation and debate with the justification and rationalization of "hate speech" and "microaggressions" being conflated with physical violence. 

Actors, comedians, and analysts across the political spectrum (often at their own financial peril, because they risk their own economic future) are decrying the lack of ability or allowance of debate on racial, political, sexual, economic, or cultural issues because of "cancel culture" and the like.


  • If you think that "microaggressions" and "hate speech" SHOULD be conflated with physical violence (perhaps because you think that those things usually DO lead to physical violence), are you dependent, codependent, or really independent?


  • If you think that "canceling" of conservatives on social, print, and other media, and that demonizing the GOP and other conservative/libertarian groups is acceptable "for the greater good" and/or because it gives you vindication for past and present injuries from "the Right," are you dependent, codependent, or really independent?


  • If you think that "canceling" of liberals on social, print, and other media, and that demonizing the Democratic Party and other liberal/progressive groups is acceptable "for the greater good" and/or because it gives you vindication for past and present injuries from "the Left," are you dependent, codependent, or really independent?


  • If you think that the expression "sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me" is an outmoded and irrelevant concept in our modern day, are you dependent, codependent, or really independent?


Finally, with the understanding that arguably ALL of us, including this writer, are guilty of being at times codependent or dependent, are the aforementioned questions getting you upset or angry leading you to the point where you should finally ask yourself: Am I getting dependent, codependent, or fighting to remain independent? 

Is Ken Alpern's crazy idea, previously raised here on CityWatch on numerous occasions, that we are entering a "Denaissance" of free speech, civil rights, and open-mindedness, infuriating you to the point where you should finally ask yourself: Am I getting dependent, codependent, or fighting to remain independent? 

After all, who CARES what I think or say? I'm just one person -- like you, and no more and no less.

July Fourth is over. Shall we continue to pursue true independence, or just embrace the codependence or dependence because it's so much easier? 


(Kenneth S. Alpern, M.D, is a dermatologist who has served in clinics in Los Angeles, Orange, and Riverside Counties and is a proud husband and father to two cherished children and a wonderful wife.  He was termed  out of the Mar Vista Community Council (MVCC) twice after two stints as a Board member for 8-9 years and is also a Board member of the Westside Village Homeowners Association. He previously co-chaired the MVCC Outreach, Planning, and Transportation/Infrastructure Committees.  He was previously co-chair of the CD11 Transportation Advisory Committee, the grassroots Friends of the Green Line (which focused on Green Line/LAX connection), and the nonprofit Transit Coalition, and can be reached at [email protected]. The views expressed in this article are solely those of Dr. Alpern.)