Wed, Mar

Does California Have the Best Politicians That Money Can Buy?


DIEDRA’S LA--“The definition of insanity is doing the same things over and over again but expecting different results” …. Albert Einstein 

With the California Democratic Convention quickly approaching and the local democratic clubs and unions endorsing the special election for Assembly District 54, one can’t help but wonder about plays for power. 

The power of politics should be about giving the people an equal vote and voice. It should be about encouraging participation from communities and Stakeholder’s in the electoral process, and in the end, they hopefully vote for the candidate that will allow their views to be fairly represented. At this stage, the elected is expected to facilitate open and respectful dialogue in search of meaningful solutions to the collective issues of society. 

This sounds great in theory, but reality bares this question, “when did our politicians stray from true representation of the communities and begin embracing their own self-serving agendas?” Some would say that many politicians have been bought and paid for, and with the power plays throughout California, I would have to agree. The double-edged sword of democracy comprised of traditional democracy, which stands for the equality of ALL people, and electoral democracy among the politically corrupt, which is a play for money and power. The first is empirical and the latter is normative. How unfortunate for us that corruption is the new norm. 

In the end, there is not a lot of trust in politics and at this point in history, WE THE PEOPLE, can no longer allow ourselves to be swayed by pretty words, sob stories or by promises that are broken in record time. Here are a few examples of the embarrassments to the democratic party, with the exception of one, as Mitch Englander is a Republican embarrassment: 

Following the California State Senate’s approval, Speaker Anthony Rendon blocked SB562 “Healthy California Act” from being voted on by assembly. Which also prevented millions of Californians from having affordable health care.  What did we expect? I mean after all, in 2016, Rendon received over $36,000 from pharmaceutical companies. Clearly, he has ties with drug makers. Conflict of interest for personal gain without a care for Californians. 

Mark Ridely-Thomas and his son Sebastian connected to a $100,000 misappropriation of funds scandal that was investigated by the FBI. By the way, does anyone happen to know how the former county supervisor distributed the funds sent to help the homeless? Measure H & Prop HHH

Karen Bass whose campaign donated $100K to a non-profit that she co-founded which paid her $70K as a consultant. 

And the list goes on and on, to former Los Angeles City Council members Jose Huizar and Mitch Englander’s racketeering. 

We have a homeless population that is out of control thanks to the Los Angeles County Supervisors, Mayor Eric Garcetti, the L.A. City Attorney Mike Feurer and the entire City Council.  Our housing is ridiculously unaffordable and unattainable to some, and a Los Angeles City Deficit of $700 million. 

Are these California’s finest politicians?? Or are these the best politicians that money can buy? And are the voters displaying a bit of insanity by voting for the same types of politicians over and over again and expecting a different result with only an 11% turnout? Connect the dots people.  Candidate…….endorsement……Candidate……endorsement…… Get the picture?

Stay tuned for part 3, a close look at the candidates


(Diedra M. Greenaway, MS/MBA, is a long-time community activist who lives and works in Los Angeles.)