Tue, Mar

Keep Politics Out of All Sports In America


RANTZ & RAVEZ-In February 2021, Mark Cuban, the owner of the NBA’s Dallas Mavericks, made a huge mistake by directing his NBA team to stop singing the National Anthem at the start of basketball games.  

In this great country, we have Democrats, Republicans and those who claim No Party Preference as well as a host of other political parties. Among the ranks of those political parties there are a huge number of people of all races, sexes, and religions who enjoy football, baseball, and soccer along with tennis and a variety of other competitive sports.  

The tradition has always been for the National Anthem to be sung before a game starts. I remember thousands of Dodger fans standing and singing with Nancy Bea Hefley pumping out tunes on the Dodger Stadium organ. Following the National Anthem, the game would begin, and fans would settle down to enjoy the hits and misses at Dodger Stadium. The same experience would be played out at many other American sports venues across our land that offers opportunities and freedom for all. 

Win, lose, or draw, the fans would be there for the game and not for any political reason. The Great American Sport has sustained itself for many years without any political agenda. The National Anthem should continue to be sung at sporting events and not become entangled in political issues. 

Mayor Garcetti and most members of the Los Angeles City Council can’t seem to get their act together when it comes to establishing an effective public safety plan for the people of Los Angeles. 

The latest LAPD Crime Statistics tell a frightening story for the Los Angeles business community and residents alike. As of February 20, 2021, Los Angeles has seen murders up 40%, shots fired up 90.4% and shooting victims up 143.2%. For those of you that have had your car stolen, you are part of the 34.1% increase in vehicle thefts.     

The LAPD has shrunk from a previous authorized strength of 10,000 personnel the current level of 9,786 officers and is continuing to shrink due to the funding reductions directed by Mayor Garcetti and the out of touch 15 Kings and Queens on the LA City Council.  

The Council has ordered the LAPD to come up with a plan to address the “rising violent crime in Los Angeles.” Out of touch Councilman Paul Koretz, looking for a new office to run for since he will soon be termed out, introduced a motion directing the police to provide an overview of the department’s plan to address the increase in violent crime.  

The Department will respond to the direction and we will see what they come up with. It may be additional personnel to combat the rising violent crime or additional overtime funds to deploy additional officers on the streets of Los Angeles. Or they may be bold enough to ask for the National Guard to be deployed in Los Angeles as is currently happening in Washington D.C. to provide safety in the area surrounding the Capitol. 

One plan might be for the Mayor and City Council to start defending the LAPD in their mission to provide protection for all the people of LA. Let those complaining about alleged police abuse try and cooperate with officers when stopped for an investigation. To address rising crime in the community, it is not necessary for the City to give in to those calling for reduced funding for police and give those monies to community intervention workers. When faced with crime, members of the community call 911 for help. They do not call some community intervention worker who will only end up calling 911 when they realize they can’t resolve the matter.         

While most City employees have agreed to waive their salary increases, including fire and police officers, what don’t the members of the City Council and Mayor’s office do the same? There is an old saying: lead by example. It’s time for the members of the Council and Mayor to do exactly that.    

The new way to complete crime reports in the City of LA: serve yourself 

Due to reduced resources in funding from City Hall, the LAPD has changed its policy on responding to calls for service. The New Way to service the people of LA is for them to serve themselves through a new program called The Community Online Reporting System. 

Now, drivers and passengers who suffer minor injuries during a traffic accident, must complete a report online instead of calling the police.  

All minor traffic accidents, hit and runs, thefts, vandalism, lost property, and harassing phone calls will now be reported online. No response by the police. Chief Moore stated that the reports will be followed up as necessary. In other words, your report will be a nice piece of paper for your insurance company. You can find the reporting program at lapdonline.org. 

I suggest you keep this information handy for the next time you are the victim of a crime in Los Angeles. Remember, crime is up in LA. 

More serious crimes like murder, rape, robbery, burglary, and arson will require an investigation at the scene of the crime by police personnel and when appropriate, an investigation by detectives. You are encouraged to call 911 for those more serious calls for service.  

Recall Governor Gavin Newsom and LA District Attorney George Gascon 

Many of us are fed up with the lack of leadership by Governor Newsom and the policies established by newly elected LA County District Attorney George Gascon.  

There are petitions circulating to recall these elected officials who have lost the trust of the public they were elected to serve.  

I encourage you to obtain and sign the petitions to recall Governor Newsom and DA George Gascon. Their removal from public office will help make California and Los Angeles a better and safer place for all people.    

Petitions can be obtained online to recall Governor Newsom at “RecallGavin2020.com.” 

Information on the recall District Attorney George Gascon is available here.    

I encourage you to get involved to help save your community, city, and state. 

Until next time, RantZ & RaveZ is out there trying to make sure you and your family members remain safe and COVID-19 free.    


(Dennis P. Zine is a former and retired LAPD Supervisor, former and retired 12-year Los Angeles City Councilman and current General Manager at Bell Canyon in Ventura County.) Edited for CityWatch by Linda Abrams.