Wed, Mar

A Time for Everything


MY TURN-Ecclesiastes’ list of things for which there is a season is more extensive than most of us realize, but is there ever a time to turn brother against brother? 

When God turned Cain against Abel by ridiculing Cain’s offering, Cain slew Abel.  (Genesis 4:3-4:8 What was God’s motive? He didn’t like Cain’s veggies. 

What lesson may we derive from the story?  No matter who you are, manufacturing divisiveness results in evil.  There is a difference between disagreement and the needless turning of people against each other.  Yet, Divide et Imperia has been the ploy of the powerful since society began. 

When America was founded, however, we broke with that tradition and based ourselves on the exact opposite.  Rather than creating divisions, we were a nation which took in the diverse and united them as one people.  E Pluribus Unum was the national motto until June 30, 1956 which was two years after the divisive decision of Brown v. Board of Education, 347 U.S. 483 (1954), where the US Supreme Court decided that Blacks would not be accorded the inalienable right of Liberty.  Rather, Blacks should be set aside from White America as a distinct group whose segregation rose and fell according to how well Blacks performed.  Since they were not doing as well as Whites under segregation in the 1950's, segregation was temporarily unconstitutional. [NOTE: Brown should be rewritten: “Segregation by ascriptive status is per se unconstitutional as a violation of an individual’s inalienable and constitutional right of Liberty.”) 

People shun the examining the deeper through patterns which influence their behavior.  The division between Whites and Blacks which the Warren Supreme Court subconsciously legitimized still plagues us today. Likewise, the change from “E Pluribus Unum” to “In God We Trust” harmed the domestic tranquility.  Not only was the abandonment of E Pluribus Unum a betrayal of the Declaration of Independence’s premise that each individual has the same inalienable rights as the basis of our government, but the adoption of In God We Trust directly violated First Amendment.  The government and religion per se were to remain separate.  Millions of Americans do not believe in God, but when a nation turns to mob rule, the minority has no rights no matter what the Constitution says.  

E Pluribus Unum envisions people from all over the world coming to America to form one nation. Millions of people do not worship one god.  Foisting upon others a motto which transgresses their core identities was an example of the powerful trampling on the rights of the few.  Whether Americans acknowledge it or not, the adoption of a religious motto affirmed the idea that inalienable and constitutional rights are transitory, subject to the passion of the powerful. 

The Discarding of the Republic in Favor of a Democracy Portends Doom 

Just as we abandoned the concepts of individual inalienable rights as the basis for a legitimate government, we have de facto abandoned the Republic for a mobocracy where the one true god has become garnering the most votes by hook or crook.  A Republic’s hallmark is the balancing of power against power so that competing factions have to accommodate each other and for people to have the wisdom and integrity to know when it is the proper season to press one’s personal interest and when it is the time to compromise.  Our historic peaceful transition of power is how we show true patriotism. 

Now That Trump Is Trashing the Peaceful Transition, Whom Do We Blame? 

Since Trump is mentally ill, the extent to which he may be held morally accountable is questionable, but we know who began the assault on the peaceful transition – The Democrats.  Obama personally and his administration faithfully performed its duty, but the Pelosi Dems behaved shamelessly by eternally questioning the legitimacy of Trump’s election. #NotMyPresident, etc. were daggers into Trump’s fragile ego.  There is a time “to reap what you sow,” and the Pelosi Dems sowed the seed that the candidate with 306 electoral college votes is an illegitimate President. 

Pelosi Dems Galvanized the Alt Right 

Pelosi and other high-ranking officials have known for years that the Alt Right is home of gun tooting, religious zealots and bigots. More than that, the Dems were warned not to pose an existential threat to this dangerous element.  That is exactly what Pelosi Dems have done with the anti-White Identity Politics.  Pelosi Dems have pursued a divisive political strategy by forming an anti-white base, promising that the minorities will electorally seize control of the nation in order to seek retribution from the white evildoers.  The blindness of the majority of Dems to the racist basis of the Pelosi Identity Politics is as frightening as Alt Right’s claiming their Second Amendment rights.  

Let’s be clear that Pelosi Dems have promised to make White Americans strangers in America.  The old lady who told John McCain that Obama was an Arab was wrong on so many levels.  McCain gently corrected her, but she was expressing a fear which had been implanted in her by both the Alt Right and Alt Left, i.e., she and her family were welcome in America.  The Alt Right widely disseminated, as a recruitment tool, the Dem’s White Entitlement (Privilege) Doctrine to the Right side of the political spectrum. It holds that all Whites, independent of any personal actions, owe all Black America reparations. (One should not confuse Black Lives Matter with Pelosi Dems.)  In brief, Pelosi Dems were and are making an existential threat against White Americans. (Dems ignore that many in their faux group Latinx are White, and then wonder why they lost Florida.) 

We Should Be Thankful That Trump Is Mentally Ill 

In an ironic way, America should be thankful that Trump suffers from a mental illness and that his most dangerous disorder is a Histrionic Personality Disorder.  If Trump were merely a narcissist or a psychopath, he would most likely have the acumen not to reveal himself.  Histrionics, however, suffer from an intellectual deficit where they must be the center of public attention and receive constant public adulation.  In addition, Histrionics are unable to form complex ideas -- hence Trump’s bizarre speech pattern with its dramatic words unhinged from reality.  Thus, the nation rejected Trump as a person while rejecting the Pelosi Dems. 

Biden’s Mandate: Shun the Extreme Left and Extreme Right 

The Declaration set forth one goal for America -- to secure the inalienable rights of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.  As Abe Lincoln said, “Liberty for all.”  That goal may be advanced only by governance from the center.


(Richard Lee Abrams is a Los Angeles attorney and a CityWatch contributor. He can be reached at: [email protected]. Abrams’ views are his own and do not necessarily reflect the views of CityWatch.)
