Tue, Mar

Extremism in Pursuit of Virtue Is a Vice!


VIEW FROM HERE--The elections show that most Americans want extremism to go away.  One of the best things which happened to Joe Biden is that under the tutelage of Nancy Pelosi, the Dems lost seats in the House of Representatives.

For the same reason, Dems have, so far, failed to take control of the Senate – fear of far-Left racist policies.  If the two Georgia Senate races go to run offs in January 2021, they will become a referendum on how Joe Biden behaves as President elect. 

These election results harken back to the Goldwater loss in 1964 where voters rejected the claim that extremism was a virtue. (Goldwater, however, was mouthing words which he failed to understand and hence he said the exact opposite of what Prof. Harry Jaffa intended.)  From time to time Americans have strayed towards extremism, but each time we’ve recoiled when we saw where extremism was leading. 

Biden Has One Mandate: Banish the Pernicious Evil of Racist Group Rights 

From the drafting of the Declaration of Independence through the writing of the US Constitution with the immediate addition of the Bill of Rights to the James Madison’s warning about “factions” in Federalist Paper #10, Group Rights have stalked the Republic.  In 1832 Alexis de Tocqueville’s Democracy in America explored how the passion for group rights, i.e. equality, was the enemy of Liberty. As Abraham Lincoln said the core of America’s soul was “liberty to all” and he expressly included Blacks. 

Liberal California Rejected Group Rights Twice in this Election 

(1) Californians rejected Proposition 16 with its looming danger to reimpose quotas.  Voters remembered that the so-called “guidelines” of Affirmative Action were strict quotas. “Fool me once shame on you; fool me twice shame on me.” 

(2) Angelenos voted out of office Los Angeles County District Attorney Jackie Lacey, who happens to be Black.  

There is no gainsaying that Black Lives Matter is why White Gaston is replacing Black Lacey.  BLM objected to systemic predatory racism.  Three years of Wednesday protests!  Remarkable persistence.  Although Jackie Lacey refused to meet with BLM to discuss ending the predatory nature of the criminal justice system, BLM’s focus was not on her as an individual, but on the system which she protected.  BLM’s demand for systemic change is moving us towards “Liberty to all.”. 

Biden’s Sole Mandate is Stop the Divisiveness! 

Biden has no mandate on the Green New Deal, he has no mandate on Medicare for All as opposed to other ways to extend health care to all, and he certainly has no mandate to continue to Pelosi’s odious Identity Politics.  While Nancy Pelosi should have been excised from the Dem leadership before the November 2010 elections, allowing her racist policies to continue is why Trump won in 2016.  Hillary called White voters the D-word. 

Let’s Be Honest – Trump Is Mentally Unstable 

Due to his histrionic personality disorder, Trump has been roaringly incompetent in handling Covid-19.  Sending Americans into grocery stores and to rallies without masks is like sending soldiers into battle without rifles.  Trump killed his own demographic, i.e. elderly white people.  Some Texas Trumpists even called for the elderly to voluntarily die so that the 1% could continue to make money!   Had Trump been a psychopath or a mere narcissist, he would have been smart enough to use the virus to propel himself to a huge win in November 2020 by being the general who defeated the evil China Virus.  Being a histrionic, however, he could not foresee the consequences of his vanity.  Histrionics tend to mistake their words for reality.  His disorder also leads him to believe that a majority of the nation supports him and his extremist ways.

The Way to End Divisiveness 

The vast majority of Americans live in political center and like ballast in a ship, they shift from side to side so that the government does not go too far towards one extreme.  Power mongers, however, care naught for preserving the Union; they only want to conquer it.  With control of the government, they will seize control of the economy.  That’s the motive behind having the nation draw apart from itself into two warring political parties without common ground.  Each side hopes to capture all power through elections and then own the economy. To thwart that evil, the Founding Fathers fashioned Republic and shunned a democracy. 

The way to debilitate extremism is to govern from the center.  The Freedom Caucus cannot control the GOP when the moderate GOP and the moderate Dem cooperate -- so too with the Group Rights cadre on the Left with its anti-Semitism. 

Black Lives Matter’s Systemic Change Recapitulates Jefferson, Lincoln and MLK 

BLM provides all America with an alternative to Identity Politics – stop focusing on the color, ethnicity or gender.  Black cops kill Black teenagers and minority prosecutors railroad minorities with lying jailhouse informants.  A system like the California State Bar which encourages viciously predatory behavior among prosecutors must end. The LA City Council must stop destroying rent-controlled homes to benefit billionaire developers. 

Joe Biden Uses That Crucial Word “Systemic”  

Systemic transformation is required throughout society.  The LA city council is as diverse as any political body can be, but its diversity has not stopped its systemic, predatory abuse.  It is not the people but the system which needs changing. LA Councilmember David Ryu’s successor, Nithya Raman, will no doubt participate in the criminal vote trading process. http://bit.ly/1W74Er9 February 7, 2016, Zwartz Talk, The Corruption Eradicator, The 3/15/45 City Council, by Scott Zwartz 

Systemic Change Benefits All Americans 

De-escalation procedures will benefit not only the public but the officers, since the confrontational policies take a huge toll on the police themselves.  Allowing judges to impose their personal prejudices under Cal Const. Art VI Sec 10 permits California’s court to be hideously racist and corrupt.  Allowing the LA Sheriff’s Department to have its own racist gangs cannot be tolerated.  A system which shoves 90% of productivity gains to the top 1% while giving $15 Trillion to banks but sending Main Street America into foreclosure and bankruptcy, as the Obama Administration did, primes the nation for a demagogue. 

Biden Embraced the Need for Systemic Change 

The key to America’s survival is for the moderate GOP and the moderate Dems to join forces to govern from the center – that is, institutions must be systemically refashioned to promote “Liberty to all.” 


(Richard Lee Abrams is a Los Angeles attorney and a CityWatch contributor. He can be reached at: [email protected]. Abrams’ views are his own and do not necessarily reflect the views of CityWatch.)
