Sat, Mar

Inglewood Residents Express Disappointment in Mayor’s Leadership, Then City Deletes the Evidence


SOUTH OF THE 10--Inglewood residents are no longer enamored with Mayor James T. Butts and how he “gets shit done“.  

During the regular city council meeting held September 15th, many used the public comment portion of the meeting to express their disagreement with his retaliation against Treasurer Wanda Brown by removing duties from her office.

One by one callers spoke of the city forging the city manager’s signature, on important staff reports, most recently the Development and Disposition Agreement with Steve Ballmer, which includes the city agreeing to use eminent domain to acquire certain parcels, that once the city acquires them, will in essence be given to him.


Most importantly residents expressed concern with City Manager Artie Fields and CFO/Assistant City Manager David Esparza putting together a staff report, to strip duties from Brown, that neither of them had the balls to either sign or present.  That task was left up to Sharon Koike, the Assistant Finance Director who in typical Mayor Butts fashion answered all of the questions he posed to her.  This action ultimately gives Mayor Butts absolute control over the city’s finances.

Because Mayor Butts doesn’t handle criticism well, and unfortunately his fragile ego had the city’s social media team delete the video from the city’s Facebook page.  It will most likely be edited and reposted after Butts removes the unflattering remarks.

“This man has consistently and repeatedly done things that have been corrupt and yet somehow these major developers of sports teams continue to do business with him,” said D’Artagnan Scorza, president of the Inglewood Unified School District, “because ultimately it gets them what they want, right?” (Read the rest.)  
